Crusher charge vs barricades

fix pls
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Crusher charge vs barricades

Post by MrJJJ » 10 Jun 2017, 08:38

Bug Description: For some reason, it appears even at full momentum, the crusher never seems to damage the sandbags or the metal barricade sometimes
(Note that i have asked if someone was repairing it, i got no confirmation from anyone, and the sprite never changed no matter how much i charged it)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Be a crusher and find a metal barricade
2. Get enough distance for max momentum and ram it alot of times
3. The barricade gives no shits apparently.

I was a young crusher and this happened on LV map

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Re: Crusher charge vs barricades

Post by Sarah_U. » 10 Jun 2017, 08:42

Saltbags mate, saltbags.

Either way: I can confirm. You can't break sandbags with a full charge momentum and, tbh: If you remove that, you'll have to do a LOOOOT of adjustment in term of marine defences.

The second FOBs don't have sandbag defences being resistant to charges, plasteel being such a rare thing, they'll shrink down a lot and get torn appart in a matter of seconds. I can tell because I've seen what good crushers do to sandbags.
/me walks straight up through the entire one-liner sandbag line and destroys it. Done.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: Crusher charge vs barricades

Post by MrJJJ » 10 Jun 2017, 09:02

Oh its fine when you can't do it in one full momentum charge, but when you charge it 5 times and its STILL not damaged? that's a bit too much

Also you can already destroy sandbags as a crusher if you walk into them from the side, but you will almost never do that, only after you already won the siege.

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Byond: Caleboz45

Re: Crusher charge vs barricades

Post by caleeb101 » 10 Jun 2017, 17:25

Before sandbags were a thing, I remember defences being torn apart in seconds and frankly, this is one of those unsung advantages marines have over the ayys that helps immensely but will most likely be removed now.
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Re: Crusher charge vs barricades

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 04:33

I need to know if fortifications genuinely receive "no damage" or "not enough damage"

The former is a bug, the latter is a balance suggestion
