Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

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Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 13 Nov 2018, 18:31

Byond ID:


Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):

Cassius 'Santa' Klaus/ Jacque Devereaux

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):


Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?

Yes, I’m familiar with the Predator Code of Honor, and have reviewed it several times to ensure that I understand the guidelines.
Innocent Prey are essentially the wounded, from a cause not yourself, and those who are currently performing non-combat duties such as: construction, medical, picture taking (example: a CL who is just wandering around), etcetra. While an innocent prey can be removed from the area in a non-lethal way for a reason such as allowing a hunt to take place, it should be done in a way that’s not going to result in their death either. For example, removing a CL from the area non-lethally and then depositing him at FOB would be the proper course of action. The improper course of action would be removing the CL from the area non-lethally and then depositing him in the middle of the cave system where xenos are.

Unworthy prey may be killed or disabled through any means available. These unworthy preys consist of:
  • prey that attempts to flee or receives assistance from others during the duel
  • those who commit Low RP actions (such as hugging a predator while RPing
  • force-feeding a predator, looting while RPing)
  • those who steal or capture a predator/predator’s loot
  • those who attack a predator’s lodge
Worthy prey is those who are not actively fighting but have lethal ability/shown lethal intent and are a combatant. For example, a marine with a weapon on his belt or in his hands and is combat able is a potential worthy prey. Likewise, someone who orders combat, like a scientist or SO, who is issuing orders for others to kill is also a combatant. If someone issues a challenge or insults a predator, it too can qualify someone as worthy prey.

Regarding Honor Duels… Mainly, this occurs towards other predators and humans from what I understand and, from what I understand, it has to the predator challenges the ‘foe’ to an honor duel. A human or xeno chasing predator demanding an honor duel can end up marking them as unworthy. An honor duel is to the death and to be conducted as honorable as possible. Ranged weapons are forbidden as well.

Regarding Self-Destruct, I understand it is greatly dishonorable to allow yourself to be captured intact (dead or alive) and gear looted. I also understand that a SD circumstances may be a bit more nuanced and, while loss of life is not my concern if I SD, getting into a situation where most of the player base is affected by a SD would not be desirable and in such case, a SD may need to be forgone. I also understand the concepts behind Mercy and Claiming Other Kills and what happens if there is a code violation.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
► Show Spoiler
How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?

My Predator Ka’Tar would be, like most all predators, inclined towards hunting for worthy prey. While quantity does have its own quality, I would want worthy prey that would give me the best story and meaning to bring back to my clan. To do this, I’d observe and watch the marines and xenos extensively in a search for worthy prey that shows promise, beyond that of its companions. While many on the field of battlefield may qualify as worthy, Ka’Tar would want not only one of the strongest physically but one with exploits to their name he had personally seen. For example, Ka’Tar would find a marine who survived several assaults against the serpents and killed one as extremely interesting. For Ka’Tar this would signify resilience, luck, and skill all embodied in this marine. An interesting combo to fight against. For a xenomorph example, Ka’Tar would look at xenos that seem a class above others in skill at fighting with, preferably, a willingness to fight.

Ka’Tar will also want to avoid hunting the hive or marines to extinction as well. By this I mean, it would be more fruitful to have a healthy and large hive of xenos instead of having a small hive that would collapse if Ka’Tar interfered. Again, quality over quantity. I fully expect I may end up with no prey taken or only 1 per round with this mentality but it's important I make it about quality rather then quality to me.

Ka’Tar understands that in combat he may be struck and attacked purposely or by happenstance as he observes the battlefield up close. He won’t seek to escalate unless of course, the prey is right and worthy for his hunt of the finest story.

When Ka’Tar is on the field, something that may give him away to his potential prey is an approving laugh towards humans or xenos while an amplified “I see you” in Hooman speak is directed at his prospective human worthy prey.

Why should we whitelist you?

Well, over the time I’ve been on CM I believe I have been both engaged in the community, engaged in the game, and created no issues with Staff or my fellow players. I have brought to the table my commentary, suggestions, gameplay, and occasionally my help to the community. I further think I’ve reflected I can follow the rules and, when I have messed up, I’ve both conducted myself with full cooperation, dignity and understanding of the situation.

Role wise, I know what I’m doing and have experience in the High Roleplay roles of SO, XO, CDR, MP, and CMP. As some may know, I can be both extremely serious in one role like MP and much less so in another like Pfc. I both love and know Colonial Marines’ lore from the intricacies of the UPP and USCM to the Predators and xenos and have no issue there either.
In Predator, I’d treat it the same way as I do CDR, MP, CMP or XO with High standards of roleplay practiced and dedication to the role and game. If I’m not in the mood for the role, I won’t play it. Simple as that. Personally, I find that’s a key method to avoid having issues in roles. If you aren’t into the mindset of the role at that moment, you shouldn’t play it at that period of time.

As for the role itself, I believe I am ready to take up the mantle of Predator and incorporate both my own style and the lore of CM I love so much into the way I play to make the round fun and immersive for both others and myself.

Gameplay wise, I know that as a player I have the capability to “get the killz bro,” but that is not what appeals to me about Predator at all. Predator is… and always has been for me… a roleplay orientated role. In a way, killing is a means to an end to further and end roleplay lines. For example, the roleplay may start between a predator and a marine and then end with one of the two dying. That tiny bit of death is, in it’s own way, an bit of the roleplay but it is absolutely NOT the goal or reason there are predators. As mentioned, killing is not the sole purpose of the role though. It’s about the roleplay involved and, for my character Ka’Tar, about the quality of the kill and story associated with the prey, the hunt, and the kill.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?


Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
Absolutely. Being whitelisted is a privilege and their gameplay in the role is to be indicative of that. The player should reflect that status in their behavior as a whitelisted player.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 13 Nov 2018, 19:54

Not going to lie I skimmed over the story, but if it was anything like your intended play-style I'd be willing to bet it's disappointing at best.

After re-reading the play-style a few times I'm still not sure what's unique about your predator, you detailed the basic rules every hunter follows over a period of 3 paragraphs and presumably expect me to nod and say,
"Yes, this is very good, very unique, very high effort"

I'm not sure what else to say.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by 420MYK » 13 Nov 2018, 20:05

Yes +1. I was thinking that before even opening the spoiler tab for the story. Gameplay seems abit ehhh same same to alotta pred's but honestly that's a non issue imo. Ive played withyou across alot of aspects of the game and have not had a single bad dealing with you.

So take the biggest +1 ill give without being obnoxious
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 13 Nov 2018, 20:14

Problem is your name is very similar to Kartar and it might cause some confusion

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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 13 Nov 2018, 20:19

Karmac wrote:
13 Nov 2018, 19:54
Interesting, if scathing review.

As for a new, creative, groundbreaking, 5 Star way to play predator I'm not sure I've gotcha there buddy. I can give you another roleplaying predator with their own "gimmick" more or less who is looking to enrich others experience but as for living up to higher expectations of finding some angle of predator no one has found yet? Well... you are right I can't give you that. If you have a suggestion on a new, creative, groundbreaking way to play predator I'll gladly take it into consideration.
ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
13 Nov 2018, 20:14
I did not know that. That's not good. I'm not sure how a change could be arranged, especially as the time to edit this is run out I believe, but I'd be up for a change of name if needed.
Last edited by Vispain on 13 Nov 2018, 20:21, edited 1 time in total.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Karmac » 13 Nov 2018, 20:20

I'm here to review your application, not tell you how to do it after the fact.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 13 Nov 2018, 20:22

Karmac wrote:
13 Nov 2018, 20:20
I'm here to review your application, not tell you how to do it after the fact.
I refuse to argue with you if that's your intention. Thank you for your review.
420MYK wrote:
13 Nov 2018, 20:05
Thank you.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Survivor » 13 Nov 2018, 20:24

Although your predator isn't super special in any way, you definitely tried on the application. You are a trustworthy player, as well.

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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 14 Nov 2018, 06:20

The application is good and you’re not a bad player but I think you may possibly need to change the name cause it’s close to lumdor’s pred name Kar’Tar

Worst case scenario if you get enough positive votes you may just be asked to come up with a different name


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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Lumdor » 15 Nov 2018, 09:22

The name you're using is Ka'Tar? It's the same name as my pred but missing the R.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Ghostdex » 15 Nov 2018, 09:26

Application feels pretty generic and like Lumdor said, you're Yautja's name is pretty close to his and I view that as a slight issue. I've seen you around ICly and you don't really cause any problems that I know of but I haven't exactly noticed any spectacular roleplay from you. Overall I'm neutral for now.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 15 Nov 2018, 14:09

Lumdor wrote:
15 Nov 2018, 09:22
The name you're using is Ka'Tar? It's the same name as my pred but missing the R.
Yeah, honest mistake. I legitimately just made up a random sounding name, didn't even look at a generator or pred apps for names... I also didn't check to see if any other previously accepted preds had the name.
Whether or not this app gets accepted, I know it's an issue and, if accepted, will accept a change. If not accepted, then should I make an app again, I'll do better to ensure to not use a name similiar to my own, if possible.
ghostdex wrote:
15 Nov 2018, 09:26
Thank you for the review, I've learned not soon after the app was made that the name was very similar but it was too late to edit the application at that point and change the name.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Lumdor » 16 Nov 2018, 18:44

I'll let it slide this time brother. But if we play together you're now apart of my clan and as such will be my real brother.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.

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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Symbiosis » 16 Nov 2018, 18:47

ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
14 Nov 2018, 06:20
The application is good and you’re not a bad player but I think you may possibly need to change the name cause it’s close to lumdor’s pred name Kar’Tar

Worst case scenario if you get enough positive votes you may just be asked to come up with a different name

It’s an average application - but you’ve been a part of the server for a long time.

I trust - if you get the whitelist - that you’ll do it justice. +1
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 16 Nov 2018, 22:14

Lumdor wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 18:44
I'll let it slide this time brother. But if we play together you're now apart of my clan and as such will be my real brother.
Thanks man, that sentiment really hits me right in the heart and I'll consider this character definitely a member if this gets accepted. Sorry about the mistake though. Seriuosly, I'm legitimately astounded...

When I was writing my application and making up this name I actually was going to make it Kar'Tar... not Ka'Tar... The only thing that made me change it was I liked the name sound better...

Symbiosis wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 18:47
Thanks Symbiosis.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Imperator_Titan » 02 Dec 2018, 08:19

Generic playstyle, generic story. The only thing you have going for you is your long playtime.


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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 05 Dec 2018, 16:49

Imperator_Titan wrote:
02 Dec 2018, 08:19
Generic playstyle, generic story. The only thing you have going for you is your long playtime.

Thanks for the +1 mate.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Sailor Dave » 07 Dec 2018, 23:00

Sure it's generic, but you've got a good understanding of predators. The name is pretty similar, but it's not something I'd make you remake the app over. Come up with something else and I'm sure you can use it, if you get approved.

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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 08 Dec 2018, 12:50

Lumdor wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 18:44
Sailor Dave wrote:
07 Dec 2018, 23:00
Thanks Sailor Dave,

Yeah, if Lumdor still allows it and this is accepted I'll keep the " 'Tar " bit and just change the front " Ka " part of the name.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 11 Dec 2018, 17:44

If you do want to change your name, what will your new name be?
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Vispain » 11 Dec 2018, 23:37

Emeraldblood wrote:
11 Dec 2018, 17:44
If you do want to change your name, what will your new name be?
I'd change it to Pau'Tar . I don't believe there is anyone named that.
St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: Ka'Tar : Vispain's Predator Application

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Dec 2018, 18:57

Changed your name for your app.

Resolved - Accepted
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