post your forum derps.

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Byond: lordekilly

post your forum derps.

Post by LordeKilly » 30 Mar 2016, 21:01


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Re: post your forum derps.

Post by Allan1234 » 30 Mar 2016, 22:33

LordeKilly wrote:Image
Ahh I remember back in the day when I cared about looking at every, single, post, ever made. Now I just don't care unless it looks interesting.
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Re: post your forum derps.

Post by MrJJJ » 05 Apr 2016, 02:53

Allan1234 wrote: Ahh I remember back in the day when I cared about looking at every, single, post, ever made. Now I just don't care unless it looks interesting.
1700+ notifications, could have been larger if i subcribed to every, single, forum.

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