Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

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Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 12 Oct 2018, 15:50

Byond ID:

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Axel “Jackal” Freund

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):
Thak'Zadteth (Stone One)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Yes, I’m familiar with the Predator Code of Honor, and have reviewed it several times to ensure that I understand the guidelines. In fact, I’ve even discussed aspects of what is considered to be honorable behavior on the Discord, especially in terms of when it is proper to assist or deny assistance to fellow Yautja.

The Predator Code of Honor essentially allows for non-cloaked and non-plasma-caster slaying for those who are considered Worthy, which includes those both with lethal capability such as those carrying weapons and those who possess lethal intent, such as those who order others to kill. A Staff Sergeant lazing targets for example would qualify as Worthy, because they are allowing others to kill, even if they aren’t themselves shooting anything.

Innocent Prey are those who are currently wounded or in critical conditions from a cause that is not yourself, or those who are actively assisting the wounded or performing non-combative duties such as construction or battlefield medic work. Doctors and most ship-side roles which do not use weapons nor attempt to get people to fight would be Innocent, and thus would not be able to be hunted by the Yautja. Instead, the Yautja can only disable or remove them from an area in a non-lethal fashion. In my mind, this also means that if you’re removing someone non-lethally, you need to ensure that they aren’t going to be killed by interference, so doing something like stun-prodding an Engineer building cades and dragging him over to a Xeno would be a no-no.

Unworthy prey may be killed or disabled through any means necessary, and include those who heal themselves in the middle of honor duels, or who attempt to flee from them. Those who assist in the defense of a target would not qualify as Unworthy, but those who actively pursue you and who you are not currently hunting would qualify.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
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How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator):

Thak would be focused primarily upon finding Worthy prey, much like any Predator ought to be. That being said, he is a particularly picky sort, and is interested more in the quality of a trophy than the quantity that one possesses. If the trophy would be worth telling a story about after the fact, then it is worth taking, but if it is something you just casually blab about over Comms and then ignore for the rest of the match, or the discussion after the round is over, then clearly it wasn’t really that worthwhile of a Trophy.

Thak would follow a series of procedures to ensure that he would locate only the most worthwhile prey, even though many would qualify as Worthy. He believes that it is something akin to slaying an Unblooded to kill a creature incapable of harming him in an effective manner, and so even if he was stricken by a few rogue bullets here and there in the midst of battle, he would not pay any attention to it.

That isn’t to say that he is a pacifist, nor entirely uninterested in fighting people. He’s quite likely to get into several small skirmishes with both Marines and Xenos in order to test their abilities, but if they are unable to wound him to at least a moderate degree, then he has no interest in following through and actually killing them, and would instead simply disable them and toss them aside. Even if he were attacked in a group, he would be focused primarily upon the most aggressive, and strongest of the group, and would be primarily disinterested in the others. He might break some arms and legs, and even potentially lop off a limb, but he isn’t going to kill anything that is incapable of putting up a challenge.

In order to choose which prey are even Worthy of testing, he would use his cloaking device to observe battles as they occur. Only those who Blood themselves by killing an opponent would be Worthy even of testing, and even then certain circumstances may dictate their level of Worth. A Marine who kills Young Runner (420) is not nearly as interesting as one who manages to drop Elder Lurker (612).

While Thak will be interacting with both sides in his pursuit of truly worthy foes, he is not a talkative sort, nor is he particularly interested in alerting persons to his presence beyond the obvious. He will not be running around the map, laughing at the difficulties suffered by either team, or attempting to go through minor mischievous acts like throwing flares back at people. He’s not here to mock, he’s here to Hunt, and in what universe does a Hunter start laughing obnoxiously and throwing useless garbage at his prey?

Why should we whitelist you?

First and foremost, I’d like to think that I’ve been a relatively positive player throughout my time here at CM, and have caused no issue with either Staff or my fellow Players. I’ve exhibited a good control at following the rules, and am perfectly willing to request clarification when I don’t understand something.

I’m an experienced roleplayer, having worked through assorted mediums for several years, and have the capability to take the role in a serious manner as opposed to a joking or mischievous form. I’m perfectly willing to take on the role of an interstellar big-game hunter, and follow through with understanding aspects of the lore and incorporating them into my playstyle as I go through a round to better the experience for my fellow players.

I’m not particularly frag-hungry either, and care a lot more for a good story than for simply racking up kills. In the end, digital pixels showing that I’ve managed to kill something are all well-and-good, but being able to talk about something that’s happened in the Discord chat afterwards, to be able to congratulate people on what they’ve done, or laugh with my fellow players over what’s happened is a lot more appealing than just being “robust.” As a Predator, you’re already so much stronger than most other players, that there really isn’t any appeal even in showcasing that.

Besides, a Hunter, at least in the real-world, is not a person who goes out and kills as many things as they possibly can. A Hunter tends to have a set-limit of tags for which they can slay different creatures, and so its in their best interest to find the best animals using their limited tags. While I know that there isn't an arbitrary limit on the number of kills that a Predator can have throughout a given match, I think it's good to view the entire thing in a similar fashion, to look at the Hunt in the mindset of someone who can only bring back a limited number of Trophies so that quality > quantity.

I’m in for the stories, as it were. I want to have fun in the process, but I want everyone else to have as much fun as I can give them too.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?
Nope, I’m still a good egg.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?


Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
Of course, Predators who go around plasma-casting literally everyone they ever see deserve to have their whitelist status revoked, regardless of whether or not they’re donators or staff or any other position. It’s a privilege, not a right.

Thanks for reading through my application, and if you have any questions or criticisms for me, I'll be happy to take/answer them.
- Tando_Oddball
Hiya. I'm the player for Axel "Jackal" Freund, Battlefield Scavenger and War Hero extraordinaire. I also play Alexander, the sycophantic mimic Synthetic.

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Jarek » 12 Oct 2018, 16:27

Absolute +1

I've RP'd with you several times and every one of those times has been a pleasant experience that has gone well.

It helps your story is also pretty good, as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 14 Oct 2018, 07:43

Jarek wrote:
12 Oct 2018, 16:27
Absolute +1

I've RP'd with you several times and every one of those times has been a pleasant experience that has gone well.

It helps your story is also pretty good, as far as I'm concerned.
Much appreciated. Glad you've liked our many little experiences. I wanted to try something a little different than the traditional jungle-hunter story that I often see on Predator Apps, and figured that since both Humans and Predators were space-faring species, there was always the opportunity for spaceborne altercations.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by ThatKazakhDude » 14 Oct 2018, 11:01

Your backstory is really good. It is extremely hard to come up with a unique playstyle, but yours is. Honestly dont remember if i ever saw you in-game, but the backstory and playstyle are good enough to get a +1 from me

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 14 Oct 2018, 13:08

ThatKazakhDude wrote:
14 Oct 2018, 11:01
Your backstory is really good. It is extremely hard to come up with a unique playstyle, but yours is. Honestly dont remember if i ever saw you in-game, but the backstory and playstyle are good enough to get a +1 from me
Much appreciated mate. I play EST at least once, but usually twice a day. Admittedly, I'm not on the forums too often, but I can also be found in the CM Discord fairly regularly.
Hiya. I'm the player for Axel "Jackal" Freund, Battlefield Scavenger and War Hero extraordinaire. I also play Alexander, the sycophantic mimic Synthetic.

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by LaKiller8 » 14 Oct 2018, 13:53

Great app, you are one of the great RPers on here.

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Survivor » 14 Oct 2018, 14:09


I could go into a lot of detail, but I don't think I need to. It's a pretty good app, with good answers.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 14 Oct 2018, 18:11

Hopefully he has the synth whitelist soon. I don’t have an issue with this guy becoming a pred, I think he would do fine with a shot +1

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 14 Oct 2018, 18:44

LaKiller8 wrote:
14 Oct 2018, 13:53
Great app, you are one of the great RPers on here.

Aw. Thank you. :)
Survivor wrote:
14 Oct 2018, 14:09

I could go into a lot of detail, but I don't think I need to. It's a pretty good app, with good answers.
Glad you liked it. Hope to impress.
ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
14 Oct 2018, 18:11
Hopefully he has the synth whitelist soon. I don’t have an issue with this guy becoming a pred, I think he would do fine with a shot +1
Yep! Just got it today! Appreciate the support!
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by NescauComToddy » 14 Oct 2018, 18:49

I don''t have much against this app besides your activity in the forums. It is too low to be accepted on any whitelist in the way I see.

Your background is fine. You made a good story, as much as it could have been shortened.

The way you intend to play, honestly, is generic, because predators do such a thing as a standard. How do you think we measure the merit of our prey? It is exactly like predators assess the worthiness of their prey and does not propose anything new to the game. Not that it is necessary to follow in-game the method in which you intend to play that you put in your app, but you could definitely have tried more here.

Before giving my result, I would like to see what other whitelisted players know, think of experiences with you. Until then, good luck.

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 14 Oct 2018, 19:23

NescauComToddy wrote:
14 Oct 2018, 18:49
I appreciate that you took the time to read through my application, and left constructive criticisms that I could potentially address.

First, I am totally aware that my forum activity thus far has been somewhat sub-par. To be totally frank, while I do spend a fair amount of time looking through the different topics on the forum, and making mental notes of what people are discussing, I rarely feel that I have anything pertinent to add, or else simply don't think that my comments would be entirely necessary.

I do make up for that lack of forum activity by remaining pretty active on the Discord. I've taken part in asking questions at a few of the Townhalls, and try to assist my fellow players whenever possible when they have questions that I know the answer to, and I'm certainly a fan of having a bit of friendly banter after a particularly exciting round. I've also submitted at least one accepted suggestion on the Gitlab. Please, don't take my lack of forum activity to be a lack of drive to participate in the community, its merely a different choice of medium.

I will admit that the story was a tad long, but I felt that it was better to throw out too much detail than to have too little, even if some of it is simply filler. I tried to include assorted facets of character background into different actions. The lack of dialogue on the part of Thak, for example, was because as I mentioned in my App, a Hunter doesn't have much reason to speak to their prey. That being said, he did intentionally have a thought about reporting something of interest to his fellows, because not wanting to talk to things you are hunting doesn't equivocate to being anti-social, merely reserved.

The way I intend to determine whether or not to test prey is, as you've mentioned, entirely generic. If it isn't broken, I didn't see a reason to attempt to fix it in that regard. I would like to think that the concept of refusing to exterminate an opponent unless they've managed to deal substantial damage to oneself is somewhat more unique, however, and would hopefully help deal with matchups wherein a player is extremely outclassed by the Predator, and is forced to sit out the remainder of the round due to being slain despite the fact that they clearly weren't a true threat.

Perhaps I could have attempted to make that clearer, though, I will note that the application itself is nearly 2600 words in length, and even I have a limit for how much detail out to be stuffed into a single post. If you do have any further constructive criticisms or suggestions for how I could improve my playstyle, or even any blatant questions for me to answer, I'd be happy to answer. Otherwise, feel free to sit back and see what others think of me as you mentioned. :)
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 17 Oct 2018, 18:06

As a slight addendum which was mentioned briefly a couple posts back, I am now also the player behind Alexander the Synthetic. I can't edit that into the original post according to guidelines, but it seems relevant.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Karmac » 19 Oct 2018, 01:25

I feel a little let down by the backstory in this application after seeing the +1's you've gotten so far. Yes it's a good story and showcases your storytelling abilities excellently, but it fails to tell me anything about the predator himself, in fact the story manages to feel more focused on the actions of the Humans and the Prey than Thak himself. The play-style is nothing out of the ordinary so I have no complaints there, but that too is disappointing considering your obvious adeptness in regards to role-play and detail.

Personally this looks about as bland as you could make an application and have it pass with a solid C, so I'm going to have to go for a -1 overall.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 19 Oct 2018, 13:35

Karmac wrote:
19 Oct 2018, 01:25
I feel a little let down by the backstory in this application after seeing the +1's you've gotten so far. Yes it's a good story and showcases your storytelling abilities excellently, but it fails to tell me anything about the predator himself, in fact the story manages to feel more focused on the actions of the Humans and the Prey than Thak himself. The play-style is nothing out of the ordinary so I have no complaints there, but that too is disappointing considering your obvious adeptness in regards to role-play and detail.

Personally this looks about as bland as you could make an application and have it pass with a solid C, so I'm going to have to go for a -1 overall.
Hiya Karmac! I appreciate that you took the time to read through my application and leave some criticism on it. If I could, I'd like to address what you said.

The story itself is not meant to be exceptionally blatant in revealing the character, because I find that its typically poor form to write something along the lines of, "He was thoughtful" or "He was quiet and stealthy." Instead, I attempted to showcase a few facets of the character's personality that are liable to actually be found in the game, and I did purposefully avoid certain features that would essentially be filler for the sake of backstory such as his birthing or heritage, pieces of lore that will probably be fleshed out, but which are extremely unlikely to ever be reported on in the context of a round.

In the initial paragraphs, I attempted to make it clear that Thak, while he is in possession of the advanced technology of all Yautja, still deems it necessarily to challenge himself in order to prove his own self-worth. This is nothing particularly unique, but I did want to showcase that he is, like many of his people, seeking to prove himself.

The fact that he intentionally picks a fairly empty section of the ship to assault was meant to represent his desire to avoid collateral damage in his hunt. As I've stated in how I intended to play him, he would view it to be like slaying an Unblooded child to harm those incapable of genuine combat. Even in those activities where a certain level of damage may be necessary, this was meant to display that he will pick the least destructive option to keep to his values.

When confronted by a squad of persons who would be considered Worthy under the Predator Honor Code, Thak did not bother to conceal himself and simply slip past them, because it was clear that they would become a problem in his hunt. Instead, he chose to fight them honorably, without use of his plasma-caster or his cloaking abilities, and when he surpassed them martially, he dispatched them in non-lethal fashions. In the context of the game, there are often-times additional allies who may attempt to assist a chosen Prey in defense, and this was meant to address that concern and how Thak would behave. He isn't afraid to fight, he simply doesn't want to slay those incapable of properly fighting back, and I thought this was a good way to show his own style of mercy.

Even though he had designated his chosen prey as being Worthy of his attention, he also intentionally avoided striking out at them with lethal intent until AFTER they had already managed to significantly wound him. Again, this was meant to display a level of self-control that I think is pivotal to a proper Yautja Hunter.

The lack of dialogue on the part of Thak was, as I mentioned above, due to the fact that a Hunter rarely has reason to communicate with their Prey in a realistic scenario, though I did include a brief mention of communicating with fellow Hunters in order to display that this isn't a sort of edgy anti-social behavior.

Again, I realize that I didn't implicitly say things such as this to point them out. I'm a fan of showing more than I am of telling in my stories, but I have tried to put forth quite a bit of effort in showcasing the actual behaviors of Thak in a situation where they can directly correlate with how he would play in terms of the game.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Karmac » 20 Oct 2018, 00:13

I'm glad you took the time to explain yourself here, I can accept that I was looking at this from the wrong angle, getting a little too used to the very obvious style of character detail people prefer to use I guess. Looking at it again I can't deny any of your points, the minute details *are* there, so I'm willing to change this to a +1.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by MattAtlas » 20 Oct 2018, 10:50

Big +1. Really good roleplayer and an exceptional player in general, with a good story to back it up.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Imperator_Titan » 27 Oct 2018, 20:45

Well made application, okay story and generic playstyle.


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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by spartanbobby » 02 Nov 2018, 15:54

You still kicking around chief?
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 03 Nov 2018, 09:38

Yeppers. I'm still kicking. Sorry, I would have continued to respond to all of the posts, but I didn't want it to look like I was just trying to buff my post count or something like that.

I am, of course, still very grateful for everyone who gave me their support, and I am still here at least once a day. :)
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by spartanbobby » 03 Nov 2018, 17:32

Imperator_Titan wrote:
27 Oct 2018, 20:45
Well made application, okay story and generic playstyle.

Exodus wrote:
03 Nov 2018, 09:38
Yeppers. I'm still kicking. Sorry, I would have continued to respond to all of the posts, but I didn't want it to look like I was just trying to buff my post count or something like that.

I am, of course, still very grateful for everyone who gave me their support, and I am still here at least once a day. :)
Karmac wrote:
20 Oct 2018, 00:13
I'm glad you took the time to explain yourself here, I can accept that I was looking at this from the wrong angle, getting a little too used to the very obvious style of character detail people prefer to use I guess. Looking at it again I can't deny any of your points, the minute details *are* there, so I'm willing to change this to a +1.
I like the app, enjoyed the story and see nothing wrong with the playstyle as long as you're still active and kicking around.
Last edited by spartanbobby on 03 Nov 2018, 17:41, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Sleepy Retard » 03 Nov 2018, 17:38

I like the app, enjoyed the story and see nothing wrong with the play style as long as you're still active and kicking around.

this meme was made by the anti-spartanbobby gang fuck you.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 03 Nov 2018, 17:42

Appreciate it!

I'm also extremely honored to host such fantastic memery in my application. Truly, I am blessed.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 03 Nov 2018, 18:05

So your ingame activity has tapered off, the last time you played was October 22nd, did you end up just taking a little break?

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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by Exodus » 03 Nov 2018, 22:22


I will admit I did have a brief hiatus. I was keeping an eye on the forums, but my mother recently went through a surgical procedure, and I am currently enrolled in college courses, so I had quite a bit to deal with for a short period.

I will say that I was actually playing earlier today in the capture the flag round, and am finally stable enough that I should be able to play as regularly as I was when I made the application. I do apologize that I havent played as much, but I have made efforts to keep up with both the forums and the Discord when possible, and hope my extenuating circumstances are acceptable excuses.
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Re: Thak'Jehdin Predator Application (Tando_Oddball)

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 03 Nov 2018, 22:28

Exodus wrote:
03 Nov 2018, 22:22

I will admit I did have a brief hiatus. I was keeping an eye on the forums, but my mother recently went through a surgical procedure
Say no more you still have my plus one, good luck
