what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

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what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by block1 » 06 Jul 2015, 19:06

i would hug myself and say sugoi.

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Allan1234 » 06 Jul 2015, 19:09

i would (Removed due to ERP rule) and (removed due to ERP rule) then i would (removed due to ERP rule) and procede to (removed due to ERP rule) THEN i would (removed due to ERP rule) and (removed due to ERP rule) also i would (JESUS FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALLAN)

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by coroneljones » 06 Jul 2015, 19:56

Heinrick Archsider wrote:i would (Removed due to ERP rule) and (removed due to ERP rule) then i would (removed due to ERP rule) and procede to (removed due to ERP rule) THEN i would (removed due to ERP rule) and (removed due to ERP rule) also i would (JESUS FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALLAN)
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I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Feweh » 06 Jul 2015, 19:59

This is mildly inappropriate to discuss on a forum filled with young children. Somewhat unnerving that a member of the staff already set the tone for this to be extremely inappropriate as well.

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by block1 » 06 Jul 2015, 20:30

Pink wrote:This is mildly inappropriate to discuss on a forum filled with young children. Somewhat unnerving that a member of the staff already set the tone for this to be extremely inappropriate as well.
stop being a baby and imagine if you woke up as a cute girl

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Butterrobber202 » 06 Jul 2015, 22:28

Is a little inappropriate, but


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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by MrGabol100 » 06 Jul 2015, 22:50

Post the same shit on 4chan /b/, then post the link to the thread.

keks are 100%

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Allan1234 » 06 Jul 2015, 23:46

coroneljones wrote: *Commissar Dispatched*
Hey jones Go (Removed due to ERP rule) yourself then (Removed due to ERP rule) and (Removed due to ERP rule) and well your at it (WHO THE FUCK EVEN THINKS OF THIS?)

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by UnknownMurder » 07 Jul 2015, 00:52

If I were a girl... Well... Nothing... Just continue my life on this Colonial Marines as I would...in my Male life.

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Screamingstar » 07 Jul 2015, 02:52

Inappropriate......but there is a thing called Gender Reassignment Surgery.

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by MrGabol100 » 07 Jul 2015, 07:19

UnknownMurder wrote:If I were a girl... Well... Nothing... Just continue my life on this Colonial Marines as I would...in my Male life.
Please, everyone, speak properly "Grill" or "Gruhl" not "Girl".

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Felkvir » 08 Jul 2015, 10:18

Pink wrote:This is mildly inappropriate to discuss on a forum filled with young children. Somewhat unnerving that a member of the staff already set the tone for this to be extremely inappropriate as well.

Filled with young children?

Yeeeeaaaahhhh- no ...

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 08 Jul 2015, 18:30


Pretty much the whole thread. Still got a good chuckle out of all the [REDACTED].

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Lostmixup » 15 Jul 2015, 22:30

I would wake up.
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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Allan1234 » 15 Jul 2015, 22:39

oh yes, i would alos go and (removed due to ERP rule) and (Ok NOPE your gone allan)

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by MrJJJ » 16 Jul 2015, 01:56

I would kill myself

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 16 Jul 2015, 06:26


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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Evilkyle24 » 16 Jul 2015, 10:07

First I would ███████████ and then I would ██████████████ and finally [DATA EXPUNGED].


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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Mordrehel » 16 Jul 2015, 15:29

Well, first I'd thank the stars that my girlfriend is bi.

Then I have no clue because... Why would I?

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Youbar » 16 Jul 2015, 18:41

I'd become the next Anita Sarkeesian. After all, "the patriarchy" and "male privilege" must all be abolished. ;)

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by johners12345 » 20 Jul 2015, 21:41

This is a very interesting thread to me. I must take part. First off.
Mordrehel wrote:Well, first I'd thank the stars that my girlfriend is bi.

Then I have no clue because... Why would I?
This guy Knows what to be thankful for

I would hope Hope my family would accept that I now love my self even more. proceed to Go with girls, Become the cutest girl ever. Move to japan, become a voice actor for anime and RULE THE WORLD! BWAHHAHAHA! Also I would [redacted]

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by UristmcAxedwarf » 17 Aug 2015, 19:11

I would be one of the few to give no shits and continue with my normal life....just as a girl....

also evilkyle your data expunged was the best on this. Also why arent you Dr bright on this forum?

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by FreddeX91 » 18 Aug 2015, 11:46

Probably freak the heck out because it would either mean that a) someone drugged me and used surgery to alter my gender b) I unwittingly became the victim of some strange force that altered my gender or c) I was suffering from a delusion which made me believe I was a guy even though I had been a girl all my life.

All three alternatives are extremely disturbing no matter how you look at them...
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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by kurugi » 18 Aug 2015, 12:26

Make a thread about it on colonial marines.

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Re: what would you do if you woke up and were a cute girl

Post by Dyne » 18 Aug 2015, 14:34

I'd get some cute dresses. /\_/\
Then get a gun.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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