That Guy Destroys All Psionics

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That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Evilkyle24 » 30 Aug 2015, 18:34

So I've known about this story for a while, in case you haven't, or if you have, here it is. Its good for a laugh.

The only reported case of scoring a solid 2 on the Henderson Scale of Plot Derailment. Its long, so be prepared for a read. And no, it was not me. Direct Copy and Paste, Strong language ahead kiddos.

Meet the Party
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The Story Proper

Party Strife Just a Few Minutes In
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The First PK Attempt
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The Second PK Attempt
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Well, No More Psions Means No More BBEG...
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The First Scratch
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The Second Scratch
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The Third Scratch
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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Artyom » 30 Aug 2015, 18:43

no one gets this

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Evilkyle24 » 30 Aug 2015, 18:55

Its a story about a guy who got kicked out of an RPG for killing a god three times by himself.

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Jack McIntyre » 30 Aug 2015, 19:31

So basically this right?

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Artyom » 30 Aug 2015, 20:11

what game

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Evilkyle24 » 30 Aug 2015, 22:04

... Pathfinder. It tells you that in the second line.

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Evilkyle24 » 30 Aug 2015, 23:10

Adam Hunter wrote:

So basically this right?
Playing a game with Tyrell as the DM would be amazing.

Also, eh...? This guy gets picked on by the rest of the players so he destroys the in game universe while staying within established rules, then gets kicked out. In the video the GM just can't handle going off the rails.

I have, however, pulled a similar stunt as the video. D20 Modern Arcana, So modern day, I was a Kobold that killed the occupant of the neighboring apartment with a nailgun, the same nailgun that bastard was using to shoot nails through the walls into my apartment. Then I stole his can of soup and frying pan, which were his only posessions, and ran out of the building and stole his car.

I also stole another PC's candy bar.

Then there was the Skyrim one where I burned down the Riften bar within ten minutes as a Dark Elf Mage, then killed a deer with an ice spike and went to college.

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Jack McIntyre » 30 Aug 2015, 23:24

Yea just had to do a joke, had no idea what you were going on about, but once you gave a quick summary, I was like, pretty sure i heard that before :p. My buddy does a lot of D&D, I never got into it, but he talked about all that fun crap. I was like dude what game are you playing to do all that fun stuff and then he mentioned that and I was just like....oh...I don't do that myself, but alright man awesome! Be cool if they made a game with that much freedom.

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 31 Aug 2015, 09:11

you can have alot of freedom in D&D and other tabletops, the problem is that in reality freedom is kind of a bad thing in tabletop, you wouldn't think it is but it can be a god awful thing.

heres why.

so alot of the time ill see guys run "Sandbox Games", essentially these are games in which there is no main quest or main big bad out to destroy the world, WE decide who the big bad is and what we want to do and where to take the story, which on the one hand sounds great since we can make a story interesting and relevant to our party of characters but on the other hand ones the players are free to do anything they wont want to do anything.

its weird i know but at best, infinite freedom will at best just lead to them fucking around and making alot of pop culture references and jokes with no actual quest or goal in mind, pretty soon they'll all get bored and leave or the DM will flake and bail, its kind of like how when we're broke all we can think of is a million things we'd spend the money on but if we suddenly get alot of money we cant think of anything to buy or what would be REALLY important so we blow all our cash on stupid shit that ultimately, we dont need, even if they DO come up with something then at best the DM has a week to throw something together or pull something out of his ass and the job will usually end up feeling rushed, what should be an epic quest to last three months will be done in two sessions and the dm will have nothing to go afterwards, its just bad overall.

another downside is that "Sandbox Game" is another way of saying "DM has nothing Planned"

i mean think about it, if the dungeon master has a story in mind he knows EVERYTHING about the NPC's you guys will run into, he has carefully crafted this worldsetting over a long time and has put intense effort into it and even if you guys come across something he missed he can usually fill the gap in somehow on the spot and HOW the dm does that can sometimes lead to some really interesting stories, sandbox however means the dm expects YOU guys to come up with all the ideas and do all the work which, even if you want to odds are good you wont know how or understand how hard it can actually be to make certain things, it will become obvious right away when the DM is just half assing everything.

the ideal thing is to give people the ILLUSION of choice, people bitch about being on the plot railroad all the time but really sometimes the rails are for the best, i'd really have a really memorable and interesting battle filled with vibrant characters then some generic fight against random guys he rolled off a table we're only fighting so we can get more cash and xp, not every fight can BE that way but its alot easier to make things not only interesting, but sensible if you guys have actual goals you are trying to accomplish and moving along plot lines and dealing with characters the DM has actually written up, you want the party to feel like they have freedom but realistically that can only ever go so far.

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Artyom » 31 Aug 2015, 13:07

all of your rp games are shit

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Re: That Guy Destroys All Psionics

Post by Evilkyle24 » 01 Sep 2015, 15:08

Mycroft Macarthur wrote:you can have alot of freedom in D&D and other tabletops, the problem is that in reality freedom is kind of a bad thing in tabletop, you wouldn't think it is but it can be a god awful thing.

heres why.

so alot of the time ill see guys run "Sandbox Games", essentially these are games in which there is no main quest or main big bad out to destroy the world, WE decide who the big bad is and what we want to do and where to take the story, which on the one hand sounds great since we can make a story interesting and relevant to our party of characters but on the other hand ones the players are free to do anything they wont want to do anything.

its weird i know but at best, infinite freedom will at best just lead to them fucking around and making alot of pop culture references and jokes with no actual quest or goal in mind, pretty soon they'll all get bored and leave or the DM will flake and bail, its kind of like how when we're broke all we can think of is a million things we'd spend the money on but if we suddenly get alot of money we cant think of anything to buy or what would be REALLY important so we blow all our cash on stupid shit that ultimately, we dont need, even if they DO come up with something then at best the DM has a week to throw something together or pull something out of his ass and the job will usually end up feeling rushed, what should be an epic quest to last three months will be done in two sessions and the dm will have nothing to go afterwards, its just bad overall.

another downside is that "Sandbox Game" is another way of saying "DM has nothing Planned"

i mean think about it, if the dungeon master has a story in mind he knows EVERYTHING about the NPC's you guys will run into, he has carefully crafted this worldsetting over a long time and has put intense effort into it and even if you guys come across something he missed he can usually fill the gap in somehow on the spot and HOW the dm does that can sometimes lead to some really interesting stories, sandbox however means the dm expects YOU guys to come up with all the ideas and do all the work which, even if you want to odds are good you wont know how or understand how hard it can actually be to make certain things, it will become obvious right away when the DM is just half assing everything.

the ideal thing is to give people the ILLUSION of choice, people bitch about being on the plot railroad all the time but really sometimes the rails are for the best, i'd really have a really memorable and interesting battle filled with vibrant characters then some generic fight against random guys he rolled off a table we're only fighting so we can get more cash and xp, not every fight can BE that way but its alot easier to make things not only interesting, but sensible if you guys have actual goals you are trying to accomplish and moving along plot lines and dealing with characters the DM has actually written up, you want the party to feel like they have freedom but realistically that can only ever go so far.
One of the reasons the DM doesn't have a plan is that no plan will survive first contact with the players.

The skyrim one, we had a main quest giver, and we kidnapped him and sold him into slavery within ten minutes of the game starting. We got back on the main quest because we got a letter and decided we had nothing better to do.

In the D20 Modern one, we're getting paid and the person is the head of a massive organization and was kind enough to give my character a job and paid vacations.

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