So I saw Jungle Book...

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Byond: Apophis775

So I saw Jungle Book...

Post by apophis775 » 15 Apr 2016, 23:07


It was MUCH better than I was expecting. I didn't see who was in it ahead of time, and I was VERY PLEASANTLY SURPRISED when Christopher Walken appeared after being heralded by a Cowbell.

The only reason I take a point off, is the 100% LACK OF CONTINUITY WITH HIS INJURIES. I understand, that they makeup department was working with a kid, but when you go through the effort to make the scars and add wounds and then make them bloody, you need to REMEMBER WHERE THEY ARE.

Other than that, it was AMAZING.

Seriously, go watch this.

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Re: So I saw Jungle Book...

Post by Google » 22 Apr 2016, 23:40

Louie the monkey was the movie, everything else was eh.

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Re: So I saw Jungle Book...

Post by qsleepy » 25 Apr 2016, 21:14

I felt the movie was a racist portrayal of life in Chicago.

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