Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

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Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 15 May 2018, 04:36

Byond ID: Karmac

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Garth Pawolski

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Nracha-dte Kv'var-de

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):

From birth, Nracha had tried to model himself as the perfect hunter, a stoic, yet stubborn creature that knew his physical limits, yet always striding to test and improve them. He excelled in his training as a warrior and in his mind his future as a blooded predator wasn't something up to chance, it was simply something he would accomplish, without doubt. Yet as he trained, as he sparred and tested his physical limits, he came to realise that he had neglected his clan; his brethren, he had only bothered to focus on securing his future, he was rarely interrupted in his training because no one felt it necessary to converse with someone that had clearly cut himself off from everything but the preparation for the hunt. For some time he contemplated this reality, but, unable to shake his stoic demeanour and belief in becoming 'the perfect hunter', he simply convinced himself that he would just have to force his clan members to acknowledge him through his actions, his power, and his honor.

Eventually the day came that Nracha was to join two other un-blooded on a hunt to secure their future as warriors, they were transported to a hunting planet and left to their own devices, and as he had expected, he tracked down a Serpent and slew it in one on one combat. The beast put up an honorable fight, he retracted his wrist blades and set about his next task, however as he prepared to remove the creature's skull and claim it as his trophy, the freshly-blooded predator found he had been the prey of another serpent. He heard the new arrival slink through the underbrush of the jungle and turned to face it, however, he sensed a much stronger fighting spirit within the serpent. The serpent hissed as it slowly crawled out of the cover the jungle had provided for it, bringing its clawed arms to bear on the predator, as a tense battle ensued, ending with Nracha emerging victorious at the cost of a serious wound to his right eye. His sight damaged, but his pride intact, he bandaged the wound and hid his pain amongst other pressing issues, then set about collecting his two trophies. As he did this he lamented that he should've brought stronger armour, it would suit him well in his future.

As Nracha returned to the Elites that had brought him to the site of his triumph, he noted the other two predators successfully collected a trophy from the serpents as well, though he found himself unable to recall their names, their faces simply feeling familiar to him. As the elites handed the newly-blooded their plasma casters and applauded them on their triumphs, it was only the elites that took notice of his bountiful success, the two newly-blooded seemed to not pay much attention to him, as if they simply expected this kind of performance from him. As the group journeyed back to their clan's home Nracha thought about his life and his place in the clan, he came to the realisation that his actions had made other members of the clan reach the same conclusion he had; his becoming blooded was not up to chance, it was simply a reality waiting to happen. He understood that he would not be acknowledged for his achievements this day as he had hoped, as this was not outside of his fellow clan members expectations, he would continue to be left alone to his training, never exceeding his clans expectations of him, only ever matching them. With this knowledge in hand he continued to contemplate his future, not as a warrior, but as a clan member. It dawned upon him that he had a choice; Would he choose to break out of the chains his stoic demeanour and belief in becoming 'the perfect hunter' had placed upon him, and begin opening up to his clan? Or would he simply continue his life in the hopes that he was wrong, that he would be acknowledged, revered even, for his relentless pursuit in gaining the title he so desired?

There was much to consider and much to do, but for now Nracha was content in knowing he held his future in his hands, not in his thoughts.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
I intend to have my predator live up to his name, relentlessly hunting down his prey, regardless of what lies in his path. I know a lot of people get upset when predators 'go aggro' but as a former predator player I know how bad situations can get if you allow marines, or xenos especially, to take advantage of you, or if you go into the role expecting a lot of 'muh high rp'. Making sure you remind your prey that you are the hunter is part of the job.

Why should we whitelist you?
I originally had my whitelist removed for inactivity and that was due to time constraints I had at the time, as well as the fact back in the day pred rounds were fairly uncommon, but I've got a lot less shit to deal with at the moment and I know pred rounds are much more common so I don't believe this'll be an issue again. Additionally I like to think I was a decent addition to the predator community and believe I won't make any terrible mistakes. I mean I didn't manage to last time so that's good I'd say.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes.
Last edited by Karmac on 15 May 2018, 05:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by TheMusician321 » 15 May 2018, 04:37

Yes. +1
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 15 May 2018, 04:40

ed im gonna kill you
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Avalanchee » 15 May 2018, 04:55

Known boi and a good staff member

rp with me or -1
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Sleepy Retard » 15 May 2018, 07:35

literally the shittiest predator i know, he actually made it different to fight a pred and unironically more interesting

is also a dumb shit

this is the weirdest +1 i've written, he was a pred before, he was bad at it, but made rounds actually fun to fight with preds and observe. better than the rest i'd reckon
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by DeusMortis » 15 May 2018, 08:44

Apart of the Marine names I trust when I see.

A staff member I've never seen get into any real problem related to being a mod.

Was removed from whitelist for inactivity due to IRL issues and not because he dishonored himself badly enough to be taken out.

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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Lukey111 » 15 May 2018, 10:43

Decent answers.
Good activity (I'm kidding, I now think you are a Feweh activity alt)
Predator before, just for inactivity issues.
Good at judging other apps.
Pretty short story, though. It is mainly about how you interacted with your clan, less about the actual hunt and the real part about the hunt basically sayd I hunted one, attempted to get his trophy, then another serpent came and wounded me while I was taking the one trophy, and I won.

I'll go with a neutral leaning lightly towards +1, just a little less effort on your part.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 15 May 2018, 11:01

Honestly I never much cared for stories that go into extreme detail of 'how I killed the thing' so the original idea was to go for something a little more personal, I can understand I might've oversimplified the hunt but that's the kind of issue that comes with trying to keep the overall story short and easily readable.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Kavlo » 15 May 2018, 11:55

Yea I'd say it's fine to let this prick back on the whitelist.

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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by NescauComToddy » 15 May 2018, 13:24

Yes, please. +1

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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Adralimas » 15 May 2018, 20:24

+1 to keeping karmac out of trouble.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Redikalzip » 16 May 2018, 01:11

+1, was good pred before. Good luck.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Ghostdex » 16 May 2018, 03:14

Karmac usually has some pretty good input on things, still an idiot though. I think Karmac would make a good addition to the predator community and strike up some good discussion.

I'd like to not see you back with your whitelist, -1.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Imperator_Titan » 16 May 2018, 14:10

The only man in existence to kill me with a meme. Who the heck even does that?

+1, trust worthy unga.

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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 May 2018, 14:17

The story was pretty underwhelming and felt lacking in its delivery and style.

And whilst you may have had the whitelist previously, this does not mean you get to put any less effort into an application, in fact it is quite disappointing that you didn't appear to put too much effort into the app, it appears as though you are hoping to just have it reinstated due to your former whitelist and position as staff.

I will have to go with -1, there have been apps with more effort than this denied due to story issues and criticisms. I feel it would be unfair to overlook the lack of effort due to previous whitelists status and staff status.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 16 May 2018, 17:08

x31stOverlord wrote:
16 May 2018, 14:17
The story was pretty underwhelming and felt lacking in its delivery and style.

And whilst you may have had the whitelist previously, this does not mean you get to put any less effort into an application, in fact it is quite disappointing that you didn't appear to put too much effort into the app, it appears as though you are hoping to just have it reinstated due to your former whitelist and position as staff.

I will have to go with -1, there have been apps with more effort than this denied due to story issues and criticisms. I feel it would be unfair to overlook the lack of effort due to previous whitelists status and staff status.
Feel free to actually point out what specific parts felt like they could use improvement, I'm unsure of how to respond to a general statement of "this sucked" aside from responding with "oh well". And I'm unsure of how you came to the conclusion that I assumed I'd just "get my whitelist back" but if that were true then I wouldn't have bothered including anything other than the sentence "please readd me as predator". I'm unsure of what criticism I'm actually recieving here, please do restate what it is you'd like to see improved.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by RedsPro » 17 May 2018, 00:37

Good app and a fucking cunt of a Good Boi +1.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by edda » 17 May 2018, 01:29

You were a pred before? Since I assume you weren't removed for being a shitter, you have my +1.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by x31stOverlord » 17 May 2018, 02:30

Karmac wrote:
16 May 2018, 17:08
Feel free to actually point out what specific parts felt like they could use improvement, I'm unsure of how to respond to a general statement of "this sucked" aside from responding with "oh well". And I'm unsure of how you came to the conclusion that I assumed I'd just "get my whitelist back" but if that were true then I wouldn't have bothered including anything other than the sentence "please readd me as predator". I'm unsure of what criticism I'm actually recieving here, please do restate what it is you'd like to see improved.
I apologise. I should have added my criticisms. Alright so, I feel as though the story was rushed, it was well written and showed glimpses of your character and intended playstyle but it was terse and abrupt, it felt almost forced as though you had put only enough effort in it to make it passable. I like my stories to flow and follow a natural flair, showing us what you want us to see rather than telling us. Leaving some parts to the imagination of the viewers isn't a bad thing.

Your intended playstyle is... Eh... Well, it is something that I no doubt feel you can do as hunting agressively isn't something many of our Preds do currently. I feel it may get repetitive and boring for both you and your prey and might cause extra issues if your hunting targets decide to gang up and attack you. But overall what we state here isn't so important as we aren't bound to follow it all the time.

Overall it was not a -bad- app, I may just be being a lot more critical of an app made by a former whitelisted pred and a member of staff. Who knows. Don't take this as a personal attack on yourself. It isn't.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 17 May 2018, 04:18

I can understand that method of writing but I've learned to use the 'short and concise' method of writing, and I've always felt its most appropriate for these kind of whitelist forms. There's not really much else I can say in argument to that, I really was trying to meet my own personal criteria in regards to the length and specific details within the story.

Really this just comes down to me trying to make this into something very methodical rather than freeform and imaginative, which I can see your point as to how it seems lackluster as a result.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by driecg36 » 18 May 2018, 09:07

Literally the worst mod ive ever seen, unrobust player, awful formatting (use teal nerd), shitposter of before untold proportions.

Solid +1, i look forward to seeing nacho kevlar miss every plasma caster shot in the future.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Kerek » 23 May 2018, 00:16

yes +1
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Omicega » 23 May 2018, 11:55

Karmac wrote:
23 May 2018, 11:37
at a young age, he wanted to be a predator

and then as an adult, he was a predator

the end
For someone who's so intensely critical of other people's predator apps, yours is one of the weaker ones floating around. The grammar in the story is bad, the story itself goes pretty much nowhere that hasn't been trod to death before, and I personally wouldn't be comfortable allowing someone who can't even stay unbanned from the Discord to pick up a pred whitelist. We don't allow people with active jobbans to even apply for the CO whitelist - something that has much lower standards than the pred whitelist.

My only regret is that you have enough friends to (probably) get carried through on a tide of +1s regardless of what I vote, and that means I'm more than likely wasting my time here.


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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by driecg36 » 23 May 2018, 17:06

Omicega wrote:
23 May 2018, 11:55
For someone who's so intensely critical of other people's predator apps, yours is one of the weaker ones floating around. The grammar in the story is bad, the story itself goes pretty much nowhere that hasn't been trod to death before, and I personally wouldn't be comfortable allowing someone who can't even stay unbanned from the Discord to pick up a pred whitelist. We don't allow people with active jobbans to even apply for the CO whitelist - something that has much lower standards than the pred whitelist.

My only regret is that you have enough friends to (probably) get carried through on a tide of +1s regardless of what I vote, and that means I'm more than likely wasting my time here.

If you think everyone here is +1 him only because we're his friends, or that it even matters to jamie if we +1 him for such a matacliquey reason, then I think you're a bit wrong.

Sure, Karmac is a massive shitposter, thus the discord ban. He also has a terrible note history. His app isn't very good, and is horribly edited. Despite that, he had the pred whitelist before and did absolutely fine with it, and was actually an enjoyable pred for most people. Believe it or not he can control hist shitposting from time to time, and he never shitposted massively as pred in the past, nor do I believe he would now.

I personally don't care about the story that much when I vote on pred apps, the main thing I consider is "Would this player be a good predator that makes rounds better, not worse." Even had Karmac not been a 'good" (unrobust as shit but still fun) predator before, I'd still answer yes to that question. When you consider the fact that that question has been answered yes before, I think it's pretty safe to +1 him.
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Re: Nracha Kv'var (Relentless Hunter) - Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 23 May 2018, 17:13

So from what I'm getting the issue is my story is un-original and poorly structured? Okay well feel free to point out the grammar issues but I can understand the originality point.
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