Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Sebro » 04 Dec 2015, 16:51

Sadokist wrote: well I mean they breed by making eggs and planting larvae in hosts. so I figure if they were gonna conquer they'd kill us all.
Nah...they'd farm us right? Sustainable hosts?

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Sadokist » 04 Dec 2015, 22:36

Sebro wrote: Nah...they'd farm us right? Sustainable hosts?
probably be too difficult for them

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Siserith Vassada » 06 Dec 2015, 01:52

Sadokist wrote: lol, "stop the train for nothing!" *1 day later* "we're out of fuel damnit"
(nuclear powered train from snowpeircer) (xenos melt tracks)

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Sadokist » 07 Dec 2015, 04:39

Siserith Vassada wrote: (nuclear powered train from snowpeircer) (xenos melt tracks)
Yea there's no way around it. Really you just gotta run as far away as quick as possible to the most remote place you can find.

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Terminator541 » 07 Dec 2015, 07:08

If an alien outbreak were to occur on Earth, there would be zero hope of survival for humanity. The best you could do is dig a bunker and hope the xenos never find you, but even then they always find a way!
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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Aredal » 07 Dec 2015, 09:53

To die while not being infected you could always put on some sort of a helmet with metal spikes around your face, good luck taking it off but still, THEY WONT TAKE YOU IN ALIVE!!!

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by Stivan34 » 23 Dec 2015, 10:18

Really? ALL HUMANS against 50 or 60 xenos?
Dabbingly dab.

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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by RhMoore » 30 Dec 2015, 22:20

Get out of town, get out into the Secret Enclave Oil Rig before the countries and the xenos turn into thermonuclear goop. Our problem will be surviving the Nuclear-irradiated xenos (Fallout 2 aliens anyone?)
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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by RhMoore » 30 Dec 2015, 22:23

Sebro wrote: Nah...they'd farm us right? Sustainable hosts?
That's getting pretty Matrix-y.
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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by coolsurf6 » 31 Dec 2015, 00:24

RhMoore wrote: That's getting pretty Matrix-y.
It always was
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Re: Scenario: Alien Apocalypse

Post by MrJJJ » 26 Jan 2016, 02:35

I would just make Knight Grenades and ask the fucking millitary to put them into mass-production, war is gonna be won but with 2 billion at least casualties or more XD

or try finding explosive bullets

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