Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

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Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by edda » 06 May 2018, 02:28

Byond ID


Marine Name

Finnian Cottier

Name of the character you want whitelisted

Chiva Yin'tekai

Are you familiar with the Predator Code of Honor?

I am.

Character Background
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How do you intend to play your predator?

Chiva Yin'tekai is unlike other yautja in that he takes neither pride nor trophies from his kills. In the course of the Hunt, he pursues worthy prey only as a means to better himself. As he is not bloodthirsty, he tends to show honorable opponents mercy. Perhaps as a result of his motives, he prefers quick, direct engagements and simple ambushes. Patient nonetheless, he is not brash, merely not the type to stalk or whittle down his opponents. He is certainly capable of waiting.

Chiva sees the Code of Honor as fundamental to all sentient creatures, and any violations thereof, whether by yautja or not, are to be swiftly punished. If it is indeed a yautja who violated the Code, the yautja is an ic'jit, or bad blood, who should have known better, and Chiva has no issues treating the bad blood as unworthy prey. If it is another species which violated the Code, Chiva will give them the benefit of doubt—they are, after all, less enlightened—and fight them as worthy prey, unless they should prove unworthy to the end.

For example, if a marine shoots a trapped larva, Chiva will make the marine a priority target. Vice versa, if a ravager chases a medic who is unable to fight, Chiva will make the ravager a priority target.

Chiva enjoys practicing engineering and medicine, and attends to both with a meditative spirit. He is friendly but terse, and enjoys discussing the Code and all its ramifications. His lifelong goal is to be strong enough one day to be named a clan adjudicator, so that he may enforce the Code and hunt down the bad bloods who have dishonored his clan.

Why should we whitelist you?

As a player, I have a lot of utility skills in engineering and medicine, and am competent enough at combat not to be an embarrassment. I am also familiar enough with CM to have a holistic view of the flow of a round, and can make accurate judgments about whether my actions will be a benefit or detriment to the round.

I think anyone who has played alongside Finnian Cottier knows he is not a shitter and can RP. I also DM games of D&D, so how much RP I put into a role is very much a deliberate judgment on my part, and I can go high-RP when appropriate.

The reason I want to be a whitelisted predator is because it is a different role, it is an antag role, but it is not a murderboning role—which is the reason I do not have my preferences for squad specialist set on high. Combat is fun, but I do not want to fight just anyone. It is better to have a role which is primarily preparation and observation, only occasionally punctuated by combat.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason?


Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?


Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?

I do.
Finnian Cottier

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by z a n e b o t » 06 May 2018, 02:37

Good backstory, Competent CO ingame, good mentor. +1

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Karmac » 06 May 2018, 02:42

Alright let's dig in,
First, I'd like to address your playstyle, you've sugarcoated the basic "I'll observe, and then attack" to a degree that as such, I can say I don't care about it enough to complain about it.
Secondly, I'd like to ask how your story provides me an adequate description of your predator's personality or reasoning as to how he acts, as the only thing it shows me is an ability to cooperate with other yautja during the first half, and the latter half includes a few brief sentences pertaining to his own beliefs, i.e. the respect the colonists deserved for surviving so long vs killing the defenceless larva.

The backstory definitely evokes that sense of narrative you would provide as a DM in a D&D game, but that's not what I'm looking for here, I want to know more about your yautja and less about the planet he's landed on to kill some fools. When the first line I see in a predator's backstory is a description of some planet in the middle of bumble-fuck nowhere, I know you've not put enough thought into the application and the reason as to why you're expected to fill this out.
This is supposed to be proof that you can adequately role play as your given character and to a unique enough extent that you would add to the round, though all you've shown me is "you will be a predator", nothing actively unique.

I'm personally going to -1 this for the moment in the hopes you improve this.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by edda » 06 May 2018, 03:06

Hmm, thanks for the critique @Karmac, I just want to clarify something while I think about the rest, but your points are valid.

Chiva is not an "observe then attack" predator, as he hunts to improve himself and to enforce his Code upon non-yautja by punishing immediate transgressions, neither of which require too much observation. By 'observe' I should have clarified that I meant that he is not observing worthy prey, but the colony and flow of battle between the marine and xenos, and he is satisfied doing just that, as he is not particularly bloodthirsty.

I like to think that viewing the actions of xenos and marines both under the lens of the Code is unique, as typically most predators only view xenos and marines at either worthy, unworthy, or innocent prey, and have their own sliding scale of mercy. Chiva stands out in that he does not view them as prey, but as individuals on their own 'Hunt', despite not being yautja; moreover, that said individuals should adhere to the Code as well.

It is something like the distinction that others should not merely have the Code applied upon them, but to apply the Code themselves. I went for this idea because the Code is fundamentally asymmetrical: What a prey does to earn its unworthiess is dishonor enacted upon the hunting yautja. Whatever the prey may do to anyone else who is not yautja has no bearing on this. Chiva is one who interprets the Code to apply unilaterally to all, which is to say, he cares as well for what his prey does to non-yautja.

So in the first section of my background, I want to point out that:

1) Most predators walk past a xeno nest and see only the natural state of affairs, the strong who take the weak. All other creatures are inferior, so why should they interpret the xenos capturing colonists in terms of the Code? Chiva is unique because he explicitly determines that the xenos have captured innocent prey, and uses this motivation to push himself. He treats xenos not only as the prey in the Code, but also as the hunter. Because Chiva aspires to be an adjudicator, who punishes bad bloods, enforcing the Code like this is a proxy.

2) Chiva does not observe prey! This is important, he merely sees worthy prey and fights them directly. Indeed, he did not bother checking of an enemy was on the other side of the door. He engaged his stalking opponents directly upon sensing them. His only ambush was simple: A cloak and reveal, before the strike. He does, however, observe the colony and his surroundings. That is what I meant by patience and observation.

However, on your first point about the background being meaningless, it's interesting you bring it up because I actually ADDED that part, thinking I wanted to lead the reader into the scene. But my first thoughts mirror yours: it's unnecessary.

I will think further about how to distinguish Chiva. I hope I have answered your questions, and I would feel bad if I didn't since you went out of your way to make a wordy post!
Finnian Cottier

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Karmac » 06 May 2018, 03:12

The clarification of the playstyle is un-necessary, the inclusion of placing other species under the lens of the code is exactly the sugar coating that made me not worry about that part. As for the observing and then killing part, I'll agree I misunderstood the observing, but I can't see 'checks the area and then rushes in there to get his hands dirty' as a big improvement, so I'll leave it at that, though this does make the backstory mesh better in my mind.

I'm glad you've taken my criticism and even pointed out things I hadn't correctly examined, I'll be changing my opinion to neutral.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Avalanchee » 06 May 2018, 05:13

Edda is a great player,
The story is just perfect and i am looking foward to RP with you.
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Kavlo » 06 May 2018, 08:54

The backstory is well written but this is a case of overdoing it in a sense, you've put in a lot of description for things that really didn't need to have that much detail, it sounds nice to read but it really doesn't have to be that long.
I agree with Karmac in the sense of there is a lot of scene setting and not as much of predator description. For instance you mention in your predator intent to play section their goal is to be a clan adjudicator but you could've worked that into your backstory instead of adding it in intent to play.
Following up on Predator description your play style; Once again you've put in a good amount of detail but what it boils down to is "I'm going to play a basic predator but they don't take honor in their kills and trophies from kills" which in itself is a bit odd seeing as how the main reason predators go on hunts is to gain kills and trophies and you even mention how you only hunt to become a better hunter which in itself is gained by getting greater kills and trophies so why wouldn't you be gaining pride and honor from them?

TLDR; This application ain't bad but I think you need to fix up your backstory's pacing and effectiveness a bit aswell as perhaps changing or adding to your playstyle.

EDIT : After good responses to both my posts and Karmac's posts I've changed for a +1 instead.
Last edited by Kavlo on 07 May 2018, 06:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by edda » 06 May 2018, 17:40

Thanks for the critique @Kavlo! Also @Karmac, since I think this is relevant to both your concerns,

I wanted the story to show that Chiva, who does not particularly enjoy just hunting worthy prey as he takes no pride from the act in itself, engages prey for three reasons: 1) duty to his fellow predators, as he is following the orders of an elite, 2) self-defense, as the only xenos who he attacks in his backstory are those who attack him first, and 3) the prey has done something dishonorable, e.g. a xeno attacked an unarmed colonist, or a colonist attacks a xeno larva.

So how did I envision this to be different in actual play? Chiva fights only to get better, but he gets plenty of fights already from self-defense alone, or from targeting dishonorable xenos. So one important facet is that he tries to seek out worthy prey who have done something dishonorable. He has no interest in fighting your average worthy prey, and the whole part about him training to be stronger is just that, it is possible in a round that no worthy prey will have done something dishonorable, and I wanted to give Chiva a reason to still pick out a worthy prey to target because otherwise I would be bored to death as a player.

I really don't feel this is just sugarcoating an average predator play-style, because he will not be targeting the same kind of prey that other predators will. He is targeting a subset of worth prey who have committed specific (i.e. dishonorable) deeds during a round. Among other things, since he takes no pride from the Hunt, he will rarely engage in duels. Or stalk. Or use clever traps.

For Chiva, the Hunt is a proxy to become an adjudicator. I didn't want to spell this out - show not tell, as the saying goes - but I used the elite as a foil in the second half when the elite remarks on Chiva's reasoning as particularly adjudicator-like.

To address Kavlo's particular concern that Chiva has no reason not to be proud and seek trophies, I'd like to say that's the point! Recall I mention that as an aspiring adjudicator, Chiva will be expected to bring down former elite bad bloods. Then in the second scene I show what an actual elite is capable of - attaining 12 kills without a scratch, while Chiva only manages 3 with a bad wound. Again, the scene with the elite is purely for juxtaposition. For Chiva, becoming stronger is the ONLY way to achieve his goal of being an adjudicator. He has no actual interest in the mere fact of being stronger, but he needs to be stronger. The Hunt is like exercise for him. Who takes pride in exercise?

A final point is on the setting I wrote. I was leaning two ways, either to make a navel-gazing background or two write a pulpy-style take on what merely happens, but give enough details to allow the reader to piece together 1) how Chiva targets prey, which I really believe is unique and 2) how his aspirations to become an adjudicator effect the way he approaches a Hunt. The scene setting descriptions I used are harsh and detailed to try to make the style pulpy, which was a purely aesthetic choice, and I understand if you felt it was unnecessary. It seems rather unpopular, so maybe it was a mistake!

Thanks for the critiques. When I wrote the background, I had some concepts in mind and tried to write the background around them. It is good to clarify exactly what the concepts I wrote were.
Finnian Cottier

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by ghost120 » 06 May 2018, 18:09

I mean... it's pretty cool story and all. But what other could you expect from good not so ol' Edda?

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Karmac » 06 May 2018, 19:02

The point of duty is invalid, that's something you'd be expected to have as a predator within their society, and I can understand your pointing out the act of self-defence and personal judgement but it feels like you're not trying to write this as Chiva on his way to becoming an Adjudicator, but instead more that you're writing this as him *already being* an adjudicator based on how he interprets and reacts to situations, and that the title of Adjudicator is something that will simply be attached to him at some point down the road. I get that this may be intentional but it's just a bit jarring.

And while you point out that you go on Hunts in order to gain strength enough to defeat other predators, how do you think that would be possible if by default you are *limiting* your options during a round, compared to any other predator who would be much less picky/choosy about their targets. Logically speaking, this doesn't make much sense, even if it is something you've managed to incorporate well into your Predator.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by edda » 06 May 2018, 19:37

Karmac wrote:
06 May 2018, 19:02
The point of duty is invalid, that's something you'd be expected to have as a predator within their society, and I can understand your pointing out the act of self-defence and personal judgement but it feels like you're not trying to write this as Chiva on his way to becoming an Adjudicator, but instead more that you're writing this as him *already being* an adjudicator based on how he interprets and reacts to situations, and that the title of Adjudicator is something that will simply be attached to him at some point down the road. I get that this may be intentional but it's just a bit jarring.

And while you point out that you go on Hunts in order to gain strength enough to defeat other predators, how do you think that would be possible if by default you are *limiting* your options during a round, compared to any other predator who would be much less picky/choosy about their targets. Logically speaking, this doesn't make much sense, even if it is something you've managed to incorporate well into your Predator.
I bring up the point of duty as one of the reasons why Chiva kills, not as his unique attribute. It is hardly invalid, but I think you mean to say it is unimportant. I'm not sure I understand your point about 'already being' an adjudicator. Imagine a police cadet who strongly believes in the ethics of the laws he enforces. Him applying the ethics to his daily life even before he gets his badge is hardly indicative that he is already a cop, and similarly, an apprentice to an adjudicator could hardly be blamed for trying to emulate what he believes is the correct way to adjudicate.

Also, I don't think your point about the limitations not making logical sense is quite valid. It is clear that even strong predators who enjoy killing the toughest challenges there are enjoy limiting their prey to only those which are dangerous enough to capture their interests. Clearly this kind of limitation makes the predator even stronger! My point is that limiting alone does not weaken a predator.

Moreover, limiting by honorable prey should have no effect on the toughness of the predator, since whether or not a prey is honorable should not correlate strongly with the strength of the prey.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Lukey111 » 06 May 2018, 20:01

Financial Cotter is extremely competent, but I think that not gathering trophies is not very honorable. You put a lot of effort in this. Like I've says, I don't think whitelists should be that hard.

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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Karmac » 06 May 2018, 20:07

Alright, I'll give in, you've explained yourself well enough, and I have no further criticisms, +1.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by Kavlo » 07 May 2018, 06:41

Karmac wrote:
06 May 2018, 20:07
Alright, I'll give in, you've explained yourself well enough, and I have no further criticisms, +1.
Same here, I'm happy enough with the responses to both my own and Karmac's posts to change my -1 to a +1.
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by edda » 14 May 2018, 20:32

A round of thanks for the +1s!
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Re: Chiva Yin'tekai joins the Hunt

Post by NGGJamie » 30 Jun 2018, 17:45


Normally I would not accept an application with such little support. However, my familiarity with Cottier's roleplay and the vibe I get reading through the application tells me that I won't have any problems whitelisting Edda.
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