This is a Shitpost

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This is a Shitpost

Post by NoahKirchner » 31 Oct 2016, 13:34

Give me +1's
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Scrat505 » 31 Oct 2016, 13:36

dank shitpost

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by spartanbobby » 31 Oct 2016, 13:36

Great idea would love to see it ingame
!!! John 'Spartan' Murry Hulij thar'n !!! Pred Council Man

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by TopHatPenguin » 31 Oct 2016, 13:41

-1 don't know who you are.
Shit cm memes: Image
That guy called Wooki.
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Simo94 » 31 Oct 2016, 13:51

now you owe me 5$ bitch

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by MrJJJ » 05 Dec 2016, 21:20

=1 i love shitposting

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Martzin » 05 Dec 2016, 21:57

The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Jroinc1 » 05 Dec 2016, 21:59

3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by NoahKirchner » 06 Dec 2016, 01:06

Jroinc1 wrote:+DAMMIT NOAH
Jeeze dude this is an ancient shitpost.
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Sad_Corn » 06 Dec 2016, 11:27


Generic shitpost, but i like your RP in game, so i'll just set neutral for now
On May 17, 2016, a group of farmers dug up the diary of an ear of corn named Watson. Here are his entries.

Day 76:
They took Lawrence, dear god Lawrence... They ripped him off the stalk and smeared him in butter, just like Tyler and Jodie. They shipped him off to the popcorn factory...
I wonder what his wife will say.

Day 120: My brother says the VEGANS are protesting for more anti-meat bullshit. They want more of us to die. FUCKING HEATHENS.

Day 153: The ants are eating me from the inside out. They are popping out my kernels and taking them back to the nest. I feel them moving inside me. Julia says the pesticides will end our misery.

Day 300: Sweet Release. I can hear the planes flying over now. They are dropping the gas, it feels so good, sweet release-


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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by NoahKirchner » 06 Dec 2016, 11:28

Sad_Corn wrote:-1

Generic shitpost, but i like your RP in game, so i'll just set neutral for now
Now that's what I call music 69.
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Casany » 06 Dec 2016, 15:50

+1, can't wait to see you ingame you memester!
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Dapper Stache » 06 Dec 2016, 16:50

+1, Great concept, great plan for excecution, Not much else to say, it's fantastic
I play Aria Vivici. I think people like me. I'm not sure why.

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Jroinc1 » 06 Dec 2016, 18:57

NoahKirchner wrote:Jeeze dude this is an ancient shitpost.
I mean, yeah, but DAMMIT NOAH's my default response now. It's been engrained into the fabric of my very being.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by NoahKirchner » 06 Dec 2016, 19:24

Jroinc1 wrote:I mean, yeah, but DAMMIT NOAH's my default response now. It's been engrained into the fabric of my very being.
Fair nuff
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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Jroinc1 » 06 Dec 2016, 19:29

NoahKirchner wrote:Fair nuff
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Sailor Dave » 09 Dec 2016, 13:08

-1 absolute madman

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by LarryOrtega » 14 Dec 2016, 23:24

Ok, since i´m not very know among the forums and i have a lot of experience in roleplaying games, i will give my opinion about the Pred applications (If staff team don´t mind)

1. Well, we will first start with ¨The meat¨: You could have put your history a Little more efford. It´s not bad, but it´s not very good. Neutral with this

2. I like how you will play as predator;

In terms IC: Obiously any Xenomorph it´s more strong than any Standart human, so it´s a more worthy pray, and i would like you hunting a ravager or crusher.

In terms OOC: The Xenomorph almost always wins every round due to overpopulation, so it´s good a more xeno focused pred that indirectly ¨Help¨ marines (That doesnot mean you will always hunt xeno, but everyone get´s the point)

3. You accept the wrong and the bad things about your app, i like that. I hope you can mantain that attitude if you get whitelisted or not. You seems like a mature person and that´s good too. (Dont get mad with poder if you get whitelisted hehe).

4. Your activity in the forums it´s a bad thing, and i dont have moral to say it to you since i have only write like 5 post on this forum. But i have seen you in CM and you´re a good player. The staff team usually want a lot of activity on the forums, that way they can know you and known if you are a salty person or not (Or worst, a baldie), i suggest you to go o Discord/djplug channels and talk there, get yourself more known. You can also play as SL or as medteam (Usually marines dont get a lot of doctors)

Now the time of the true...

You have a lot of potential as a pred, your major issue it´s your activity, but that can be fixed very easy and I dont see it as a reason to turn your aplication down.

+1 from me
"In 100 years more we will be a story.In 200 years an epic period.In 500 years a medieval tale.
In 1,000 years a relic. In 5,000 years archaeological remains. In 10,000 years an ancient mystery.
In 20,000 years a legend like Atlantis. We are nothing. Life is so short and death so long. "

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by darklizard45 » 15 Dec 2016, 00:49

Finally new signature! -1

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Biolock » 15 Dec 2016, 08:04

You don't need to tell us it's a shitpost for us to know it's a shitpost. Especially not with "Noah Kirchner" for a name.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by Tranquill » 15 Dec 2016, 11:49

Hurt my feelings, no forum activity, look at approved apps and reapply.

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Re: This is a Shitpost

Post by SlothMan » 15 Dec 2016, 17:18

It is your boy tybo

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