struggle—stained with blood but never treason!—in helping The Computer achieve its imminent and inevitable victory over Communism.
I've been thinking of setting up a game of the tabletop RPG Paranoia. The setting of the game feels similar to medium-RP SS13, so i think it's a good fit for the community.
I'm looking for 3-6 players to join a game, which should last somewhere between 1-3 hours. If you haven't played tabletop games before, feel free to get in touch anyway, but please do let me know that it's your first time.
The game will be held online (text based) at some point in the next two weeks, assuming I get enough players. If there's enough interest, I might run this as a fortnightly thing.
Anyway, onto the game.
Here are a few basic things you need to know about the game:
- You each play a troubleshooter, an untrained soldier that obeys the every command of the paranoid and psychotic AI, Friend Computer
- You are not expected to learn the rules. In fact: Knowing the rules is against the rules!
- Your character will die. A lot. Luckily, you have a limited supply of clones to replace you.
- You kill traitors. Mutants are traitors. You are a mutant. It so happens that your comrades also kill traitors. Be careful.
If you're interested in playing, this pdf has all the information that you are allowed to know. You can use that information to create a character. We will be using the 40 point system (point buy) for stats, and I will assign you mutant powers and secret societies.
Here is a link to download the character sheet.
If I get more than 6 players interested, I'll be basing my decision entirely on biased and unfair reasons. Mostly on the quality of your character sheet.
Have a pleasant day, citizen.