by SPACEpotato1 » 10 Sep 2016, 23:57
I did one a while ago. But I'm quite literally centre. I'm like, -0.3 to the left, though.
Graham Maclagan [Charlie (Spc)] says, "THERE'S A DRONE AND A TON OF INFECTED LEFT."
Graham Maclagan [Charlie (Spc)] says, "IT AIN'T OGRE"
Graham Maclagan [Charlie (Spc)] says, "NOT YET."
Charlie Harding [Charlie (CL)] says, "It's never ogre."
Thy hero potato hath returned
Hivemind, Mature Larva (47) hisses, '"Hunter 47"'
Hivemind, Young Drone (420) hisses, 'Agent 47 GOOOO'
Hivemind, Young Drone (420) hisses, 'OH M GOD'
Hivemind, Young Drone (420) hisses, 'NOW I'M 420'
Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] says, "Im doing an infected marine"
LT Holden Ward [MedSci (BO)] says, "Please do not have sexual intercourse with infected marines"
Hivemind, Young Runner (911) hisses, 'And what a fitting number!'