Xenonauts ss13 project

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Xenonauts ss13 project

Post by getfreur » 06 Apr 2018, 11:52

So I was thinking about making a server that would be a mix of CM and FTL, this server would be after 80 years since the xenonauts game story in a Outpost system that has a station that send the resources collected from the system Outposts to a human colony on another system using a robotic ship that make the voyage, the system has a xenonauts support ship that has some fighters and ground forces, during this a new alien ship enter the system using a new cloaking technology and it's jamming all outer system communication.
The humans objective is to protect the station and Outposts.
The aliens objective are to destroy all human presence on the system.

The server would have 8 maps, one for each area:

Station Aura - Main human station

Station Eos - A minor station for research

Baal Prime - desert planet that Alinium is collected by drills from the underground, high temperature and no life.

Baal Secundus - Planet that is passing by a ice age and have minimal wild life that is hostile, used for the haverst of anoxalin that make anox Wich is a substance that is used to produce a high resistente alloy that was called alien alloy during it's discovery.

Moon Anat - Baal secundus moon, desolated of life, atmosphere and resources, but it has wreckages from a alien transport ship that was shoot down by xenonauts forces decades prior, has a Outpost for military and research purposes.

XSF Pallas - a "patrol ship" of the xenonauts space fleet used during the solar reconquista canpaign, stationed on the system for ensuring the protection of human presence, has 2 fighters, a troop transport craft, 2 anti fighter pulse laser cannons, 2 missile platforms and one main mag cannon.

Kirove - cargo ship used to transport people and resources in and out of the station.

Alien destroyer - experimental ship with cloak capability, has 4 light fighters, 2 troop transport, 1 plasma cannon, 2 plasma turrets, 1 mine dispenser and a teleport platform for getting resources and reinforcements.

Space - for elevator, transport and similarities.

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