What was your first ever operating system?

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What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Russell-454 » 22 Jul 2016, 19:06

Right, god damn you fuckers making me feel old, I dont know how I thought of this, but I felt like I wanted to ask the rest of you. What was your first ever operating system? Mine was win98 on a beige PC. I played pretty much fuck all and took my homework in on a floppy disk. Or did you even start on windows? Any of you glorious bastards start on Linux? Or even....mac? (Please dont tell me if you started on a console, I dont care and neither does anyone else)
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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Drofoljaelisglis » 22 Jul 2016, 19:08

Windows 10 :^)
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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by RoswellRay » 22 Jul 2016, 19:09

Whatever the fuck commodore was,of course I was like ten years old so I donèt remember much other than having to type shit on a blue screen.

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by MrJJJ » 23 Jul 2016, 02:34

Windows 7

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Warnipple » 23 Jul 2016, 05:00

Windows 95

I went Windows 95 > Windows 98 > Windows XP > Windows 7

Skipped Windows NT and Windows Vista
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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Sadokist » 24 Jul 2016, 21:07

95 or 98, pretty sure it was 98 though.

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Arachnidnexus » 24 Jul 2016, 23:23

MS-DOS and Windows 3.1

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Youngblood » 25 Jul 2016, 00:15

MS-DOS, couldn't wrap my head around it at the time and had to ask my parents to do stuff for me. (cd... cd.. cd..)

Then I distinctly remember playing floppy disk games like Sea Rogue and Carmen Sandiego on Windows 95(?), which at the time meant having to go through more than half a dozen of disks during the setup. I also remember the first game that truly blew me away, being The X-Files fmv game. I lost my mind over it an must've played through more than twenty times. Eventually I managed to mess up CDs #2 and #7 and the drive wouldn't read them anymore. No amount of wiping and blowing on em would fix the issue.


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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by Boltersam » 01 Aug 2016, 19:13

Windows seven.

I remember when we still used disks for games! Darn youngsters with everything digi-tiddled nowadays!

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by LordeKilly » 01 Aug 2016, 19:21

Windows XP. I can still faintly hear my old PC booting up.


Good times.

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by monkeysfist101 » 02 Aug 2016, 00:45

Win 95->Win 98->Win 2000->Win XP->Vista->Win XP->Win 7->Win 8-> Win 10-> Win 7
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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by apophis775 » 03 Aug 2016, 00:29

it didn't have an OS.
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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by LordeKilly » 03 Aug 2016, 02:38

monkeysfist101 wrote:Win 95->Win 98->Win 2000->Win XP->Vista->Win XP->Win 7->Win 8-> Win 10-> Win 7
You actually bought Win2k? That was a meme operating system. XP came out like what, a year later?

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Re: What was your first ever operating system?

Post by monkeysfist101 » 03 Aug 2016, 02:45

LordeKilly wrote: You actually bought Win2k? That was a meme operating system. XP came out like what, a year later?
I didn''t buy it, my father did. I was like 6.
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