Steam Summer Sale 2016

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Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by northcote4 » 25 Jun 2016, 08:00

Are you ready for a miracle? Because it's here. Praise be His name.

I'd like to create this thread for discussion about the sale.

What games have you gotten so far? What games are on your wishlist? What games would you recommend?

For myself, Helldivers is the current top of my list.
The story of Edgardo and A Guy Named Squid. Good read. Greentext ahoy. -

The almighty Dr FrankenBaldie, creator of horrors such as the yautja-human hybrid, the yautja-space carp hybrid and the human-permaban hybrid. Know his name and know despair.

Runner up in a high-stakes game of poker.

Honourary Helldiver, courtesy of a drop-pod malfunction.

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Re: Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 25 Jun 2016, 10:00

I got skyrim and world at war....
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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Re: Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by Logi99 » 25 Jun 2016, 10:34

"There's been a new meme. So.."

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Re: Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 25 Jun 2016, 14:51

Well I guess I'll toss in some recommendations for some smaller games, some might not know about so here we go. A few things, I will be posting the USD price (and if they have a .99 price point I will just round up because pennies shouldn't exist but another topic for another day). Probably be adding to this list so yeah, check back I guess.

"shooters" Arma 2 Combined Ops: This is the Defacto franchise/game for people who dislike how "arcadey" the AAA marketplace is with war games (BF and COD), since this game is just difficult and has quite a high skill floor and ceiling. On higher settings you aren't even on the map, you have to figure out where the hell you are with either GPS or looking for landmarks. I do have to say this game is one you will have to mostly multiplayer on so beware (but the community seems quite healthy as shown with Steamcharts)
Price: 5.00 USD for combined ops

Depth: 4 divers v 2 sharks. The divers just getting looting while 2 asshole sharks try to wipe the party. A multiplayer only game so here is a chart for concurrent players : here
price: 6.25 USD

Helldivers: Basically starship troopers as a good video game...
This trailer just basically shows what this is all about
Price: 12.00 USD

Rainbow Six: Siege : Honestly this game is really fantastic. It was really pulled down by its publishing company (Ubisoft) with just being associated with them. This is basically the revamp of the classic tactical shooter. This is like a fusion of modern gaming with the classic rainbow games and games like swat. A 5v5 objective based shooter with 1 life each round.
Props to Ubisoft for not fucking up the business model on this one, all the characters are "free" and so are the new maps
Price: 30.00 USD

Red Orchestra 2 and Rising storm: These games are sort of interchangeable since they both are practically same game (and you gain limited access to the other for owning one) but a game given the title of PTSD simulator because it just feels so chaotic at times. General principle of this game is 1 shot, 1 kill, so you will be running and jumping into ditches so you aren't instantly murdered. Its a game all about squad tactics and how you work with your team to accomplish your goals which are to capture the points and push the map.
Here is the gameplay trailer for Rising Storm
Price: 5.00 USD for the combo of both games

Red Faction: Guerrilla: Do you just want to hit things with a sledgehammer, if yes, this is the game for you. This game might be older but hell its still fun just to destroy things just for the hell of it. Currently the only runner up I can see in with this kind of destruction is Just Cause 3 but that ones still pretty limited to only a few key set buildings while most buildings in Red Faction are completely destructible
Note: I think this is a slight spoiler since this is in the later region of EOS (the building is not important, just a random building)
Price: 5.00 USD

The Ship (both): Have you played Assassin's Creed awesome multiplayer from brotherhood up to Black Flag if so this game was the prototype of this style of play. If not the basic guist of this game is you are on cruise ship and each round you are assigned to assassinate a target with various weapons (which all have inflating prices as long as they don't get used) while you are also being hunted. So assassinate your target and survive your hunter while this game includes some sim like needs. Multiplayer only (original game is at 90 players, and the remaster is at 20) so be wary when you buy this
Price: 6.79 USD for both games

Verdun: A very fun WW1 shooter.
Price: 12.50 USD

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy: This one is just, how would you put it, oh yes, STRANGE. This game just makes you feel like a Russian person got high on various drugs and was reading some Shadowrun stuff and got this as the result. It just doesn't make sense but I just can't look away and its dirt cheap, so that is a plus.
Price: 2.50 for 1 or 7.50 for a 4 pack since this can be a coop game as well

"Misc" Civ 4: complete: Many people would suggest Civ 5 with the expansions but I honestly still love Civ 4 with all the mods that are out for it like Fall from heaven 2 and rise of mankind. To be honest I think many people know what Civ is so I won't really go in detail
Price: 7.50 USD

Crusader Kings 2: One of the easiest Grand Strats from Paradox to get into since it mostly only focused on your bloodline and your king/queen or whatever. This is all about the backstabbing, war/pillaging, hell you can become a viking horse who restores the Roman empire (... I'm not joking The biggest complaint is the loads of dlc attached to this game, I honestly find it worth it since I already hundreds of hours into this game, hell its a game to really talk out of context with like such statements, "I fear my brother is going to seize power once I die, I wonder if I should snuff him out with help with his wife, I'm also having an affair with...", "My son is weak, his younger brother is alot stronger, bro can you kill my oldest son, I'll give you cash for it", "I have breed an army of hunchback, retards to marry off to the other royals in neighboring kingdoms to fuck everyone over", and alot more of those.
Price: 40.60 USD including all the DLCs I think are sort of needed to play this game for the best experience: Old Gods, Charlesmange, Sword of Islam, Ruler creator, Way of life, The Republic, and legacy of rome

Dragon's Dogma: honestly this is a really bad rpg, its really rough around the edges, the story is stupid and doesn't make sense until the end, its stupidly hard at the start and becomes really easy until the middle (no spoilers) then it repeats that same idea again but the big but is the combat and magic is so fucking good. It makes you feel so bad ass
This demo was the selling point to me, this game is disappointing in so many ways but the boss fights (which are a focus of the game) are great.
Also some of the best magic I have ever seen in a video game since it all looks so powerful spoilers for some higher level magic
► Show Spoiler
Price: 20.10

Men of War franchise: A fucking difficult tactics game centered on ww2 as various factions. This will be a game where you really need to work on both your macro and micro skills since you need to be able to be a competent soldier at times and most of the time be a competent commander. This is a game where you can assume direct control of your troops on the field and you have to care for ammunition, so that is why looting is a thing in this game. So fun to loot and you can even repair disabled enemy vehicles.
Price: 7.50 This is for the latest game in the franchise MOW: AS2 which is basically a graphically better AS1

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance Its a stupid game but its so fun.
This is the only thing I can think of that will explain the game, its a slight spoiler but its just part of the first hour, this just shows how over the top the game is and how great the soundtrack is (honestly if you could buy the OST because its is fucking fantastic)
Price: 7.50

Shadowrun Returns: A Turn based game based on the famed tabletop game "Shadowrun" which is basically DND tossed into a cyberpunk setting. This is a great way to enter the universe and if you are interested you could still find people who run the tabletop around (either in person or online (with services like roll20))
Price: 5.00

Satellite Reign: This spirtual successor to the 1990's series of Syndicate (lets ignore that game EA release a few years back). This is a return to the top down real time shooter game with alot more added to it. Now you can stealth, there are abilities, hacking/jacking people. Honestly this game is just a great nostalgia trip that could possibly pull in a new audience who are interested in cyberpunk settings (which is a setting I love and you noticed I put up like 3 games with this type of setting really close to each other)
Price: 9.90

The Last Federation: Have you ever wanted to play a game centered around intrigue and manipulation. This would be it. You play* a space hydra who's trying to build a federation out of all the races in his solar system, so they all don't have to suffer the same fate as his people (moon genocide was their fate). So try to unite the solar system with bribes, assassinations, wars, and various other means.
These two videos basically tell a story how a game can turn out
As you can see in this video, combat is a turn based bullet hell experience (so it is awesome and this is from 1.0, the bullet hell mechanics have gotten even more insane as more content was added)
Price:6.00 USD

Uplink: Ever wanted to play the role of a movie L33t hax0r, probably not since it is a very niche audience but if you are this would be the game for you, of course this is fucking old like 2002 old. I would highly suggest picking up the mod Onlink after getting familar with the game since its ramps up difficulty pretty quickly.
Price: 1.50 USD

"THE ANIMUU BULLSHIT LIST" This is the section I expect to get shit on for this, so this is why it is at the end of the list

Valkyria Chronicles: This is honestly in my top 10 games I have played, it just an intriguing "turn based" strategy game that is focused on an imaginary ww2 like setting (with some magical elements, with alot of holocaust references as well) where you are trying to defend your home country of ????? (it has a name just can't remember) which decided to stay neutral in a major ww2 like war but the German like empire attacks and the story goes from there. I really don't want to spoil anything from this fantastic game. Also it has a fantastic art style since it tries to emulate a water based paint style. This is a game I added to the animuu bullshit list because it shows quality of some of the titles that would go up here and its not that generic visual novel stuff only.
Price: 5.00 USD

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale: Ever wanted to be a shop keep in a video game, if so, this is the game for you since you play a little girl who is forced to pay for her missing father's debt (thanks dad.....) So this little girl decides to open up a item shop for adventurers and that the game. You get to haggle and buy things from customers (get to learn their traits but fuck that little girl who keeps coming to my store to buy something expensive but only offering like 5% the actual cost...) Of course it would be dull if you only did this, so there is some visual novel elements with some dungeon exploring elements
Price: 5.00 USD

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc a very strange visual novel a rhythm based crime thriller. You play generic animu trousers #1 who has no personality at all but why play a VN for the main character, they are always blanks so you can fill in for them. Its always about the side characters, which this game has alot of them with generally a trope attached to them. So what makes this different from all the other stupid VNs on the market. Well I said this is a crime thriller because the setting for this game is a school which the students are locked in until they graduate. In order to graduate, one of them most kill another and get away with it. To get away with it, they must fool all the other students since after every murder a trial is held. So what are the stakes, why try to figure out who did the murdering, well that because if you fail, you all die besides the graduate. This is a very over the top and silly game, so not for everyone
Price: 20.10$

added a few more things so yeah!!!! 12:59pm PDT
Last edited by TheSpoonyCroy on 19 Feb 2017, 10:43, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by northcote4 » 25 Jun 2016, 14:57

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:-Snip-
Excellent post, Croy. Thanks for your contribution.
The story of Edgardo and A Guy Named Squid. Good read. Greentext ahoy. -

The almighty Dr FrankenBaldie, creator of horrors such as the yautja-human hybrid, the yautja-space carp hybrid and the human-permaban hybrid. Know his name and know despair.

Runner up in a high-stakes game of poker.

Honourary Helldiver, courtesy of a drop-pod malfunction.

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Byond: crono23

Re: Steam Summer Sale 2016

Post by crono23 » 25 Jun 2016, 19:56

Hmmm, game recommendations? Don't mind if I give a few of my own:

Insurgency: A tactical FPS that's actually pretty good. Gameplay is smooth, shouldn't require a high-tier computer, and there's plenty of different modes to suit your tastes. Regular 16v16 team matches, Co-op versus AI, and protect the VIP to name a few. Similar to ARMA, but 100% on the infantry level.


Viscera Cleanup Detail: A rather unique game. A kind of janitor simulator where you play as a janitor tasked with cleaning up the bloody aftermath of space-related incidents. Can be tedious, but if you're feeling bored it's a great time waster.


L.A Noire: This one's a bit more exciting. A noir-themed detective game set in 1947 Los Angeles. Great story, good mechanics. Highly recommended in my book. DLC Bundle doesn't cost that much, and I would recommend getting it alongside the full game.


Spec Ops: The Line: There's not really much I can say about this game without spoiling it. A goddamn masterpiece third-person shooter with a story that is...well...see for yourself. Will probably change you. Prepare for feels.


Red Orchestra 1: Official name is Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, but I just call it RO1 because that's what it is. It's the game that came before RO2 basically. Game itself isn't as good and the community is pretty much dead, but the Darkest Hour mod for it is completely worth buying the base game. DH has a thriving community, active development, and it's kinda like Insurgency in WW2. Not quite as graphically or gameplay soothing, but it's worth it if you're into realistic-ish FPS.


Wolfenstein: The New Order: Do you like guns? Do you like story? Do you hate nazis? If you answered 'yes' to all three, then I heartily recommend TNO. A great story, tons of nazis to be killed, smooth gameplay. It's just so GOOD. Kinda requires a high-end computer, but if you can handle it, it's a good addition to a steam library.

My collection of entertaining quotes:

[I had a bunch of neat stuff here, but it seems I can only have 5 links here now. Bummer :(]

Remember 11/13/16

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