I might not get to play much for the next week or so..

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I might not get to play much for the next week or so..

Post by Renomaki » 08 Aug 2016, 21:04

At work today (as of this writing), my boss called me into his office and asked if I wanted to take some car salesmen courses in an attempt to help me better understand my job as an assistant. I wasn't totally sure about taking these courses myself, but a part of me felt it would be a good idea to take them out of respect for my employer and out of hope of improving my performance at work.

... Only downside is that I will probably be ending up coming home at hours later than normal, so I won't really get to play a whole lotta CM, let alone the fact that I now have to wake up an hour earlier to get to work. I feel it is going to be a rough week.. A part of me regrets my choice, but another part feels that it would get me brownie points if I am able to partake in the lectures instead of hiding in my office trying to keep up with paperwork.

So if anyone wonders where the Weenie went, IRL stuff is the reason why.
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Re: I might not get to play much for the next week or so..

Post by Sadokist » 08 Aug 2016, 21:29

all good, just remember.... if you're after hours and he makes sexual advances towards you....call the police

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