Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
- shyshadow
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
Hmmm, based mostly around what Bolter had to say about the application and story they had pointed out basically everything I find inconsistent and just plain confusing. I know I'm being blunt, but the whole language barrier thing isn't making this any easier, I'm not 100% familiar with you in game, I think I've seen your character once or twice but I don't think I've ever genuinely interacted with you.
So, about the whole a Youngblood/Blooded being able to take on Elites, is as bolter said they would just kick your ass. Also just to clarify, if I'm correct Adjudicator they are the Yautja that enforce the honor code and punish those whom break it. So exactly why would they put a blooded/young-blood in charge of this? If anyone should do this, it should be an Elite or Clan Leader, it just doesn't make sense.
Another thing I'd personally add, is how there's the whole "Family" honor. Which if I'm correct (Please do clarify is I'm not) is completely inaccurate, due to the fact that the male Yautja don't actually care for whom they mate with. They just mate and piss off, and do it with another, while I'm taking a lot of info with a grain of salt I'd like to point out that having a family's honor and your father caring about their a sole off-spring is surprising. While it's very novel of an approach, it's not accurate to the lore.
So, about the whole a Youngblood/Blooded being able to take on Elites, is as bolter said they would just kick your ass. Also just to clarify, if I'm correct Adjudicator they are the Yautja that enforce the honor code and punish those whom break it. So exactly why would they put a blooded/young-blood in charge of this? If anyone should do this, it should be an Elite or Clan Leader, it just doesn't make sense.
Another thing I'd personally add, is how there's the whole "Family" honor. Which if I'm correct (Please do clarify is I'm not) is completely inaccurate, due to the fact that the male Yautja don't actually care for whom they mate with. They just mate and piss off, and do it with another, while I'm taking a lot of info with a grain of salt I'd like to point out that having a family's honor and your father caring about their a sole off-spring is surprising. While it's very novel of an approach, it's not accurate to the lore.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- NescauComToddy
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
Addresses, peeps,
Thank you all for your Critiques. I See we've got a lot of misunderstandings here, but I'm looking forward to clarifying them entirely.
Firstly, let's start with the backstory plot-holes that I've made and my fatal mistake within the Elites conflicts between Yin. He Isn't a Youngblood since he didn't perform his Ritualistic first Hunt. This disturbance happened due to the Wars and Battles for his Clan freedom, which influenced his House Customs, traditions and culture. Instead of Hunting, he and the others around him were mostly tasked In supporting and partaking these Contests, indirectly eliminating the Original culture of the Hunt among His brothers. This Is also one huge point that influences his climbing among the military ranks In his clan. Starting as a pure brawler to becoming an experienced spear-master and ultimately, the Spear of the Adjudicator(Which resulted after a series of political embroilments where Yin'tekai gradually participated, causing his Influence In this sector to be extremely Important, as his clan was being extinguished). About his illness, It's explained in one of the backstories that I've made, which mostly, details and explores with depth the Mysterious and shameful part of the Yautja organization, most perceived as the Etas(He Isn't one). While prevailing with his secret, he succeeds to find a way to control The unwanted hallucinations he holds. Now, about the Elite's brawls, this was entirely my mistake, and I comprehend each one of your points. Concerning the bracer discharge, It desolated Antartica once; I believe It Isn't hard of such to effectively obliterate a Temple. Applying CM mechanics won't work here, as they aren't Lore reasonably valid due to obvious reasons either. Mainly, I wanted to risk It trying to make something which no one ever was done, that's regarding their Clans internal competencies. I Could've easily made up a Background with everything set up for me, but I preferred to try something else Instead. Instead of making a simple tale about his First hunt, I decided to make out a Synopsys. I See why these risks I took might sound strange to others. Other than that, I also employed some unique clan customs on other stories to fulfill the Holes we have within the Yautja lore. I Can ensure you that I have enough knowledge to become a Predator. However, I see that this original backstory was weak Indeed. About regaining his family honor, It was an expression that sought to impact his Hunt for the honor his Father, an Elder, previously lost. Regarding the Yautja reproduction doubt of yours, here Is the complete answer explaining them. Their breeding method Is considerably unexplained, yet we have Info from the EU that suggests a small portion of It. From what's shared, both female and male require displaying a specific plane of dominance within their society, Which for the males Is around the Hunt and their Hierarchy, while for the females Is simply they preeminence In their particular pack. Furthermore, on Males, It demands one to ascend to Elite, which Is close or determined as an Elder In many terms according to each Clan Culture. What we do know Is that Reproduction on their Society Is highly disputed among Males and that the Hunters chose their partners with fundamentally, their smell. Other than that, It's known that In their Youth, they certainly make bonds with their Mother, while rarely with their father. Which means that you're correct(Shy). If We correlate things up, we can authenticate that the Males Don't care about they descendants due to the Egocentric search for status that one possess.
Now, regarding the gameplay-wise misinterpretations, They're completely wrong. I Would never do any associated speculation that could inflict damage to The Role-playing and Enjoyment tissue of our player-base around our server. This Is accurately what I'm against here, and I'm pleased to point that out. Still, I would interact with both the Xenomorphs and the Marines as It's supposed to work. Eventually, I would adapt my unique gameplay with those most Predators have with Lz1, Remaining lore friendly as always. Besides, I never stated I would murderbone those who utterly don't want to RP. If In any cases the Player doesn't want to interact with me, I would understand It completely, letting the corresponding one alone without interfering with his round. My Resentment will only be utilized In cases where our Limitations are being surpassed by our conditions and precepts, such as escaping from a fight, which would be remarkably dishonorable for any Hunter. In the end, my foremost Job as a Predator will be to ADD Fun, Antithetical to the speculations cited above. I Believe In the concept that this feature In our game was made In the purpose of making a round more exciting to a Player, and That's why I pretend to interact with them more. Other than that, I would compensate those who desire to Role-play their Jobs, being with me or not. Of Course, many rewards would be secondhand supplied, depending on the situation provided. Again, my principal purposes here are going to be to take a substantial part In the round, while RPing, hunting, and eventually trying to provide fun for each player I may find.
Sparked by the initials discussions we have In the comics, I made a modest presurvey of how some of my Interactions with my surroundings would be. This depicts Yin points of views about his Civilization and Society, where he intimately believes In Yautja sovereignty. At this time, he's already an experienced Hunter, which could be estimated as a Lone Wolf, Warrior.
Thanks for the commentaries.
Thank you all for your Critiques. I See we've got a lot of misunderstandings here, but I'm looking forward to clarifying them entirely.
Firstly, let's start with the backstory plot-holes that I've made and my fatal mistake within the Elites conflicts between Yin. He Isn't a Youngblood since he didn't perform his Ritualistic first Hunt. This disturbance happened due to the Wars and Battles for his Clan freedom, which influenced his House Customs, traditions and culture. Instead of Hunting, he and the others around him were mostly tasked In supporting and partaking these Contests, indirectly eliminating the Original culture of the Hunt among His brothers. This Is also one huge point that influences his climbing among the military ranks In his clan. Starting as a pure brawler to becoming an experienced spear-master and ultimately, the Spear of the Adjudicator(Which resulted after a series of political embroilments where Yin'tekai gradually participated, causing his Influence In this sector to be extremely Important, as his clan was being extinguished). About his illness, It's explained in one of the backstories that I've made, which mostly, details and explores with depth the Mysterious and shameful part of the Yautja organization, most perceived as the Etas(He Isn't one). While prevailing with his secret, he succeeds to find a way to control The unwanted hallucinations he holds. Now, about the Elite's brawls, this was entirely my mistake, and I comprehend each one of your points. Concerning the bracer discharge, It desolated Antartica once; I believe It Isn't hard of such to effectively obliterate a Temple. Applying CM mechanics won't work here, as they aren't Lore reasonably valid due to obvious reasons either. Mainly, I wanted to risk It trying to make something which no one ever was done, that's regarding their Clans internal competencies. I Could've easily made up a Background with everything set up for me, but I preferred to try something else Instead. Instead of making a simple tale about his First hunt, I decided to make out a Synopsys. I See why these risks I took might sound strange to others. Other than that, I also employed some unique clan customs on other stories to fulfill the Holes we have within the Yautja lore. I Can ensure you that I have enough knowledge to become a Predator. However, I see that this original backstory was weak Indeed. About regaining his family honor, It was an expression that sought to impact his Hunt for the honor his Father, an Elder, previously lost. Regarding the Yautja reproduction doubt of yours, here Is the complete answer explaining them. Their breeding method Is considerably unexplained, yet we have Info from the EU that suggests a small portion of It. From what's shared, both female and male require displaying a specific plane of dominance within their society, Which for the males Is around the Hunt and their Hierarchy, while for the females Is simply they preeminence In their particular pack. Furthermore, on Males, It demands one to ascend to Elite, which Is close or determined as an Elder In many terms according to each Clan Culture. What we do know Is that Reproduction on their Society Is highly disputed among Males and that the Hunters chose their partners with fundamentally, their smell. Other than that, It's known that In their Youth, they certainly make bonds with their Mother, while rarely with their father. Which means that you're correct(Shy). If We correlate things up, we can authenticate that the Males Don't care about they descendants due to the Egocentric search for status that one possess.
Now, regarding the gameplay-wise misinterpretations, They're completely wrong. I Would never do any associated speculation that could inflict damage to The Role-playing and Enjoyment tissue of our player-base around our server. This Is accurately what I'm against here, and I'm pleased to point that out. Still, I would interact with both the Xenomorphs and the Marines as It's supposed to work. Eventually, I would adapt my unique gameplay with those most Predators have with Lz1, Remaining lore friendly as always. Besides, I never stated I would murderbone those who utterly don't want to RP. If In any cases the Player doesn't want to interact with me, I would understand It completely, letting the corresponding one alone without interfering with his round. My Resentment will only be utilized In cases where our Limitations are being surpassed by our conditions and precepts, such as escaping from a fight, which would be remarkably dishonorable for any Hunter. In the end, my foremost Job as a Predator will be to ADD Fun, Antithetical to the speculations cited above. I Believe In the concept that this feature In our game was made In the purpose of making a round more exciting to a Player, and That's why I pretend to interact with them more. Other than that, I would compensate those who desire to Role-play their Jobs, being with me or not. Of Course, many rewards would be secondhand supplied, depending on the situation provided. Again, my principal purposes here are going to be to take a substantial part In the round, while RPing, hunting, and eventually trying to provide fun for each player I may find.
Sparked by the initials discussions we have In the comics, I made a modest presurvey of how some of my Interactions with my surroundings would be. This depicts Yin points of views about his Civilization and Society, where he intimately believes In Yautja sovereignty. At this time, he's already an experienced Hunter, which could be estimated as a Lone Wolf, Warrior.
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Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
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Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
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- Boltersam
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
I just need to point out that the one, defining point of my -1ing your app was that you said you would disguise yourself as a Marine and try to infiltrate their ranks to learn about them. Besides you being a giant mandibled predator that wouldn't be capable of hiding its nature, this is also some of the most dishonourable and un-predator like behaviour that you could do, and seems to point that you don't understand how predators operate. The rest of my problems with the app pale in comparision to this.
- NescauComToddy
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
As I said, I may change my gameplay characteristic If necessary. Now, about Yin'tekai hiding his condition, here's my interpretation. As you may know, Predators are completely captivated with their Rank and status among their culture. I Believe that hiding Such thing Isn't how a Predator should be, as their belief exceedingly In honesty and Honor. However, Yin'tekai Is deemed to have a separate compartment which he, have many variations between others. Such as his faith, beliefs, and manners. He would hide his ailment to avoid being judged, as he would never endure the possibility of becoming an Eta In his life. Like mentioned In the backstory, the Hunt Is a heritage and a Birthright to him that was taken away, and he would never simply give up on It because of Irrelevant, delusions he may have throughout his lifetime. Yes, It's disgraceful for a Predator to do, but his Fear was tougher than his individualistic desire of Honor. I Found that contrasts would give a unique composition to my app, but I see that my thoughts could have mistaken me. Fear, Is more Impactful than honor. Its consequences may be severe, but some understand It as the only way to escape the bummer that life Is. While pretending to make an Honor crazy Predator Motivated by AvP: Extinction, I saw how It could remodel some of my Interactions with both Marines and Xenomorphs. After a lot of reflection, I noticed how many reservations I would have associated with presenting fun for others. As I said, I can guarantee you that I know how a Predator should act. What's clearly interfering with my app Is how Yin'tekai would act. I can always *replace It*, but I genuinely like the Concept of a Predator having to struggle with his original morals, which are determined by each clan history and education provided by the Matriarchy.Boltersam wrote:I just need to point out that the one, defining the point of my -1ing your app was that you said you would disguise yourself as a Marine and try to infiltrate their ranks to learn about them. Besides you being a giant mandible predator that wouldn't be capable of hiding its nature, this is also some of the most dishonorable and un-predator like behavior that you could do and seems to point that you don't understand how predators operate. The rest of my problems with the app pale in comparison to this.
Again, admire your conviction here. Peace.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
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Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
What is more frequently growing in this community is the pick and pull of all Yautja applications, simply because as quoted above - the color of the text he used to bring color to the story? This is a joke.
The actual material here isn't bad, the on-par application style fits many that have been accepted before, and those who will be accepted after. Generally, these are the votes:
+8, -3, and some in between who did not explicit state a +/-. on this page alone.
Language: As a Predator, or Yautja, already there are increasingly different cultures, a language barrier comes with the culture, this isn't anything that we as reviewers and peer community members should scribe him for.
The actual Wiki contains very little information on Predators besides their gear, you could look up fan fictions or go off of AvP lore, to give the playstyle generic intervention or twist it your own way. Just the other day I had a wonderful predator defend me from all the slashing xeno's after I had been infected to preserve with what dignity he could, flipping the pages, a hunter arrived on the Sulaco (Feweh) in complete visibility and wreaked havoc on the ship, shifting the attention from command to the ground forces to everyone on the ship v. Predator. Excuse the non-capitalization and grammatical errors as this is a thought process you're along the ride for.
Predators to most community members and myself are there to spice up roleplay, not deter it - hunting of Humans and Xenos sometimes isn't the best way to enter a round and "spice it up", rather making it interesting.
It appears you have that mindset, and although your application shifts views from one end to the other, primarily you seem to have a good heart for roleplay and have more invested into keeping that your goal (e.g. staff.)
Before someone else +/-'s I suggest you read all the way through, at any course the next person will.
What is more frequently growing in this community is the pick and pull of all Yautja applications, simply because as quoted above - the color of the text he used to bring color to the story? This is a joke.
The actual material here isn't bad, the on-par application style fits many that have been accepted before, and those who will be accepted after. Generally, these are the votes:
+8, -3, and some in between who did not explicit state a +/-. on this page alone.
Language: As a Predator, or Yautja, already there are increasingly different cultures, a language barrier comes with the culture, this isn't anything that we as reviewers and peer community members should scribe him for.
The actual Wiki contains very little information on Predators besides their gear, you could look up fan fictions or go off of AvP lore, to give the playstyle generic intervention or twist it your own way. Just the other day I had a wonderful predator defend me from all the slashing xeno's after I had been infected to preserve with what dignity he could, flipping the pages, a hunter arrived on the Sulaco (Feweh) in complete visibility and wreaked havoc on the ship, shifting the attention from command to the ground forces to everyone on the ship v. Predator. Excuse the non-capitalization and grammatical errors as this is a thought process you're along the ride for.
Predators to most community members and myself are there to spice up roleplay, not deter it - hunting of Humans and Xenos sometimes isn't the best way to enter a round and "spice it up", rather making it interesting.
It appears you have that mindset, and although your application shifts views from one end to the other, primarily you seem to have a good heart for roleplay and have more invested into keeping that your goal (e.g. staff.)
Before someone else +/-'s I suggest you read all the way through, at any course the next person will.
- Kavlo
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
I like Nescau OOC and IC, and this App.
I like Nescau OOC and IC, and this App.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

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- LordeKilly
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
I don't know about the rest of you, but the language barrier was the first thing I've noticed in the application. Besides that, the fact of you trying to infiltrate the Marine's ranks to gain information seems dishonorable and deceitful. An honorable hunter as yourself should not have to hide and work among a lesser species. If you want to know about their culture, you take a head. If you want to understand their society, see how they react to your superior hunting ability. The Yautja are a higher species, they're on a different level, and that's why they use the galaxy as their hunting ground.
Going to have to go with -1 on this.
Going to have to go with -1 on this.

- NescauComToddy
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
Hey there,LordeKilly wrote:I don't know about the rest of you, but the language barrier was the first thing I've noticed in the application. Besides that, the fact of you trying to infiltrate the Marine's ranks to gain information seems dishonorable and deceitful. An honorable hunter as yourself should not have to hide and work among a minor species. If you want to know about their culture, you take a head. If you want to understand their society, see how they react to your superior hunting ability. The Yautja are a higher species, they're on a different level, and that's why they use the galaxy as their hunting ground.
Going to have to go with -1 on this.
Please, read this entire thread before presenting a commentary. I Already described what occurred here and how to determine this issue of yours. I Can undoubtedly replace and improve his playstyle If demanded. You share this idea of preponderance among species, yet It's not required for one to follow It since every lifeform has their circumscribed morals. The Extended Universe(EU) indirectly manifests this, even for Hunters. This disagreement may be Impactful, but It's possible In numerous ways due to the unstable essence of storytelling. Besides, Yin'tekai believes In the Yautja sovereignty like most of his species. Sadly, Lord, hunting Is something considerably standard, and to enhance a Predator, there must be something more than just these general and casual characteristics you're proposing here. Please, read this small page before obtaining your conclusions. From what I see here, I can discern how many of you cannot directly exchange the traditional Yautja behavior to one more pragmatic. Also, try to interpret the backstory I made a few days ago on this page. I Already detailed how to fix these issues you're having. If you still need guidance over interpretation, I'll be delighted to help you. I Accept any critiques that weren't taken and arranged. I Previously explained this one, If you still want to take It back to the thread, just produce another post with your complaint.
Thanks for the reply. Have a nice day.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- LordeKilly
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
I understand the fact you want to change things if its not great, but that defeats the purpose of an application. What you're saying is just a lazy way of saying, "if its not good enough, tell me so i can just fix it and you can throw me a +1." I dont think thats acceptable.NescauComToddy wrote:Hey there,
Please, read this entire thread before presenting a commentary. I Already described what occurred here and how to determine this issue of yours. I Can undoubtedly replace and improve his playstyle If demanded. You share this idea of preponderance among species, yet It's not required for one to follow It since every lifeform has their circumscribed morals. The Extended Universe(EU) indirectly manifests this, even for Hunters. This disagreement may be Impactful, but It's possible In numerous ways due to the unstable essence of storytelling. Besides, Yin'tekai believes In the Yautja sovereignty like most of his species. Sadly, Lord, hunting Is something considerably standard, and to enhance a Predator, there must be something more than just these general and casual characteristics you're proposing here. Please, read this small page before obtaining your conclusions. From what I see here, I can discern how many of you cannot directly exchange the traditional Yautja behavior to one more pragmatic. Also, try to interpret the backstory I made a few days ago on this page. I Already detailed how to fix these issues you're having. If you still need guidance over interpretation, I'll be delighted to help you. I Accept any critiques that weren't taken and arranged. I Previously explained this one, If you still want to take It back to the thread, just produce another post with your complaint.
Thanks for the reply. Have a nice day.
As another point, I just hold these applications to a high standard. I think ive only given out a handful of +1s to applications I thought did a good job at storytelling, use of the lore, exceptional players as well as having a strong reason to apply.
My suggestions to you are to clean up your application: try to fix grammatical and spelling issues, don't highlight half of it, think harder about WHY you want to be whitelisted and try to create or add upon your character.
Sticking to -1.

- Feweh
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Re: Yin'tekai Kha'bj-te (Honor Wild) App.
This is denied, language is a huge issue and youre just not ready.