[FORUM GAME] RISK! Pro Edition

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Re: [FORUM GAME] RISK! Pro Edition

Post by Dorkkeli » 25 Jul 2018, 04:58

How do i risk
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Re: [FORUM GAME] RISK! Pro Edition

Post by Casany » 25 Jul 2018, 10:45

GG I think the real winner here was SOUTH AFRICA WOOOOOO
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Re: [FORUM GAME] RISK! Pro Edition

Post by Build_R_ » 25 Jul 2018, 14:53

Man, risk seems complicated.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
Image                                                         Image  Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse. 

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