SSTRP Veteran's reunion.

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SSTRP Veteran's reunion.

Post by Jakers457 » 10 Nov 2016, 22:00

Obviously there was a few servers and communities during it's hayday but hey.

I played Sergeant Jay Stone on Zeta, can't remember the division's number but I mostly did Drill Instruction duty. Which basically meant, you'd have to go into the pen where all the balds and pubbies were kept. You'd have to give them basic training IC and a run down of the server's rules in OOC followed by them being tested by an LT or Higher. We used to teach them about formations, made them act out the formations and gave them a run down on the guns, and gun safety to prevent friendly fire.

A lot of people failed, either getting bored or not paying attention which was a shame, I kind of had a soft spot for newbies. But we did it so we didn't have similar problems to CM, though CM doesn't have persistent rounds so to speak, more of a deathmatch than mil sim. Ranks weren't chosen, you kind of had to avoid PK's and be competent to rise through the ranks. You had Private, Private First Class (actually proven to be competent), Lance-Corporal, Corporal and the list goes on. It was hard work, but you knew your NCO was either experienced or licked ass enough to rise through the ranks, and you weren't stuck with a mad rambo with a deathwish.

But yeah, if you were a part of the SSTRP fad, tell us about what you did and the like.
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Re: SSTRP Veteran's reunion.

Post by Helgraf » 11 Nov 2016, 06:21

This actually seemed really interesting from what you have said.
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Re: SSTRP Veteran's reunion.

Post by YungCuz » 11 Nov 2016, 10:36

Ah yes SSTRP i did do that alot back then. Server i played on went down a few times and the other time it did come up it was hard to get it populated since it was so long before it came back.
Anyway i played on Point of Contact SSTRP as a Engineer cause i liked to build things on there and i did make alot of creative setups for areas.
Shame i never see that server anymore. Ayyliums
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Re: SSTRP Veteran's reunion.

Post by EastGermanStasi » 11 Nov 2016, 13:12

Calling of Heroes and Rule of Engagement.
Both were shit but I liked it, but the owner pissed alot of people off.
There is only one SSTRP on gmod now and they get like 40 people a day, good times but rip for me Cm is my shit.

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