Death-Battle Forum RP

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Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 01 Jul 2015, 18:12

Here are the Rules: Rule 0.)Every topic will be a move, at the top of every topic you must name who you are moving for and glow it in the pre-selected colors.
Rule 1.) All Moves must be sensible, not super duper moves that end everything (E.G. USA Nukes the rest of the world, they win, or Queen eats Bob. Queen Wins. )
Rule 2.) Cant do moves outside the Fighter(s) Powers/Abilities/Weaponry/Skills
Rule 3.) UM Can't play Be very Detailed in your moves, try to add as many Details as you can.
Rule 4.) Minimum Sentences: 3 Maximum Sentences: 8 No run on Sentences
Rule 5.) Don't be a Dick, this is for fun, not for you to be a asshole.
Rule 6.)If any of these rules are broken your input becomes invalid ( And moves in response to the invalid move also are rendered invalid
Rule 7.) It is a Single Move System. Ex: Luke Skywalker cant move twice in a row, the enemy has to move before Luke can have another Turn.
Rule 8.) If it is a broad term (( EG: The Imperial Army, USA Navy, Xenomorph Hive)) All of the minor troops are included. (( EG: The Rebel Army *Star Wars* would not include Luke Skywalker ))
Rule 9.) Anyone can declare a Move for any team, just so long it follows the rules.
Rule 10.) Edits are allowed, only if your Action has not been responded to.

Darth Vader Versus Xenomorph Hive

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 01 Jul 2015, 18:16


Darth Vader slowly marches towards the fallen Imperial Cruiser, shot down by rebel scum, in hopes of regaining a high-tech Plasma Blaster for his Star Ship.
As he marches closer to the Fallen ship, he discovers it has been covered in a sticky purple Resin.
Slicing through the resin with his lightsaber, he enters the ship

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by LordeKilly » 01 Jul 2015, 18:34

Team: Captain Kirk

Kirk does the macarena Time Warp towards Darth Vader, his hips gyrating to an unknown source of music, shouting, "LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!" poised to fight with him in a battle of dance!
Sniffing in the air, he'd find a smell of sourness, salt.
It was coming from his haters on Team Star Wars.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 01 Jul 2015, 22:19

LordeKilly wrote:Team: Captain Kirk

Kirk does the macarena Time Warp towards Darth Vader, his hips gyrating to an unknown source of music, shouting, "LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!" poised to fight with him in a battle of dance!
Sniffing in the air, he'd find a smell of sourness, salt.
It was coming from his haters on Team Star Wars.
The Teams were announced silly, you can pull it out of thin air

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by LordeKilly » 02 Jul 2015, 01:14

Man, Cap'm Kirk needs love too.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by RehabBaron » 02 Jul 2015, 01:37

Team: Aliens

Through the vents of the Imperial Ship, the warrior crawls. Popping out from the vent in the ceiling, the warrior pounces on Darth Vader, temporarily stunning him and throws two face huggers at his face.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 02 Jul 2015, 10:10

Team: Darth Vader

Quickly recovering from the pounce, with the aid of his mechanical limbs, he draws his red lightsaber.
Through the glow of his saber he spots the huggers and slashes them in half in mid-air.
Spotting the Warrior, he force grabs it then slams it into the side of the ship's hallway.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Woodrow Houstan » 02 Jul 2015, 10:29

Team: Aliens

The Xenomorph Queen sends 2 warriors to assist the warrior in taking down Darth Vader
The two warriors distract Darth Vader long enough for the other warrior to recover
The warrior now gets into a pounce position ready to pounce on Darth Vader
Last edited by Woodrow Houstan on 03 Jul 2015, 07:43, edited 1 time in total.

Yep my name profile name is Woodrow Houston cause I made this in a rush.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 02 Jul 2015, 11:01

Woodrow Houstan wrote:Team: Aliens

The Xenomorph Queen sends 2 warriors to assist the warrior in taking down Darth Vader

Need atleast 3 sentences

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Woodrow Houstan » 02 Jul 2015, 11:07

Alright I'm gonna change it

EDIT: Oh wait rule 10 is in effect

Yep my name profile name is Woodrow Houston cause I made this in a rush.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 02 Jul 2015, 12:54

Woodrow Houstan wrote:Alright I'm gonna change it

EDIT: Oh wait rule 10 is in effect
I havnt RP Responed to it, go ahead and change it

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by InsertCleverNameHere » 02 Jul 2015, 20:18

Team: Aliens

The Queen realizing that Darth Vader is too strong tells her warrior to fall back to the hive. Once back in the hive him and a spitter Vent crawl just outside the cruiser to stalk Darth Vader. They continue to watch him waiting for a moment to strike.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 03 Jul 2015, 09:41

Team: Darth Vader
Darth Vader marches onward, slashing through resin in his wake.
As he cuts his way through the ship he seems to be heading for the Bridge.
But, slashing through resin once more, he meets a egg chamber

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by RehabBaron » 03 Jul 2015, 13:14

Team: Aliens

While Vader is busy with huggers going at his face, the queen and the spitter engage. The spitter spits at Vader, gaining his attention. While he is distracted, the face huggers tear off his mask.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 03 Jul 2015, 22:19

Team: Darth Vader

Quickly slashes through the Huggers, holding his breath, he force slams the Spitter (( When the fuck did the Queen get there? )) then Force grabs his masks and reseals it. Tapping a Button on his suit he suction seals it to his face. Turn to the Spitter he force throws it in the air and jerks it towards him. Vader then thrurts his saber into the Spitter's neck it reappearing in the top of it's head.


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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by InsertCleverNameHere » 03 Jul 2015, 22:38

Holy fuck Butter if you made that and you aren't already you should go into an art career, that shit is badass as fuck.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by InsertCleverNameHere » 03 Jul 2015, 22:40

Team: Aliens

The acid blood spills onto darth vader. His light saber takes the brunt of the acid, quickly dissolving. The Warrior seizes this chance to pounce vader and face hug him.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 03 Jul 2015, 22:47

Team: Darth Vader

Vader force pushes that Warrior aside, forcing him to drop his hugger. He then slashes the Hugger in half, then advandces on the Warrior force grabbing him and jerking him towards the wall, then the other wall. He keeps smashing the warrior into the Wall. Then once Acid is everywhere he Saber throws and cuts off the Warrior's head, then force pulling his lightsaber towards him.

(( Everyone hating on Vader smd ))

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by InsertCleverNameHere » 03 Jul 2015, 23:03

B-but....Vader no longer had a saber....

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by MrJJJ » 04 Jul 2015, 00:40

You can"t dissolve his saber and not do the same to his hand
Etc you gonna need to be trying to dissolve the hand he is holding the saber just so something that can happen to make his saber vulnerable to be melted or etc

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by UnknownMurder » 04 Jul 2015, 02:51

You really can't dissolve a saber when Vader is holding it. It takes precision.

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by coroneljones » 04 Jul 2015, 06:23

And...lightsabers cauterise wounds
That and the acid would probably disolve if it touched the plasma blade
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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by TopHatPenguin » 04 Jul 2015, 07:56

Not gonna lie i don't see how you can win on this Rp if it's just being countering each other all the time ^^
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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by Butterrobber202 » 04 Jul 2015, 09:17

Yea ikr, These fuckers dont know their star wars, YOU CANT EVEN RIP OFF VADER'S MASK

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Re: Death-Battle Forum RP

Post by LordeKilly » 05 Jul 2015, 02:51

yes you can. luke did it. I'm not so sure a light saber can cauterize a wound, seeing how if you get near it, it melts your skin, and I don't think you can melt it either, because it's...light. You can't melt light unless you want to break reality and have Captain Kirk, James Cameron, Nathan Drake and Grayson Hunt of Dead Echo team to come and kill both of them.

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