Telegnats wrote:I'm beginning to think that everyone here has a different understanding of the term 'hugger combat'.
I don't mind carriers being hugger combat central, thats their purpose.
What I do mind is the oversight of huggers going over all types of barricades, and huggers both not being able to be taken off + taking a LOT less time to burst out of you.
Barricades should block huggers.
Huggers should either be able to be taken off but stick to the faster incubation time, OR make it so you can't take off a face hugger BUT we got back to old incubation time so they have a chance to at least leg it to Sulaco / LZ1 medical (if they have one) instead of bursting on the way there.
And carriers never run out of eggs if a queen is good and has at least one sentinel / boiler providing it plasma (I had half the old amount of eggs I usually pop in my egg rooms as queen one round because i had a dedicated mature boiler and ancient sentinel + a couple of drones giving me plasma). So if that was why the buff was made, then its not hard to imagine that its not needed if carriers don't run out of eggs in the first place if queen commands a few people to plasma her constantly.
The only times that xenos might have a problem is if its mid - low pop, and thats when the buffs / nerfs of no hugger combat start to show their weaknesses (in theory, as I have not played during mid - low pop).