Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
- Fortport
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Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
Byond ID: Fortport
Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): I have been playing alien more often than not, lately. I do have a marine named Bruce Zallack, though.
Name of the character you want to be whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, Nraquib "Alive Enough."
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?: I'll be honest, I was never into the movies or books. Ever since I've considered applying, I have referenced the code of honor several times. Hopefully, that's enough to get me by. I can keep trying to solidify them in my memory if this is accepted.
Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predator's background): Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, referred to as just Nraquib. For the majority of his young life, Nraquib was considered too timid and weak by his kin because of his "lack of motivation" and "desire to do what is necessary." Maturing into an adult was difficult for him; his childhood acquaintances eventually became his rivals. Even his father, distant as he was, doubted his son's mettle. As he and his enemies came of age, it was definitely time to prove themselves to their parents and the elders. One evening, as our young predator plucked the large turnips from his mother's garden, he was again harassed by his rival just behind the fence. Burly and strong, they had always intimidated and bullied him.
An argument began, but Nraquib snapped and decided to settle this just like his father would. He firmly grabbed the other juvenile's shoulder, shoving him back and out of the garden. "If you've come to fight, come and let's get this done! I'll break you!"
The duel was long, ferocious, and emotional. After an intense slugging match, the bully was knocked down to the ground. Nraquib straddled his long-time adversary and proceeded to beat them down with a turnip until it smashed apart on their bruised, swollen face. "Begone! Don't ever bother me or my kin again," were the last things ever spoken between them. Word spread fast about what had happened, and the elders summoned him for an audience. The young yaujta was commended for his unexpected bravery and given a new name, as well as the offer to become a hunter. From now on, Nraquib would be known as Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, "Alive Enough."
How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?: I want to play him as a novice hunter, but with a grasp on the code of honor(as all predators should). The winning side will have his attention as far as prey goes.
Why should we whitelist you?: I am excited to contribute to rounds and roleplay with this character, alongside other predators perhaps. I want to develop his character and learn more about his race, spicing up the traditional marine versus alien gameplay. It would engage me more with this franchise, while adding to the predator population.
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?: Nope.
Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?: Nope.
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?: I completely understand that if I'm added to the whitelist that I'm expected to be responsible for my actions and to follow the rules like any other player. This is a roleplay position, not much more.
"As an extra note, I'll repeat that I know very little about their lore. This is a rough application, and I'm absolutely willing to change things or make it more colorful/accurate. Correct me where I'm wrong, and I'll make changes. I also didn't elaborate on HOW he became a hunter exactly, because of the length of the backstory as is. He basically was taken on a hunt with his father, after which he got the dreadlocks and managed to obtain a human trophy."
That last note was made over a month ago. Still, I know about as much as I did then. I haven't played much, and I haven't even studied them on a wiki somewhere. The simple background I changed to be less murderous than before, while retaining its relatively predictable story. I'll admit that the flatness is intentional, as I want to grow their personality on the hunting grounds.
Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): I have been playing alien more often than not, lately. I do have a marine named Bruce Zallack, though.
Name of the character you want to be whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, Nraquib "Alive Enough."
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?: I'll be honest, I was never into the movies or books. Ever since I've considered applying, I have referenced the code of honor several times. Hopefully, that's enough to get me by. I can keep trying to solidify them in my memory if this is accepted.
Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predator's background): Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, referred to as just Nraquib. For the majority of his young life, Nraquib was considered too timid and weak by his kin because of his "lack of motivation" and "desire to do what is necessary." Maturing into an adult was difficult for him; his childhood acquaintances eventually became his rivals. Even his father, distant as he was, doubted his son's mettle. As he and his enemies came of age, it was definitely time to prove themselves to their parents and the elders. One evening, as our young predator plucked the large turnips from his mother's garden, he was again harassed by his rival just behind the fence. Burly and strong, they had always intimidated and bullied him.
An argument began, but Nraquib snapped and decided to settle this just like his father would. He firmly grabbed the other juvenile's shoulder, shoving him back and out of the garden. "If you've come to fight, come and let's get this done! I'll break you!"
The duel was long, ferocious, and emotional. After an intense slugging match, the bully was knocked down to the ground. Nraquib straddled his long-time adversary and proceeded to beat them down with a turnip until it smashed apart on their bruised, swollen face. "Begone! Don't ever bother me or my kin again," were the last things ever spoken between them. Word spread fast about what had happened, and the elders summoned him for an audience. The young yaujta was commended for his unexpected bravery and given a new name, as well as the offer to become a hunter. From now on, Nraquib would be known as Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte, "Alive Enough."
How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?: I want to play him as a novice hunter, but with a grasp on the code of honor(as all predators should). The winning side will have his attention as far as prey goes.
Why should we whitelist you?: I am excited to contribute to rounds and roleplay with this character, alongside other predators perhaps. I want to develop his character and learn more about his race, spicing up the traditional marine versus alien gameplay. It would engage me more with this franchise, while adding to the predator population.
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?: Nope.
Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?: Nope.
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?: I completely understand that if I'm added to the whitelist that I'm expected to be responsible for my actions and to follow the rules like any other player. This is a roleplay position, not much more.
"As an extra note, I'll repeat that I know very little about their lore. This is a rough application, and I'm absolutely willing to change things or make it more colorful/accurate. Correct me where I'm wrong, and I'll make changes. I also didn't elaborate on HOW he became a hunter exactly, because of the length of the backstory as is. He basically was taken on a hunt with his father, after which he got the dreadlocks and managed to obtain a human trophy."
That last note was made over a month ago. Still, I know about as much as I did then. I haven't played much, and I haven't even studied them on a wiki somewhere. The simple background I changed to be less murderous than before, while retaining its relatively predictable story. I'll admit that the flatness is intentional, as I want to grow their personality on the hunting grounds.
- Casany
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
No clue who you are, only 26 posts, subpar story at best and a bland playstyle
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016
"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"
"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP
"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"
"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP
- Fortport
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
I've played here spontaneously through several months, and yes I've not made many forum posts. The playstyle, as it is, could change? With enough development and being around other predators, his baseline attitude could morph into something else. I admit that he is bland for the sake of developing based on stories with other characters. In the end, he's a fresh predator.Casany wrote:No clue who you are, only 26 posts, subpar story at best and a bland playstyle
My point is that not everyone has extraordinary beginnings. For the lack of detail, I attribute to me having not watched the movies or read the comics. I want to learn more from the game itself while following the gameplay guidelines. A rookie is good for that, given their IC lack of experience.
Regardless of my points, I respect your opinion and thank you for your time in reading this application.
- Sarah_U.
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
Haven't read your application yet, but your reply is alright by me. Increase your knowledge of the lore and increase your activity; Then, I may pop up and reply again on this thread if I have some time and try to comment again. Up from 27 to 50 to the very minimum, reach 100 if you're daring and you'll lean me to a possitive despite the app (The app itself is a piece of paper, your personality and knowledge matters more to me).
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ... ...
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- Halinder
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
If Casany dislikes you, you're doing something right.
If Casany dislikes you, you're doing something right. ... 2fa13b.png
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
- Fortport
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
I'unno about them disliking me? They don't like the application, I can see that. The worst I could see them thinking of me just bein' a newbie. But I'm more like a lurker who's poked their head in sometimes. Typically as a queen.Halinder wrote:+1
If Casany dislikes you, you're doing something right.
- doodeeda
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
Huh. Why would you want to play Predator if you aren't into the movies or anything predator-related..? Also, I don't think it is wise to highlight your weaknesses over and over in an application, but at least you're being upfront and willing to learn.
Forum activity - I had a low amount of posts when I applied too. Just ignore your tendency to lurk, post with anything you have to say
Also..I glimpsed at your first application. Doesn't really seem you improved that much.
Forum activity - I had a low amount of posts when I applied too. Just ignore your tendency to lurk, post with anything you have to say

Also..I glimpsed at your first application. Doesn't really seem you improved that much.
Bruce Mcmullen
- Fortport
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
I quit playing Colonial Marines for a long while not long after applying and played some afterward. Since I came back(and played more), I wanted to change the intent of this story(slightly) rather than its entirety(which I could have done). I've never watched the movies or anything(even after all these months), but that doesn't mean I have zero interest in them or the race of predators themselves. I would like to get familiar with the franchise as a predator by roleplaying with other predators and following the basic gameplay guidelines provided, as a juvenile. I don't want to go read up a bunch of comics or watch movies(even though that might be really cool) when I can play a game and learn it here(which is also cool, and lets me be more in tune with the community). There's so much to learn, and I'd like to do it in chunks.doodeeda wrote:Huh. Why would you want to play Predator if you aren't into the movies or anything predator-related..? Also, I don't think it is wise to highlight your weaknesses over and over in an application, but at least you're being upfront and willing to learn.
Forum activity - I had a low amount of posts when I applied too. Just ignore your tendency to lurk, post with anything you have to say
Also..I glimpsed at your first application. Doesn't really seem you improved that much.
As far as improvement goes, I'm the same as I was then...only I've played here some more and I believe I have a better understanding of the way predators play here than before(and the rules in general). I read better applications than mine and accept that I could have put more effort with this second try...but after thinking about it, a blank slate would be perfect for me as a beginner. Regardless, I thank you for your critiquing me.
There was one thing I had overlooked though, and that was the marines that I play. Cole Koepple is my main marine, if anyone was unfamiliar.
- Feweh
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
You not reading anything about aliens or predators I can understand.
But to never of seen a single movie?
Alien Franchise?
Predator Franchise?
Alien VS Predator Franchise?
Like for real?
But to never of seen a single movie?
Alien Franchise?
Predator Franchise?
Alien VS Predator Franchise?
Like for real?
- shyshadow
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
Like right? I had only seen Alien Vs Predator 1 & 2 before I started playing CM. Then I was bored and I watched like the entire franchise, except the 1st Alien.Feweh wrote:You not reading anything about aliens or predators I can understand.
But to never of seen a single movie?
Alien Franchise?
Predator Franchise?
Alien VS Predator Franchise?
Like for real?
Like come on bro, grab some popcorn and watch them, they're good movies except Predators. That one was kinda crappy to be fair.
Anyway onto the real deal. While I do enjoy your eagerness, there's a certain necessity of knowing the Predator lore. While you don't have to be an expert you have to know about a few things, mostly how their social structure works. Their way of living and such. You not putting effort into at least reading the xenopedia page is something that kinda makes me feel you aren't dedicated to this Roleplay based role. There are just too many reasons as to not want to favor your application, lack of effort to read up on lore, the basic rinse and repeat application with new food coloring. Your lack of depth of you actual predator is also another key feature, your father probably wouldn't go with them on their right of passage. Not only would it be a safety net for your predator but it would be inaccurate. Your enthusiasm is noted, but your lack of genuine knowledge and little effort in actually learning from your mistakes from your previous apps just doesn't feel positive.
-1 Read up on the lore, put in effort and earn this whitelist.
Last edited by shyshadow on 04 May 2017, 09:44, edited 1 time in total.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Karmac
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
I can't really +1 this knowing you haven't even bothered reading up on the lore for these guys and instead decided to just tell us you don't know jack and admitting to the aforementioned 'not bothering to learn' business, so it's a -1 for the moment.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
Back in action.
- SagaSword
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
-1, jesus dude. How are you supposed to know how to play as a predator and you haven't even watched a single movie or read one comic book?
I suggest you read more about the franchise and reapply again later. More importantly, you should make a more reliable story. Just because you beat a bully doesn't make you a hunter, everyone does it all the time.
I suggest you read more about the franchise and reapply again later. More importantly, you should make a more reliable story. Just because you beat a bully doesn't make you a hunter, everyone does it all the time.
- Fortport
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
The latter I can partially agree with. As far as "how am I supposed to play one," there's a gameplay guideline and ways that they're supposed to act on the surface(without digging deeper into that particular predator's character).SagaSword wrote:-1, jesus dude. How are you supposed to know how to play as a predator and you haven't even watched a single movie or read one comic book?
I suggest you read more about the franchise and reapply again later. More importantly, you should make a more reliable story. Just because you beat a bully doesn't make you a hunter, everyone does it all the time.
I want to learn more from the game more than elsewhere(other roleplayers and interactions with all the factions), to develop personality and quirks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most predators raised to be hunters? A better summary and story focusing on the training and tradition would've been better...the survival of tests and so on. I'm just sticking to my guns with my format that I've pitched prior for all the reasons discussed above. Playing one by their base playstyle is doable when you know their limitations and their hunting culture(I think so).
Still, you're reasonable in reacting this way and I can agree to a point. If none of this works out, I'll eventually bite the bullet and immerse myself in some movies, video games, or literature.
- Feweh
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Re: Nraquib Nanku Ki'cte - "Alive Enough" (Second Attempt)
Watch the movies, read a book or play a video game.
Watch the movies, read a book or play a video game.