Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 10:59

Well now I just feel bad :(
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 15:33

Another invasion.. not by elves, but goblins? They decided it was a good idea to take another pass at Hearthhome, so let's show them what we're made of!


Further inspection reveals this is not some petty raid like last time.. this is a full-scale invasion. They have brought dogs, trolls, and are organised into proper formations.. something dwarves can't even seem to do.


The front gate was a slaughter initially, the goblins were torn to pieces with only a single casualty.. the main force approaches.

The main bulk of the two forces meet, the skirmish is bloody and quick at first..



About eight dwarves were lost versus the goblins' 30 invaders.. the remaining 4 goblins are routed and fleeing, it was a victory for the short and stout men today!
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by NoahKirchner » 07 May 2017, 15:34

Hell ya, fuckin goblins tryina steal muh GP.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 17:27

Image has come! And it shoots webs and spits poison clouds!

I am legitimately scared. Webs completely immobilise even the best of troops, and the poison gas can wreck any dwarf regardless of skill or armor. This will probably be the end.


On the plus side, if anybody manages to survive, there will be a lot of silk webs for the clothing industry..



One death against a titan is not so bad.

He didn't even drop any webs for us. Fuck.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 18:48



We have found the mythical !!Cotton Candy!!!


I have dug out a 22x22 square up and down a few tiles, !!Cotton Candy!! usually grows in tall spires deep in the ground, hopefully I shall find a lot of it so I can begin to produce armor made out of its pink, fluffy goodness.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 19:16

I have let the next elven caravan leave.. they do not seem aware that their previous caravan has not returned yet.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 07 May 2017, 22:19

This is strange.. we have not seen any dwarf caravans in over two years.

Anyways, onto some interesting stuff!

Look! A human, apparently. Very dangerous! Oh no! What will we do!


He immediately ran away.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 08 May 2017, 08:50

They never seem to give up.. well, looks like we'll just have to fight them off, again..


The army is about 3x as big this time..

this siege is turning out to be much more of a slaughter as many of the dwarves were outside the walls at the time, but the goblins are taking many deaths for every dwarf that they bring down..


Dwarven reinforcements have arrived, stemming the goblin menace.. the goblins seem to be retreating, but who knows if they will regroup.. the battle is won for now..

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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 08 May 2017, 15:31

Oh fuck.







The military is setting up a desparate defence in the caverns, but the creatures are already speeding up towards the fortress. The miners are unable to run fast enough, they will most likely perish.

The weakened military of Hearthome is the only thing stopping these demons from swarming the earth.


Two creatures composed entire of steam approach.. the miner is fighting them off, due to them being made out of air.. but.. two snow monsters come from the depths of hell, and instantly turn him into a smear of blood and gore..


All of the miners past the cavern entrance have been abandoned, it is hopeless, they are on their own.

They completely destroyed the fortress in short time.. then the game crashed, so.. eh.. that's the end of this fort.. sorry for not being able to document the slaughter, it got super laggy near the end :(

I will post another fort soon! Something a bit smaller.. more managable, I think. ^^ This one got a little out of hand.

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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 08 May 2017, 15:36

I'm a bit sad that I couldn't document the end a bit better :( lag is a bitch.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 11 May 2017, 20:06

Hearthome 3.0!

A new fortress has been made! It is similar to the first one, and this one will be more careful about digging down to really bad places.


Only thing I've really done so far besides the entry tunnel.. I am thinking of heavily segregating the manufacturing this time, we shall see how it goes.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 17 May 2017, 21:04

The current fort is in a cliff next to a beach. I will post pictures when I can, it is still running, I just haven't had much time to play it. Sorry.
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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by Marcus Jackson » 15 Jun 2017, 00:32

I remember one time I played DF, and I had this small child dwarf who kept showing up in the training courtyard to watch, I thought nothing of it at first, but one day there was a "live target" exercise. A growling and snarling Minatour had been captured a few days earlier in a pit trap, and was now being used to train the stronger, more legendary Dwarves in a dangerous pit-arena.

The Man-bull had been released from his cage, and just as I was about to select a strong and capable shield and spear dwarf... the child jumped into the arena. I expected a one sided slaughter, and while that's exactly what happened, it was not to who I suspected. The child entered the pit with a flying kick to the beasts snout, sending both of them into a blind rage for some reason, and as soon as the child landed and regained his footing he set off on his mission of destroying the beast with a mix of martial arts moves I know for a fact no one could have taught him.

The monster charged in his rage, but the boy tripped him with an outstretched leg, leaving it to slam it's head into the stone walls. The boy gave no respite, and immediately set into a flurry of kicks and punches to the beast's side and back even managing to shatter the bones in it's side. The monster tried to swing at the boy, but in a feat of godlike strength, he had grabbed the beast's arm and snapped the hand into an unrecognizable mess, the beast attempted a kick, but the boy responded with a headbutt to the groin which left the beat on it's knees. The boy stood over his opponent and proceeded to gouge out it's left eye and tongue with his bare hands, before taking hold of the horns, and decapitating the monster after almost a minute of pulling and tearing at the monster's thick neck.

The boy had immediately been put into the military forces of Fort "No Peace" InHel (the No Peace part was not added by me btw), and proceeded to kill several beasts such as a pack of 4 giants (all at once with his only help being a dog and a couple guards), a wounded ice dragon, a healthy fire dragon, a necromancer with an army of zombies, and a Vampire lord. By the time he died in the great end of the world (my game crashed because my PC sucks ass) he was already an old man, who had sired many children with his virile seed... never once was a wall built around any of the surface or subterranean parts of the fort, because by the time the boy had reached adulthood he sired almost 5 equally dangerous and potentially psychotic children, and with those titans made flesh the Dwarves knew... they needed no walls to ever protect them so long as "DINGUS FRILLYDINK" (his auto generated name, swear to god) was there.

After that kid was born I never once had another invasion that ever got remotely close to the fort or it's people. RIPmy brotha from anotha mutha.

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Re: Hearthhome: A Dwarf Fortress Story

Post by eternalnight264 » 15 Jun 2017, 03:49

I might start playing this again.. I don't know. I really don't have much time lately but the game is so much fun with little things like that, I absolutely love it :(
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