Completely usel- Useful facts!

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Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by TeknoKot » 10 Jun 2016, 11:14

Did you know you can get whitelisted into predator if you ERP? It must be very detailed!

Did you know shooting the commander in the face gives you admin powers? Just wait until a moderator or someone else PMs you!

Did you know murdering entire medbay staff gives you healing powers? You're basically invincible!

Did you know rushing into the hive after deploying is the only way to win? I didn't!
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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by Ocnjak20 » 10 Jun 2016, 11:19

Yeeeah, Acid goop, if it was legit suggestion for new players I would take it srsly >:D

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by darklizard45 » 10 Jun 2016, 19:22

If you are a xeno and see an infected marine nested, don't forget to click on him with harm intent it makes the larva burst faster

As a queen don't lay eggs, just rush to nexus at the beggining of the round and kill all the marines before they evolve

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by KeyWii » 10 Jun 2016, 19:23

If an Admin breathes, post about how bullshit it is on Reddit

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by monkeysfist101 » 10 Jun 2016, 21:43

Yell at the dev team and make demands. That'll reopen/speed up donations.

No matter which mod/admin/host banned you, be sure to get upset at Feweh. It's where he gets his immortality.

Be sure to get your 3 hour end of round grief ban appeal in as soon as possible to beat the crowd.

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by Solacian72 » 10 Jun 2016, 23:46

As a marine, if you get crushed by the pod or shuttle, just curse at admins in ahelp and marines in looc. If you do it enough, you'll be granted permission to talk in OOC because the Admins can't take it anymore.

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by Desolane900 » 13 Jun 2016, 04:30

If someone gets a facehugger on them, don't pull it off! Their body will build an immunity to it from exposure!

If you SADAR briefing, it'll wake the marines up faster than a coffee! Everyone will thank you!

Don't listen to your SL, it'll give them a big ego! Instead, run off by yourself and get facehugged!

If you see someone with any amount of depth to their character, call them a snowflake! It's a well-known compliment!
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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by stolzdude » 13 Jun 2016, 22:28

Did you know that everyone looks up to people who shoot themselves in the mouth in the briefing room because the commander is taking too long to brief you? everyone thinks this is funny and you will be instantly promoted to Admin.

Did you know that the best way to win the game is to fire your grenade launcher at a wall 2 tiles away from you in the middle of your squad killing them all? Tons of players already tried this and they were all praised and glorified.

Did you know that in order to power up THE WHOLE SHIP you have to fire at the engine at least 20 times and then leave engineering for the rest of the shift while you build a bar at the briefing room and drink yourself to death?

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by Egorkor » 13 Jun 2016, 22:47

if you like fireworks, stay behind your squad and fire a HE rocket at the runner dancing infront of them.

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by northcote4 » 19 Jun 2016, 03:27

It's a well-known fact that every kill makes a marine stronger. Try killing other marines early in the game to beat them to the punch and get that extra edge over the xenos.

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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by DMAN » 21 Jun 2016, 04:58

Shooting an empty rifle means you don't have to ever worry about running out of ammo, or doing any FF.

Always remember to toss your grenade when someone runs in front of you.

Remember to drag wounded marines to toughen their pussy asses up.

Remember to OD on all the drugs so your tolerance goes through the roof and you become a god.

Remember to not use your specialist coin as a specialist to be like the other marines.

Remember to pounce into walls near marines as a hunter class alien to be successful.

Never weed, don't do drugs.
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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by TeknoKot » 21 Jun 2016, 15:51

Hotkeys! Macros! Best meta going around!

When you enable hotkeys, press R to reload whenever you are empty!

When you are in need of close quarter meele, press Q next to an alien! Must have a bayonet!

Keep tapping Z with your rifle in your hand to throw mini-grenades at where you point! Xenos hate it!

Macro .click M10-Pattern-Helmet with a key to hold your helmet as you go through an egg field! Or fighting a Carrier! Must hold it!
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Re: Completely usel- Useful facts!

Post by northcote4 » 22 Jun 2016, 06:09


Always reload after you have finished firing your weapon, regardless of how many shots are left in the magazine. You wouldn't want to be caught a bullet short just when you needed it now would you?
The story of Edgardo and A Guy Named Squid. Good read. Greentext ahoy. -

The almighty Dr FrankenBaldie, creator of horrors such as the yautja-human hybrid, the yautja-space carp hybrid and the human-permaban hybrid. Know his name and know despair.

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