Time Travel

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Time Travel

Post by johners12345 » 20 Oct 2016, 02:46

Greetings Marines! Long time no see! Fuck introductions, lets talk about time travel and nerds from the average fucks!

Now, what is your opinion on it? Is it real, fake, explain your reasoning behind it!
if real, how so? Do you have evidence, do you believe you know the specifications of how it can be done? What theories of time travel do you believe?
(Grand Father Paradox/ Many-Worlds Interpretation)
IF you DON'T believe it, why not? Do you have examples and evidence to back it up?

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Re: Time Travel

Post by TeknoKot » 20 Oct 2016, 03:29

go way you weeaboo.
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Re: Time Travel

Post by bruzok » 20 Oct 2016, 09:52

Mhm, it seems pretty fictional at first, alright. But then again, there's the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), which if I remember correctly, tries to emulate extreme condition after the big bang? Dunno if it's true though. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider)

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Re: Time Travel

Post by DMAN » 22 Oct 2016, 10:27

I need to see myself to believe in time travel.
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Re: Time Travel

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 22 Oct 2016, 10:43

Although it seems impossible to travel back in time, it is possible to move forward in time. This is where cryogenic sleep comes in where you can suspend yourself to move forward in the timeline, provided that you won't die while in the process.

Although you aren't manipluating the laws of time & space, you are fast forwarding the time.

Think of it like sleeping. You go to bed at 10 PM and go to sleep. Afterwards you wake up at 8 AM. It's due to you not remembering anything during that time period. Meaning, you're fast forwarding time. In a way.
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Re: Time Travel

Post by johners12345 » 22 Oct 2016, 15:12

God you guys fuckin' suck at these types of debates :P

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Re: Time Travel

Post by Warnipple » 22 Oct 2016, 16:56

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Re: Time Travel

Post by Renomaki » 22 Oct 2016, 17:03

Honestly, we should leave time travel alone.

I'm with Back to the Future about their opinion of time travel, being that if you try to fuck with the past, you could doom all of reality and life itself, calling all reality to crumble in on itself and implode into nothingness. It isn't worth the risk, even if it could reveal some truths of the past that people never witnessed.

The only acceptable time travel is forward travel, because you can't cause harm from traveling forward, let alone risk meeting yourself and causing a paradox that could make everyone D.E.D.
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Re: Time Travel

Post by bruzok » 22 Oct 2016, 23:12

Still, humanity just won't let stuff like this go away, because they are filled with curiosity. Heck, it's why they're tryin' to make LHC, and it already sprouted some crazy shit, like some crazy girl, claiming she was from the future. Not to mention it successfully collided particles back in 2010. Here's what Proffesor Weiler said, copied straight from redorbit.com :
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Also, speaking about forward travelling in time, you could either do FTL or Cryo method. When you go forward in time, and then you step outside a spaceship, it would seem to you that time only passed a year, maybe even a day. But in reality, Earth (or other place) passed hundreds, even thousands of years. Although, this is dependent on the destination, probably.

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