Bolter's Guessing Game

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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by SagaSword » 01 Oct 2016, 08:31

so you are both genders but at the same time not both genders. Neat!

You are the "Other" we find when we register for an account, right?
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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by Boltersam » 01 Oct 2016, 09:44

YungCuz wrote:Are you a xeno or are you a demon?
I am not officially required to answer this question.
YungCuz wrote:Are you....Nar'Sie?
Love the guy, but no.

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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by Casany » 01 Oct 2016, 09:47

Your you, and that's OK!
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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by YungCuz » 01 Oct 2016, 10:21

Shit alright uh...are you inverted? Ayyliums
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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by SagaSword » 01 Oct 2016, 15:14

You a male, female, demon child, bob, mr.squidward, mannequin, a grill, a helicopter, heresy and last but not least, sweet brown!
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Re: Bolter's Guessing Game

Post by danmax67 » 01 Oct 2016, 15:20

billy mays?

shamwow guy?

filthy frank's transgender cousin?

a body pillow that came to life?

a telemarketer?



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