Vampmare - Soth'Kar

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Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Vampmare » 16 Nov 2018, 14:53

Byond ID:

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Tyrone ‘Legs’ Keeper and Edmund ‘King’ Crawford.
I play a lot of characters, but these two are the main ones.

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Yes, I have read and understood them.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
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How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
Soth’Kar will be played around his fascinations for limbs and the way they play out in his arts. It will go something like, first he finds a worthy opponent and leads them on. It hopefully develops into an honorable battle, where the human will be fighting for his life. Soth’Kar will be fighting to delimb the human and gain a new trophy. I’ll try to keep it balanced with the weapons, so that the person I’m fighting doesn’t immediately get delimbed, as that is no fun for both parts. I will attempt to create displays with my gathered limbs and messing with it will likely invoke my anger, as it is part of my pride. This play style and gimmick is geared heavily towards RPing with humans, but it is not that I intend to never talk with xenos. Personality-wise, he’s arrogant and believes his art to be superior above all except the mighty hunt. Not that different from other predators.

Why should we whitelist you?
I have personally had a lot of fun experiences RPing with preds and aspire to give other players the same experience or something close to. I am going to go out on a limb here and say, I feel I’m up to the task of being a predator, as I’m currently Commander and Synthetic whitelisted. I’m also quite fascinated with Predators and I would love to try to set my mindset into one. Playing predator requires some pretty good anger management skills, as few are likely to RP with you properly and maybe I have those. I probably do, or not.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
Of course.
Last edited by Vampmare on 16 Nov 2018, 15:35, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 16 Nov 2018, 15:05

I had to correct your historical misgivings which have triggered me on discord


Application is fine, quirk is fine as I do that as a predator all the time. I use the generic dead bodies to decorate the colony to rattle people.

Player is a good roleplayer as well, well except when he does the demented royal commander thing

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Byond: MattAtlas

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by MattAtlas » 16 Nov 2018, 15:36

actual jack the ripper predator

Pretty good shit, you're a good roleplayer and a cool guy. +1
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Byond: Audi_Gzz

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Audi_Gzz » 16 Nov 2018, 15:37

Vamp is a good roleplayer, nice story. Cool gimmick.
Seen him roleplay the royal commander thing as Solider said, and it was my best experience of having him as a commander when I first joined the server. Overall this is a nice app, everything is simple but good. 1+. Players also not a shitler obviously so yeah. He good CHIEF.
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Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Karmac » 16 Nov 2018, 18:39

For a moment I thought you were ripping off Simonset's playstyle, and then I realised this one's just worse.

"Hello yes I will de-limb people and be angry at anyone who touches my contemporary art project, naturally this means I will do the heavy RP and interact with humans :^))))))"

Even reading the story just makes this feel like you wanted to apply as a dumb predator concept, that final paragraph where he just sits there and stares at his epic limb collage.

Memes and dissapointment aside, this is a bit of a genuine let down, this isn't an entirely terrible concept, you just worded it horribly and did that thing in backstories where I learn more about the environment and the prey than the hunter itself. Additionally I'm unsure of where the 'heavy RP' is coming from in that backstory, you literally just steal a dudes limbs and then stare at some art.

Big -1 for now.
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Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Vampmare » 17 Nov 2018, 03:11

Karmac wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 18:39
For a moment I thought you were ripping off Simonset's playstyle, and then I realized this one's just worse.

"Hello yes I will de-limb people and be angry at anyone who touches my contemporary art project, naturally this means I will do the heavy RP and interact with humans :^))))))"

Even reading the story just makes this feel like you wanted to apply as a dumb predator concept, that final paragraph where he just sits there and stares at his epic limb collage.

Memes and disappointment aside, this is a bit of a genuine let down, this isn't an entirely terrible concept, you just worded it horribly and did that thing in backstories where I learn more about the environment and the prey than the hunter itself. Additionally I'm unsure of where the 'heavy RP' is coming from in that backstory, you literally just steal a dudes limbs and then stare at some art.

Big -1 for now.
I can see where you're coming from.

I can't do much about the story. I tried to explain a bit better what I intended to do as a pred in my "How I intend to play", but I can see now that I didn't really describe in great detail what I was thinking of.

Very much like Simonset, I want to use the limbs as a way to create a scary environment, so the marines know when they're in the wrong area. There are plenty of survivors available for delimbing at roundstart, so I have a few limbs to make some letters or something alike on the ground. It will allow me to gauge who actually wants to RP, cause the people that want to, are likely to react on what they're seeing. I'll follow them/bait them out to a secluded area and engage in some conversation. I may also throw limbs at some passing marines cause they were rotten or not good enough to be included in the 'art', hoping to annoy the marines or make them feel disturbed. The gimmick will also affect how I interact with other preds, as I'll want to show them my collection or ask them to judge it. I'm just spewing out things here to show that I intend to something a little deeper than delimb people and 8roar when they touch my things. I doubt I'll be delimbing that many people that are actually alive.

I hope that showed you a little better of what I had in mind.

Thank for the feedback and thank you to everyone else as well.
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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Symbiosis » 17 Nov 2018, 03:39

I like the general idea. As long as you view delimbing as “taking someone out” for the round, it’ll be fine. (Often times due to poor treatment, etc, delimbed Marines are as good as dead, especially if it’s a foot/leg)

I know you’re a great player, you’ve been here a very long time.

My chief concerns are the limited backstory beyond a single hunt. It’s not enough to sink the app completely, but I tend to agree with Karmac on this one in that regard.

As a Predator you’re able to spend 20 minutes or so making great visual scenes for the players using the bodies already in the game - with a little imagination, a spray bottle, and a syringe... you’re able to make a good visual setting for the Marines. (Which if I’m correct, seems to be your main focus as a Pred!)

For now, neutral, leaning +1, awaiting more feedback from others.
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Byond: NescauComToddy

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by NescauComToddy » 17 Nov 2018, 19:27

In terms of 'quality' and formatting, your story is good, but it doesn't give us much about who Soth'Kar is and his personality beyond the concept that you have based your playstyle on. You have applied effort to it, but you have also forgotten what some of us look for on these backgrounds.

In the way I see it, there is no issue in creating areas with scattered limbs, blood everywhere and so on. But this other part of provoking anger, if it involves more 'physical hostilities', I suggest you not to adopt this playstyle altogether, only a part of it. Heavy RP depends a lot on how you and the Marines deal with the situation, so I would not take much of it.

About your character throwing limbs at marines who are walking by, I do not suggest you do that. Preferably use them to transform an environment that marines will pass instead of throwing arms directly at them.

For now, I will remain neutral as I wish to see what other whitelisted people have to say about past experiences with you and so on. Until then, good luck!

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Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Survivor » 18 Nov 2018, 04:21

Vamp is a good player with both of the other whitelists. I know for a fact he can RP, and his application is pretty good. It can be compared to Simon's application, but it is it's own thing.

+1. Good luck, man.
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Byond: vitoras

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Vitoras » 18 Nov 2018, 05:37

This quirk is pretty much a part of usual Yautja Honor Code in duel part(Predators may also show mercy to an honorable prey who fought well or out-smarted the Predator, the Predator may take an item or limb from said Prey as a trophy and allow them to live) and the story is kinda short and doesn't show much. On the other hand, I know you as a good man and player(even considering some things before), so it's neutral leaning towards +1. Just one question: What do you mean by "art" and "displays"?

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Byond: Drownie

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Drownie » 18 Nov 2018, 16:24

ThesoldierLLJK wrote:
16 Nov 2018, 15:05
Player is a good roleplayer as well, well except when he does the demented royal commander thing
Yeaah, basically what Soldier said - but I feel like you have failed on giving us the information about what Soth'Kar personality is like, anyways my only concern right now about allowing someone to become a Pred is knowing he will be RP capable and you're OK on that one. The story isn't that bad to make me -1 but not too well to make me +1 you, the only issue I see here is the effort input.

I will stay neutral, but leaning towards +1. If you don't answer me or anything like it, in the end of that application you people can take that post as a +1.
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Byond: Vampmare

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Vampmare » 19 Nov 2018, 11:11

Vitoras wrote:
18 Nov 2018, 05:37
Gameplay-wise, I say art when I'm talking about arranging my arranging limbs in a pattern on the ground or spreading them around a small area. I'll be nearby watching the marines reactions to this display/art, as it should be fairly obvious that did this not occur naturally. I hope that helped you see what I had in mind.
Drownie wrote:
18 Nov 2018, 16:24
I realize that I should have included a lot more in my app, I'll make it better by adding a little here.

Soth’Kar personality is that he is arrogant, he believes himself to be superior of his prey. He is prideful and obsessed over his trophies that he acquires, typically limbs. He’ll seek the acknowledgement of his brothers, by showing/talking about his newly created art/trophies. In general, you could describe him as talkative at least towards other predators. That does not mean he is friendly, he is still very self-centered and will always put his own needs ahead of others. Towards his prey he is indifferent, they’ll have to earn his respect, if they want to be treated differently. Humans are likely to be weirded out by his morbid interest.

Thank you for the feedback and nice comments to everyone above. Feel free to ask any questions.
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Byond: Ghostdex

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Ghostdex » 19 Nov 2018, 13:22

I'm not a fan of the demented royal commander thing but I haven't seen that done in awhile now. The story was short and like Karmac said we learned more about the visuals rather than the Predator itself. The quirk is fine, something somewhat different and like you said, you can't be quick to anger as a predator player which is something I agree with and I believe you're a calm person.

For the reasons above I'll +1 this.
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Byond: Drownie

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Drownie » 24 Nov 2018, 18:22

Vampmare wrote:
19 Nov 2018, 11:11
Damn centrists.
Anyways, I liked your answer so +1.
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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Imperator_Titan » 01 Dec 2018, 07:12

Backstory has fallen into the trap as many others have, you've given me more insight into the officer in this backstory than the predator himself, the only thing I gathered being that he enjoys creating art. Playstyle is okay however, you still should've gone more into the backstory rather than leaving it at a few sentences.


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Byond: Vampmare

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Vampmare » 05 Dec 2018, 08:13

Imperator_Titan wrote:
01 Dec 2018, 07:12
Backstory has fallen into the trap as many others have, you've given me more insight into the officer in this backstory than the predator himself, the only thing I gathered being that he enjoys creating art. Playstyle is okay however, you still should've gone more into the backstory rather than leaving it at a few sentences.

I've been kicking myself over this since Karmac mentioned it. I tried to expand on my playstyle and predator playstyle in the comments above, but of course it's something that should have been included in my original post. I appreciate the feedback.

Thank you for the comments above this one as well.
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Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Sailor Dave » 07 Dec 2018, 22:54

I think you can handle this. It's a bit barebones, but I'm sure you can make something worthwhile from it.

+1 from me.
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Byond: simonset55

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by simonset55 » 11 Dec 2018, 08:56

I have come to know you quite a bit fellow danish man, and you ain't stupid.

Your gimmick is a little like mine a guess, but not really. Story could be longer, but i've seen worse. You're capable of RP because I often see you doing it as your new main character Zoey Speck Wrench or whatever.

So yeah you should be fine for the pred list since you ain't stupid, +1.
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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Vampmare - Soth'Kar

Post by Emeraldblood » 11 Dec 2018, 17:50

I'll rate your app and playstyle a solid snazzy. Good luck as Predator and remember the rules.

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