Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

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Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Fourth Gear » 12 Jul 2017, 00:36

Byond ID:Ninshu

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here):Abraham Nash

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Actaeon
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes I've read up on it.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background): A lone Predator who distant himself from the rest of his kind. Through the eyes of his people he could be seen as a social outclass, for he rarely ever interact with anyone. He is know for letting a formidable prey go before giving it's honorable death for reasons unknown. The reason is only rumors none have yet to be true. The most known and commonly spread rumor is that he choked last minute and ended up losing his nerve when finishing off the prey, denying it of it's honorable death.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)? I will use my movie knowledge of the predator and adapt my own rp style when it comes to rping this role. I have a few ideas on how I want my predator to play out, one being very picky on who he hunt and in the end he decides that the prey isn't worth the kill, he will move on to find a suitable one.

Why should we whitelist you? Sure aliens and marines are cool but I really just want play the Predator; in all the role is just cool to play as, and the movie really drawn my interest for the predator a lot.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? Nope
Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? Nope

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes

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Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Helgraf » 12 Jul 2017, 00:48

1. Look at the accepted predator apps.
2. Look back at yours.
3. Facepalm.

I'll wait for Bolter to criticize it.
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Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by johners12345 » 12 Jul 2017, 00:53

Helgraf wrote:1. Look at the accepted predator apps.
2. Look back at yours.
3. Facepalm.

I'll wait for Bolter to criticize it.
there's nothing for Bolter TO criticize

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Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Youbar » 12 Jul 2017, 01:17

You might have had a reasonable chance if your application were a bit longer, and demonstrated both knowledge of the Yautja and how you'd adapt your roleplay style to fit their lore. You could also have done with a fair bit more forum activity.

Unfortunately, your lackluster application, combined with your virtually unknown presence in the community, is a surefire way to be denied immediately.
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Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by NoahKirchner » 12 Jul 2017, 01:28


In all honesty, this will likely be denied, but if you ever apply again, a nice place to look is xenopedia.

As far as the app goes, your name isn't a pred name unfortunately (You can google Yautja langauge to come up with one)

Your application title is wrong

Your background could be turned into something interesting with some more refinement, but I'm not sure if it's un-pred like to do that, seeing as how it is a bit dishonorable. It's misspelled and the story is a bit lackluster, though.

The movie predator is a really bad thing to base it on, and even just saying that is sure to ruffle some feathers. I'd recommend seeing how other predators fight ingame, since they tend to be very conservative in hopes to preserve the round (since they are a super OP 3rd side, they can't use all of their equipment or they would dominate, their restraint is their balance)

The reason for wanting to play is alright.
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Byond: Sagasword

Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by SagaSword » 12 Jul 2017, 03:21


Fuck I did it..I will go now...forever...
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ninshu's Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Feweh » 13 Jul 2017, 12:44

Denied for obvious reasons
