M56D + Binoculars + Chair = Zoom Bug

fix pls
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Byond: Steelpoint

M56D + Binoculars + Chair = Zoom Bug

Post by Steelpoint » 29 Apr 2017, 13:19

Bug Description: During a round I was using a M56D with a Revolver + Rail Scope, this worked fine as I was able to use the combo to use the M56D at long range.

The turret was poorly placed in a high traffic area which kept pushing me around, one Engineer decided to solve the issue by placing a chair underneath me so I can sit down and not get pushed.

Sadly I cannot remember the exact steps to reproduce this bug, but when I attempted to get off the M56D my game bugged out, changing my view from a wide screen view from the Binocs to the standard 7 tile view, however this 7 tile view was extended a significant distance from my in game mob, example wise my mob was at the LZ 1 entrance on Big Red, but my camera was close to the North Engineering entrance south of LZ1.

I eventually was able to escape this hell when I asked someone else to unbuckle me from the chair and I was able to move, canceling the zoom effect.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Man a M56D turret.
2. Using a zoom in item, toggle it to activate your zoom.
3. Buckle yourself to your chair while zoomed in.
4. (this step is uncertain) Attempt to un-zoom, get your camera stuck in limbo.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
Kwei Ikthya-de: Predator
