CM Drinking Game Ideas

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CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Biolock » 23 Oct 2016, 09:12

It's been a long time coming; we need good ideas for a CM drinking game, and I know you little shitlers are full of good drinking criteria. I'm going to compose a game at some point on a weekend where we take shots for certain events, but we need a good score sheet. I'll get the ball rolling, please add to it as ideas come to mind.

In a round.
- One shot every time a command report is sent from the bridge by someone who shouldn't have access to the bridge.
- One shot every time the marines rush the hive.
- Two shots for every runner that dies trying to capture a survivor.

I could keep going, but you get the idea! Let's hear em'!
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by northcote4 » 23 Oct 2016, 09:14

-One shot for every Xenomorph/Marine Kill (2x if it was the result of friendly fire/allied bodyblocking).
-One shot for every bone broken by AP ammo.
-Finish the bottle if none of the roundstart xenos become a drone.
The story of Edgardo and A Guy Named Squid. Good read. Greentext ahoy. -

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Boltersam » 23 Oct 2016, 09:23

northcote4 wrote:-One shot for every Xenomorph/Marine Kill (2x if it was the result of friendly fire/allied bodyblocking).
-One shot for every bone broken by AP ammo (Three shots if there were no Xenos around.)
-Finish three bottles and play drunken Russian roulette if none of the roundstart xenos become a drone.
-Five shots every time someone breaks atmos. (Ten if it results in atmos major victory, forcing a restart.)
-Three shots for every time a squad destroys itself when a Runner starts running around them.
-Five shots for every time a SADAR spec wastes precious ammunition on a Runner. (Eight if they miss and FF.)
-One bottle for every time either side starts a war they couldn't win with Predators (Two bottles if they're severely crippled because of it.)
-Five bottles for every time a Predator is forced to kill a squad or several Xenos when they're swarmed. (Eight if they get a false report on them.)

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Mephiliso » 23 Oct 2016, 09:26

-Take a drink if people grab the soap and start slipping people at roundstart.
-Take a double shot if the CO is a 30 year old, black-eyed bald man.
-Take a shot every time a runner/hunter misses a pounce and dies because of it.
-Take a drink for each hit of friendly fire.
-Take a shot for every ten minutes that a Xeno is onboard the Sulaco before they've used the Rasputin.

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Monoo » 23 Oct 2016, 09:31

-One shot if the RO gets beaten into crit.
-One shot if the same happens to the CT.
-Two shots if a marine accidentally shoots a fuel canister next to a fellow marine.
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Boltersam » 23 Oct 2016, 09:43

Monoo wrote: -Two shots if a marine accidentally shoots a fuel canister next to a fellow marine.
How many shots if they shoot a fuel canister next to a window, trying to shoot a Predator? It breached and killed all of them, leaving me alive to limp away.

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 23 Oct 2016, 09:47

-The liquor cabinet if you survive as the only one. (Marine or Xeno)
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

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Re: CM Drinking Game Ideas

Post by Sadokist » 24 Oct 2016, 15:50

christ we'd die of alcohol poisoning in a minute if we took a shot every time a marine rushes the hive.

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