Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
- 420MYK
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- Posts: 173
- Joined: 02 Jan 2018, 00:57
- Byond: 420M.Y.K
Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Byond ID:420M.Y.K
Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Alice 'Snow' Falkner
Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Lar'ja H'chak
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Yes I have read it quite extensively.
Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
A warm sunlit morning, dew still gathered on the leaves of the large tree upon which three yautja were sitting like silent sentinels. Overlooking the sparse plains spread out before them they watched for signs of movement. The tree almost seeming to be the last non silicon based thing within sight also gave a good lookout point to watch for the serpents moving among the resin. The elder most predator seeing distant shifting in the distance turned his sight matrix towards the the distant figure. Toggling the various sight modes he saw that it was the young-blood they thought lost. Growling a short command to the two flanking him they sprung into action knowing that soon these desolate wastes would be screaming with the cacophony of the serpents.
Years Earlier
A small yautja young blood gathered with its brothers and sisters Lar'ja H'chak had always been of slighter frame than alot of his fellow hunters, with a paler more ivory coloring on its skin and long dreadlocks they stood out as much as the largest young blood of bezerker descent. Excelling in tracking and following game they were quickly trained in the ancient arts of egg collection. Stealth and discretion were of utmost importance, for disturbing a Matriarch disturbs the hive which is bad news for even the most experienced yautja. And looking upon a Matriarch and quelling the urge to attempt the ultimate trophy was just as important as discretion. Aside from one blunder where the egg had been lost back to the hive Lar'ja's training went smoothly and his first hunt was an easy success where no fellow had been lost and the pelt of a serpent to adorn his trophy wall, Lar'ja looked forwards to better and greater things.
A good hunt
Breathing heavily from exertion and the various wounds crossing his body Lar'ja H'chak Dug into his last reserves of energy seeing the looming tree his brethren were awaiting him and their ultimate prize, His vessel carrying one Royal Egg and filled with the rare jelly required to speed up a Matriarchs evolution. Hearing hissing beginning to rise out of the ground and pipe like structures of the hive below he felt a second of panic before quickly quelling it, no today there would be no failure even if he fell, with the elder and two of his personal guard failure was not possibly. The only uncertain outcome was his survival. Which rested on making it to the tree by himself. Just as this thought flashed across his mind the ground erupted from below three serpents breaking the roof of their hideaway to ambush. Roaring loudly and swiping his arm out towards the nearest one his wrist blade extending. The serpent easily swept its head back avoiding the swipe before realizing through its sisters minds that the extended claws were not the danger, With a loud flash the body dropped to the ground missing a large part of its torso still smoldering from the plasma blast that just ripped through its body. As the other two serpents leapt forward to attack they found their bodys unresponsive as a combi spear to each beast pinned it to the ground.
Looking up Lar' ja H'chak Saw the two honor guards. Hope and anger both flashed through his chest. Hope that mayhaps he would see another night and anger because he saw this as the elder not trusting him to make it. He was now determined to make it even if the guard wouldn't allow failure, he'd show the elder otherwise. Seeing The stoic figure of Yeyin R'kas holding out his now outstretched hand for the valuable package Lar'ja instead chose to growl out a quick negative while re-shouldering the large vessel that was heavy even by yautja standards. Roaring loudly at the erupting scenery the three warriors fought through hissing chitin and claws weaving and slashing reserving their power reserves and using their casters only when slowed by a grasping claw. Seeing the second honor guard stumble as a large bladed tail slashed a deep wound into its thigh a loud roar of pain erupting from its chest, Lar'ja spun on the spot firing his caster not giving it a chance to lock on properly. But following a stroke of luck that had seemed to follow the days events the searing plasma caught the serpents face just as its mandibles opened preparing to end the encounter. Erupting with acid that splashed the other wounded yautja it quickly ripped off its mask throwing the melting face plate to the side with the serpents corpse. Pulling out his last healing crystal Lar'ja quickly jammed it into the honor guards leg ignoring the indignant roar. Picking up the yautja by its mantle Lar'ja looked at Yeyin seeing a flash from this blade felling serpents with the base of the tree a hairsbreadth away. Throwing the fellow predator towards freedom he quickly followed suit remembering that today's victory resided on his back not snapping at his heels.
How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
If i was to get white listed My main play style would be alot of "ghosting" and tracking, Following Oomans or serpents and overlooking their battles. Following the ebb and flow of the battle. My main focus would probably be more on the RP side of things than anything, (that being said i know the hunt is why we are there and would try to fill that condition.) Not only that but Id also have an almost "secondary" objective which id try to fill. Again more for the RP than to disrupt the game or anything. As a member of a tribe of yautja who look after and maintain the honorable game reserve planets Lar'ja would have the side objective of acquiring an unplaneted egg. Either by sneaking into the hive or by talking with the serpents. As much as serpents are creatures to be hunted its his tribes (and my own personal opinion in some ways) that the yautja should offer them some respect being that alot of yautja culture was developed around the serpents and other alike creatures.
When trying to accomplish this task i wouldnt be doing things like walking into the hive caster blasting and slashing up a Ovid queen. Rather Lar'ja would try talking to the xenomorphs and striking a deal or the like, failing that it'd be a factor of sneaking into the hive itself and getting the egg. Without hurting the queen or being the cause of her Deoving, His tribe believes that unless a queen has proven herself to be a combat wanting matriarch that she should be left alone to tend to her children and create more serpents to hunt. This would be accomplished by watching the battle and finding a chance to get an egg without disturbing the hive too much.
Beyond that of course id keep with the age old predator gimmick of cackling from the shadows at marines and being a general boogeyman.
Why should we whitelist you?
Hmm I wouldn't know any particularly good reason i should be given whitelist over anyone else. I've been playing for quite awhile now and have become quite familiar in all aspects of the game and game mechanics and think predator would be a nice change to the usual rounds. My note history though not completely clean are quite few and far between. I know i certainly wouldn't go in thinking "oh great i've got a OP character time to flex on some poor squishies" though, Preds are a great chance for rare RP you don't tend to get with other roles.
In general id say Im often Medium to High RP when playing as well, I also have the CO whitelist so that shows that i can at least HRP when needed. And i wouldn't abuse the role or anything that came along with it. Including the salt. I know because i play one of the more well known "anime lesbian" characters that comes with a fair bit of mixed reactions and salt not too unlike predators which would probably help in dealing with alot of the negativity and salt thrown at preds quite often.
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? Nah ive been a good boy recently
Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? Nah i only play CM. Dont play any other SS13 servers or other games in general much,
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes and agree with this wholeheartedly.
Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Alice 'Snow' Falkner
Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Lar'ja H'chak
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Yes I have read it quite extensively.
Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
A warm sunlit morning, dew still gathered on the leaves of the large tree upon which three yautja were sitting like silent sentinels. Overlooking the sparse plains spread out before them they watched for signs of movement. The tree almost seeming to be the last non silicon based thing within sight also gave a good lookout point to watch for the serpents moving among the resin. The elder most predator seeing distant shifting in the distance turned his sight matrix towards the the distant figure. Toggling the various sight modes he saw that it was the young-blood they thought lost. Growling a short command to the two flanking him they sprung into action knowing that soon these desolate wastes would be screaming with the cacophony of the serpents.
Years Earlier
A small yautja young blood gathered with its brothers and sisters Lar'ja H'chak had always been of slighter frame than alot of his fellow hunters, with a paler more ivory coloring on its skin and long dreadlocks they stood out as much as the largest young blood of bezerker descent. Excelling in tracking and following game they were quickly trained in the ancient arts of egg collection. Stealth and discretion were of utmost importance, for disturbing a Matriarch disturbs the hive which is bad news for even the most experienced yautja. And looking upon a Matriarch and quelling the urge to attempt the ultimate trophy was just as important as discretion. Aside from one blunder where the egg had been lost back to the hive Lar'ja's training went smoothly and his first hunt was an easy success where no fellow had been lost and the pelt of a serpent to adorn his trophy wall, Lar'ja looked forwards to better and greater things.
A good hunt
Breathing heavily from exertion and the various wounds crossing his body Lar'ja H'chak Dug into his last reserves of energy seeing the looming tree his brethren were awaiting him and their ultimate prize, His vessel carrying one Royal Egg and filled with the rare jelly required to speed up a Matriarchs evolution. Hearing hissing beginning to rise out of the ground and pipe like structures of the hive below he felt a second of panic before quickly quelling it, no today there would be no failure even if he fell, with the elder and two of his personal guard failure was not possibly. The only uncertain outcome was his survival. Which rested on making it to the tree by himself. Just as this thought flashed across his mind the ground erupted from below three serpents breaking the roof of their hideaway to ambush. Roaring loudly and swiping his arm out towards the nearest one his wrist blade extending. The serpent easily swept its head back avoiding the swipe before realizing through its sisters minds that the extended claws were not the danger, With a loud flash the body dropped to the ground missing a large part of its torso still smoldering from the plasma blast that just ripped through its body. As the other two serpents leapt forward to attack they found their bodys unresponsive as a combi spear to each beast pinned it to the ground.
Looking up Lar' ja H'chak Saw the two honor guards. Hope and anger both flashed through his chest. Hope that mayhaps he would see another night and anger because he saw this as the elder not trusting him to make it. He was now determined to make it even if the guard wouldn't allow failure, he'd show the elder otherwise. Seeing The stoic figure of Yeyin R'kas holding out his now outstretched hand for the valuable package Lar'ja instead chose to growl out a quick negative while re-shouldering the large vessel that was heavy even by yautja standards. Roaring loudly at the erupting scenery the three warriors fought through hissing chitin and claws weaving and slashing reserving their power reserves and using their casters only when slowed by a grasping claw. Seeing the second honor guard stumble as a large bladed tail slashed a deep wound into its thigh a loud roar of pain erupting from its chest, Lar'ja spun on the spot firing his caster not giving it a chance to lock on properly. But following a stroke of luck that had seemed to follow the days events the searing plasma caught the serpents face just as its mandibles opened preparing to end the encounter. Erupting with acid that splashed the other wounded yautja it quickly ripped off its mask throwing the melting face plate to the side with the serpents corpse. Pulling out his last healing crystal Lar'ja quickly jammed it into the honor guards leg ignoring the indignant roar. Picking up the yautja by its mantle Lar'ja looked at Yeyin seeing a flash from this blade felling serpents with the base of the tree a hairsbreadth away. Throwing the fellow predator towards freedom he quickly followed suit remembering that today's victory resided on his back not snapping at his heels.
How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
If i was to get white listed My main play style would be alot of "ghosting" and tracking, Following Oomans or serpents and overlooking their battles. Following the ebb and flow of the battle. My main focus would probably be more on the RP side of things than anything, (that being said i know the hunt is why we are there and would try to fill that condition.) Not only that but Id also have an almost "secondary" objective which id try to fill. Again more for the RP than to disrupt the game or anything. As a member of a tribe of yautja who look after and maintain the honorable game reserve planets Lar'ja would have the side objective of acquiring an unplaneted egg. Either by sneaking into the hive or by talking with the serpents. As much as serpents are creatures to be hunted its his tribes (and my own personal opinion in some ways) that the yautja should offer them some respect being that alot of yautja culture was developed around the serpents and other alike creatures.
When trying to accomplish this task i wouldnt be doing things like walking into the hive caster blasting and slashing up a Ovid queen. Rather Lar'ja would try talking to the xenomorphs and striking a deal or the like, failing that it'd be a factor of sneaking into the hive itself and getting the egg. Without hurting the queen or being the cause of her Deoving, His tribe believes that unless a queen has proven herself to be a combat wanting matriarch that she should be left alone to tend to her children and create more serpents to hunt. This would be accomplished by watching the battle and finding a chance to get an egg without disturbing the hive too much.
Beyond that of course id keep with the age old predator gimmick of cackling from the shadows at marines and being a general boogeyman.
Why should we whitelist you?
Hmm I wouldn't know any particularly good reason i should be given whitelist over anyone else. I've been playing for quite awhile now and have become quite familiar in all aspects of the game and game mechanics and think predator would be a nice change to the usual rounds. My note history though not completely clean are quite few and far between. I know i certainly wouldn't go in thinking "oh great i've got a OP character time to flex on some poor squishies" though, Preds are a great chance for rare RP you don't tend to get with other roles.
In general id say Im often Medium to High RP when playing as well, I also have the CO whitelist so that shows that i can at least HRP when needed. And i wouldn't abuse the role or anything that came along with it. Including the salt. I know because i play one of the more well known "anime lesbian" characters that comes with a fair bit of mixed reactions and salt not too unlike predators which would probably help in dealing with alot of the negativity and salt thrown at preds quite often.
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? Nah ive been a good boy recently
Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? Nah i only play CM. Dont play any other SS13 servers or other games in general much,
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes and agree with this wholeheartedly.
Last edited by 420MYK on 21 Oct 2018, 05:23, edited 1 time in total.
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Sleepy Retard
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
why is this all in gree n

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- Karmac
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
un-green it please
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
Back in action.
- spartanbobby
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Please ungreen
John 'Spartan' Murry
Hulij thar'n
Pred Council Man
- 420MYK
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- Posts: 173
- Joined: 02 Jan 2018, 00:57
- Byond: 420M.Y.K
Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Sorry thought it woulda looked better than all white
hrug: if italics is too much too just say

Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Vitoras
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Welp. Story is fine, playstyle is a bit meh in my opinion. I had a lot of good interactions with ya(you always save my ass as medic).
Solid +1
Solid +1
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Story is fine, and the play style is similar to what I do, I mostly just watch since I am not the most robust pred.
Player isn't a shitlord
Player isn't a shitlord
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- David Stormwell
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Story is exceptional, I like it when Preds RP alot and just give me some spooks.
Otherwise your in-game character you RP well!
Otherwise your in-game character you RP well!
They Which Play with the Devils Rattles, Will Be Brought by Degrees to Wield His Sword
-Buckmister Fuller
-Buckmister Fuller
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Welp, it’s that time. I’ll preface this with I was shown the roughdraft of this app beforehand, and thus I’m a little biased, hah. Despite that though, I’m still gonna have to do it to you on this one chief.
The story was decent, and I enjoyed reading it. Although, certain spots like,
As for playstyle, we could always use more RP based breads, and the premise of collecting eggs to ensure there will be further hunts is an aspect I find would be fun to see in action. Though, we do have an egg chamber on the ship, it’s never too bad to have more eggs, and it gives you a reason to RP with the beans, so i’m still for this kind of play style. And who knows, on your Easter egg hunt, you may just find the Royal facehuggers egg yet, hah.
Overall, a few nitpicks here and there but regardless i’d be more then happy to see you on the hunt. This app ain’t too shabby chief, and i’m interested in seeing your playstyle in action. SO
The story was decent, and I enjoyed reading it. Although, certain spots like,
in my opinion just feels kinda chunky. At this point though, it’s mostly me just beint nitpicky, hah. A few misspellings here and there, or spots where the grammar could’ve been improved. Oh and alsoHe was now determined to make it even if the guard wouldn't allow failure, he'd show the elder otherwise.
► Show Spoiler
I did like that spot though and other such places in the story, as they are both decently written and unexpected, but nice touches. You could’ve just said “Bread man stabbed it’s head clean off”, but instead you came up with something that gets you pumped reading, and is much more exciting. It also shows off your playstyle, and your Preds thought process during the hunt, so I think it serves it’s purpose well.The serpent easily swept its head back avoiding the swipe before realizing through its sisters minds that the extended claws were not the danger, With a loud flash the body dropped to the ground missing a large part of its torso still smoldering from the plasma blast that just ripped through its body.
As for playstyle, we could always use more RP based breads, and the premise of collecting eggs to ensure there will be further hunts is an aspect I find would be fun to see in action. Though, we do have an egg chamber on the ship, it’s never too bad to have more eggs, and it gives you a reason to RP with the beans, so i’m still for this kind of play style. And who knows, on your Easter egg hunt, you may just find the Royal facehuggers egg yet, hah.
Overall, a few nitpicks here and there but regardless i’d be more then happy to see you on the hunt. This app ain’t too shabby chief, and i’m interested in seeing your playstyle in action. SO
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“Your Friendly Neighborhood Commodore, Frans ‘Friendly’ Feiffer. Survivor of Space Vietnam, Austrian Kommodore vith ze vorst accent, and Loving Caretaker of the Ungas Aboard the USS Almayer.”
Frans Feiffer's Promotion to Commander - viewtopic.php?f=142&t=18008
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can

- 420MYK
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- Byond: 420M.Y.K
Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Heh thanks all hope the not being green made it less terrible to read :L.
And frans once again thank for the giving it a read over before i posted. As you saw i didnt change it too much just added abit extra here and there. And thanks for the good reply too i love criticism especially when it comes to my writing.
(Unfortunately i couldnt find the translation for easter bunny in yautja sorry ;p )
Edit: i had planned on using the spoiler tabs but felt that the application looked lackluster with them, ill keep it in mind for the future.
And frans once again thank for the giving it a read over before i posted. As you saw i didnt change it too much just added abit extra here and there. And thanks for the good reply too i love criticism especially when it comes to my writing.
(Unfortunately i couldnt find the translation for easter bunny in yautja sorry ;p )
Edit: i had planned on using the spoiler tabs but felt that the application looked lackluster with them, ill keep it in mind for the future.
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Enigmachine
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Yes, please. MYK can handle the responsibility.
Unreserved +1
Unreserved +1
Titus Voltheron
- edgardo
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
A good Story, and i like your playstyle also, you are a Great Commander and i wouldn't doubt about you Hrping has Predator
Wish to see you has one
Deserved +1
Wish to see you has one
Deserved +1
What we call thehuman heart...It's such a mystery, isn't it?
Alyx 'Winter''Einzbern
¿I can ERP with the Doors Dean?Medal Collection
Alyx 'Winter''Einzbern
¿I can ERP with the Doors Dean?
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- Pedroca2lucas
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Okay, I really liked your story, I see you quite often and I do believe you can handle the pressure of such a role.
Shouldn't be a problem. +1
Good luck!
Shouldn't be a problem. +1
Good luck!
Marine: Tony 'Blank' Anders
Synth: Yuki
Mentor: 11/13/2018
Usually playing as:
- Trevoriousdafox
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Story is good, I know you as a player very well.
A easy +1 from me, I know you'll add to the round and keep d-chat entertained heh!
Best of luck on the hunts to come Lar'ja H'chak :P
A easy +1 from me, I know you'll add to the round and keep d-chat entertained heh!
Best of luck on the hunts to come Lar'ja H'chak :P
~Ellie 'Coffee' Weaver~
- Garrison
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
If you get approved. I might actually start rolling queen more often just to witness your RPing in action.
I recognize your name. But that's it, I don't know anything else about you. However, this application has swayed me to a +1.
I recognize your name. But that's it, I don't know anything else about you. However, this application has swayed me to a +1.
LCpl. Raul Garrison: That nobody with a gun
Dr. Arthur Bennet: The guy you plead to fix you
Lt. Elizabeth Owens: The lady who won't stop badgering.
Dr. Arthur Bennet: The guy you plead to fix you
Lt. Elizabeth Owens: The lady who won't stop badgering.
- Imperator_Titan
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Good application now that the original structure has been edited. I'll give you a chance.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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- 420MYK
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- Byond: 420M.Y.K
Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Thanks all you guys heres hoping i can put a good show on for dchat if it goes through
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- KittyHawkpilot019
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Seen you IC a lot, seem to be good at what you do IC. Good story to go with it.

- Ghostdex
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
I have a few qualms with you but nothing major, application is so I'm willing to give you a chance.
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- 420MYK
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Thanks friendoKittyHawkpilot019 wrote: ↑07 Nov 2018, 14:48Seen you IC a lot, seem to be good at what you do IC. Good story to go with it.
Well thanks for the chance either way but feel free to drop me a PM about anything whether its major or minor, whether its about the app or just in general
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Mister Jeether
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
I really liked your background, and your playstyle seems interesting as well. I never had any bad interactions with you, but i also havent played with you enough to know about your RPing, but that's probably because of my activity, recently. I did heard alot of good stuff from you, though.
Your app is simple, but It has all the important information It needs.
While i'm not going to directly take this as a factor in your app, the fact that you are a moderator means that you are used to be held by a higher-standard.
I believe you are more then capable of handling the role.
Your app is simple, but It has all the important information It needs.
While i'm not going to directly take this as a factor in your app, the fact that you are a moderator means that you are used to be held by a higher-standard.
I believe you are more then capable of handling the role.
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.
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Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.
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- 420MYK
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Danke ^.^ and yea we haven't gotten to play together much though i do know we have as i recognize your nameMister Jeether wrote: ↑12 Nov 2018, 14:24I really liked your background, and your playstyle seems interesting as well. I never had any bad interactions with you, but i also havent played with you enough to know about your RPing, but that's probably because of my activity, recently. I did heard alot of good stuff from you, though.
Your app is simple, but It has all the important information It needs.
While i'm not going to directly take this as a factor in your app, the fact that you are a moderator means that you are used to be held by a higher-standard.
I believe you are more then capable of handling the role.
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
- Symbiosis
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
I don’t have anything against simple apps. Story telling doesn’t come naturally to me personally.
You’re a moderator - the app doesn’t have any glaring inconsistencies in it... so I think you’ll do the right thing in the role and treat it with the kid gloves necessary.
+1, congrats on 3!
You’re a moderator - the app doesn’t have any glaring inconsistencies in it... so I think you’ll do the right thing in the role and treat it with the kid gloves necessary.
+1, congrats on 3!
Cliff "Chubs" Campbell
"Hey, did anyone bring any food with them?”
Thwei Kv’var - Blood Hunter
"Hey, did anyone bring any food with them?”
Thwei Kv’var - Blood Hunter
- NescauComToddy
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Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Quite a good story, but with a particularly generic playstyle. You could have tried harder here. Still, I will not take this into account so hard on the result I'll provide.
Alice is in most rounds, and I've never had a negative experience with you, as much as I'm not quite sure if you practice role-playing.
You have recently become a moderator, and having the trial period so close to an application is not something that I favor due to obvious reasons, but in no way will I be suspicious of you. As long no other whitelisted have problems with you, I believe my conclusion is definite.
Good luck, I hope to see you at the hunting grounds. +1
Alice is in most rounds, and I've never had a negative experience with you, as much as I'm not quite sure if you practice role-playing.
You have recently become a moderator, and having the trial period so close to an application is not something that I favor due to obvious reasons, but in no way will I be suspicious of you. As long no other whitelisted have problems with you, I believe my conclusion is definite.
Good luck, I hope to see you at the hunting grounds. +1
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- 420MYK
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- Byond: 420M.Y.K
Re: Lar'ja H'chak Predator application
Thanks symb now here's hoping i don't gotta go up against you as queen if i get it hahaSymbiosis wrote: ↑17 Nov 2018, 03:53I don’t have anything against simple apps. Story telling doesn’t come naturally to me personally.
You’re a moderator - the app doesn’t have any glaring inconsistencies in it... so I think you’ll do the right thing in the role and treat it with the kid gloves necessary.
+1, congrats on 3!
Huh you know that never actually occurred to me that it might not look the best with the whole mod/other apps going at the same time though i do see where youre coming from. But no it was just happenstance that i considered and actually made a pred app i was happy with (i went through a few different playstyles and Backstory thoughts before settling on this one to try with) at the same time i saw the server was looking for mods etc.NescauComToddy wrote: ↑17 Nov 2018, 18:59Quite a good story, but with a particularly generic playstyle. You could have tried harder here. Still, I will not take this into account so hard on the result I'll provide.
Alice is in most rounds, and I've never had a negative experience with you, as much as I'm not quite sure if you practice role-playing.
You have recently become a moderator, and having the trial period so close to an application is not something that I favor due to obvious reasons, but in no way will I be suspicious of you. As long no other whitelisted have problems with you, I believe my conclusion is definite.
Good luck, I hope to see you at the hunting grounds. +1
Im abit outta touch with RP but until about 5 months ago i was the DM for mine and my mates DnD sessions which was a campaign id written myself. Tis part of why i like CM and have done alot more shipside roles of late.
Thanks for the +1 too itll be good to be fighting WITH man'sur for once heh
Noxus Poppy is bae.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.
In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak
I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.