Why do xenos rush survivors

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Swagile » 19 Aug 2017, 21:23

Karmac wrote:I'd still trade you to those slaver guys instead of giving up my diet coke

terry's hot dance is the most broken skill in the game; its worth keeping him till the end just for his buffs alone, let alone hot dance

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Karmac » 19 Aug 2017, 22:11

Everybody knows you keep him around because it's not his moveset that makes him the best, its whats inside terry that counts
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by StephenNelson » 21 Aug 2017, 04:51

Grabbing and infecting the 3 survivors early on gives the xenos 3 more larva, and more often then not the survivors will re-join as a xeno. This can be a huge xeno help since a lot of survivors are veteran players, and early-round xenos need all the players they can get.

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Hulkamania » 01 Sep 2017, 16:46

Boredom is a large factor. What else do xenos have to do when the marines are still up on the ship? Survivors present and interesting prey beyond just dragging a local passive wildlife back to the hive.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Heckenshutze » 01 Sep 2017, 17:55

Two reasons, one, from stopping the marines to know about the huggers and the infection and the nest in the caves.

Two, because they're all jerks.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Symbiosis » 07 Sep 2017, 12:19

Disable slashing. That's what I do, generally. More of a challenge when the Marines know what's coming. I also psychic whisper Marines shortly before we hijack the dropship to tell them they'll soon visit their friends again.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 07 Sep 2017, 14:26

For me it boils down to boredom, run around and get all the braindead monkeys or actually fight interesting prey?

On the other hand, I don't rush survivors, I focus on monkeys until either A) No more monkeys or B) I see a survivor while getting monkeys.

Further I try to always make a bit of a scene for survivors, I don't go full on murder ass, I try to stalk em, emote, scratch once or twice then retreat, be all spooky and shit. More fun that way.

Then I get bored and infect them, I never kill survivors. (On purpose at least.)
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Grimcad » 07 Sep 2017, 16:50

Sailor Dave wrote:
19 Aug 2017, 12:17
Really what it seems to come down to is, the survivors are slightly more interesting to capture than monkeys. Capturing monkeys is a dull, repetitive task, but Survivors spice it up a bit. It's like fighting marines, but a lot easier and more feasible for young runners.
This right here. I don't do it (often). I don't condone doing it(much). But alien early game is really really dull. So you have to find something to spice up rounds every so often.

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Mister Jeether » 09 Sep 2017, 02:38

Xenos mostly rush you for:

1: Funnier to Capture then Monkeys I On the Other side.. Not Fun for the Survivor.

2: Might be a Potentiall Threat I On the other side.. Most survivors don't even want to kill Xenos, Simply survive as long as they can, They will difficultly Actually go out to hunt xeno scum as they will be absolutely destroyed.

3: Survivors have Knowledge that Marines take likely 2 Hours to Discover. I On the Other side.. Don't ever expect Xenos to admit that they hunt survivors because of it. You just know it's there. Xenos can't meta

Also, Survivor is supposed to be a Hardcore role, probably the Hardest in the whole server as it's the only role that allows you to die 3-5 Minutes in the round, When toggling Survivor on, you pretty much accepting the fact that Xenos can, are encouraged, and Will Hunt you whenever they want.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Mook476 » 09 Sep 2017, 09:28

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by manezinho » 09 Sep 2017, 17:40

Mook476 wrote:
09 Sep 2017, 09:28
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Cairath » 11 Sep 2017, 09:08

It's quite understandable for xenomorphs to try and capture survivors, but sadly it seems that a lot of xeno players don't care about capturing them, which I feel is both wrong IC and on a gameplay level. First of all, it makes no sense just killing a lone tallhost, but all of my survivor games so far have been:
1. Spawn on, look around.
2. Get spotted by a runner.
3. Get pounced by a hunter, while other hunters try to tackle me, that tries to drag me (instead of devouring me)
4. Stand up.
5. Hunter pounces me again and kills me.

Slashing of hosts should be disabled initially. Clearly it's more important for the hive to get more hosts early and try to get more sisters rather than butcher anyone. This feels very much like OOC knowledge if you ask me, because xeno players know that a survivor is a lot more dangerous than a monkey so they opt to just kill it.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by misterjoper » 01 Oct 2017, 12:47

When i play as Queen i disable slashing early,when i play alien i suggest The Queen to Forbid slashing and other aliens end up shaming me.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 07 Oct 2017, 20:25

Cairath wrote:
11 Sep 2017, 09:08
It's quite understandable for xenomorphs to try and capture survivors, but sadly it seems that a lot of xeno players don't care about capturing them, which I feel is both wrong IC and on a gameplay level. First of all, it makes no sense just killing a lone tallhost, but all of my survivor games so far have been:
1. Spawn on, look around.
2. Get spotted by a runner.
3. Get pounced by a hunter, while other hunters try to tackle me, that tries to drag me (instead of devouring me)
4. Stand up.
5. Hunter pounces me again and kills me.

Slashing of hosts should be disabled initially. Clearly it's more important for the hive to get more hosts early and try to get more sisters rather than butcher anyone. This feels very much like OOC knowledge if you ask me, because xeno players know that a survivor is a lot more dangerous than a monkey so they opt to just kill it.
But xenos can tell how dangerous a host is by scent. And survivors do come armed with weapons that were likely used during the first assault on the colony.

In Aliens Isolation the Xenomorph Drone kills unarmed civillians all the time. Its just a case of convenience for it because it knows it's a liability to keep alive. But yeah slashing should still be disabled.

Also there's a bug/exploit which causes a xeno to die instantly while someone is devoured. I'm not sure if it was resolved but it definitely doesn't bode well for devouring hosts. Devouring in general is really, really hard to do. It'd be nice if we could KO humans for 60 seconds for a cost of plasma or something.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by misto » 09 Oct 2017, 01:32

probably for the same reason half of them curl up and go afk for the first ~20mins of a round waiting for marines to show up, they want to have actual gameplay rather than haul monkeys around

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Carlos » 09 Oct 2017, 16:29

f you're looking for a 'lore' explanation for it, then it's simply because they're parasitic organisms, they need a host to be able to propogate their species, and they'll do absolutely whatever they can to find that host and bring it back to the hive to be able to infect. OOCly, from a player's perspective, I'd imagine it's just because it's fun. Sometimes you just want to be able to pounce on an unsuspecting marine and keep on slashing at it until you can bring it back and show mom. Some people often find the fact that you're actually contributing to the game rewarding, and so they'll try and strike at the right moment. Others, often runners, just try and mess around and risk their lives to see if they can hit the jackpot with a marine, it all depends on the person, I guess. At the end of the day though, the game is inherently designed to be Marines vs Xenos, and it's survival of the fittest at that point. If you're alone, expect to be rushed, and possibly by more than one xeno. Stick together, listen to your CO and your SL, and don't be the hero. More often than not, it'll get you killed.

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Forst » 25 Nov 2017, 23:00

I've seen two survivors hole up in an armory and absolutely slaughter runners with buckshot. They eventually got taken down by sentinel spit and tacklespam, but we lost like four or five runners.

One time I, using only a crowbar as a drunk chaplain, held off a hunter and two runners. I still died, and they dragged my body across the entire map so noone could find it. I also made a giant SOS out of items and that is my crowning achievement in Colonial Marines.

Hell, there was another time when a single survivor hold off the the Queen, a rav and a wave of spitters for more than ten seconds because they were just so robust.

Survivors, if they prep right, are a force to be reckoned with. I'm glad they're there because they can turn the tide of the round before it starts.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by dylanstrategie » 30 Nov 2017, 09:51

Survivor is a challenge role, and Xenos are usually more than happy to oblige in being the aforementioned challenge

Otherwise, killing the Survivors guarantees there will be less players in the round fighting the Xenos, and more candidates for early larvas potentially. Infecting them, if they pull it off, is an even bigger step up and gives them free extra Xenos with much lesser challenge than abducting, infecting and guarding fully armed Marines

That's about the gist of it

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Reuben Owen » 30 Nov 2017, 11:46

I am wondering why games don't start with more survivors than 3. Or why they don't spawn in defensible positions or have any way to make a decent defensible position. I figure (a group of) survivors would've at least barricaded themselves in some out of the way spot to survive up to this point.

10 survivors at roundstart when
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Gnorse » 30 Nov 2017, 16:18

If xenos lose one ayy when fighting a survivor and manage to infect him, It's a tie.
If they lose more than one, They're losing more than they're gaining, and should probably go do something else.
That's my policy on survivors as an ayy, at least.

On another note, seeing xeno bodies piled up near the armory and/or the chef shack is oddly satisfying.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Forst » 01 Dec 2017, 19:48

In Aliens, there's no corpses when Ripley and the marines enter the facility for the first time.

I like to follow that logic that the aliens drag off the dead and stash them in pile somewhere. Not 20 deep, but in a wide circular pile.

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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Skimmy2 » 01 Dec 2017, 22:00

Forst wrote:
01 Dec 2017, 19:48
In Aliens, there's no corpses when Ripley and the marines enter the facility for the first time.

I like to follow that logic that the aliens drag off the dead and stash them in pile somewhere. Not 20 deep, but in a wide circular pile.
Unless we dont have it in CM lore?

Their actually is an alternative method of reproduction for xenomorphs which is to turn a corpse(or maybe living?) Being into an egg, allowing them to reproduce without a queen.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Gnorse » 02 Dec 2017, 10:45

Skimmy2 wrote:
01 Dec 2017, 22:00
Unless we dont have it in CM lore?

Their actually is an alternative method of reproduction for xenomorphs which is to turn a corpse(or maybe living?) Being into an egg, allowing them to reproduce without a queen.
Yep. That's called "Eggmorphing" but we don't know if it's in the lore or not.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by Heckenshutze » 02 Dec 2017, 13:31

Gnorse wrote:
02 Dec 2017, 10:45
Yep. That's called "Eggmorphing" but we don't know if it's in the lore or not.
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Re: Why do xenos rush survivors

Post by manezinho » 02 Dec 2017, 14:43

Heckenshutze wrote:
02 Dec 2017, 13:31
Remember, we have our own LORE. We could make this 'canon' for ourselves if we wanted to
Don't think it would be needed since drones can just become a queen anyways.
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