How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

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How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by CCRWasHere » 05 Jun 2018, 01:48


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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Sulaboy » 05 Jun 2018, 02:00

Sounds like a job for CAS or an OB
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Maddog_1977 » 05 Jun 2018, 09:14

Flamer specs dream in a nutshell with that green flame.

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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Reuben Owen » 06 Jun 2018, 11:57

not really

those doors will go down really quick
and then you're only left with a few walls and some sticky
and none of it is hivelord reinforced
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Rohesie » 07 Jun 2018, 07:27

What changes would you make? This is a great defense, and hivelord-walls make very little difference: it has a checkered-resin pattern which makes it more space-efficient, it has walls in between to disrupt flamers, it has doors to disrupt lazing...

As far as static defenses go this is top-tier and will force a marine push to a halt while they deal with the unfavorable terrain.
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Reuben Owen » 07 Jun 2018, 08:31

IMVader wrote:
07 Jun 2018, 07:27
What changes would you make? This is a great defense, and hivelord-walls make very little difference: it has a checkered-resin pattern which makes it more space-efficient, it has walls in between to disrupt flamers, it has doors to disrupt lazing...

As far as static defenses go this is top-tier and will force a marine push to a halt while they deal with the unfavorable terrain.
"halt" ? sure, they'll stop in front of it
but this can be destroyed pretty quickly and once the doors are gone (which would take less than a minute with 2 marines just shooting normal bullets) the xenos left have no cover, so they gotta back up, which lets the marines start breaking stuff like sticky

if a main group of marines saw this it'd take less then 5 mins to break, assuming they don't get destroyed by queen screech (which they still could even with 0 defences)
add the fact that boilers cant shoot through doors, so they wont be able to stop groups from comming up at least until parts of it are destroyed
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Rohesie » 07 Jun 2018, 09:36

Reuben Owen wrote:
07 Jun 2018, 08:31
"halt" ? sure, they'll stop in front of it
but this can be destroyed pretty quickly and once the doors are gone (which would take less than a minute with 2 marines just shooting normal bullets) the xenos left have no cover, so they gotta back up, which lets the marines start breaking stuff like sticky

if a main group of marines saw this it'd take less then 5 mins to break, assuming they don't get destroyed by queen screech (which they still could even with 0 defences)
add the fact that boilers cant shoot through doors, so they wont be able to stop groups from comming up at least until parts of it are destroyed
Xeno's main tactic is hit-and-run. They have abilities with cooldown and can take damage without worrying about bones, bleeding or pain. So they charge, do damage, retreat, heal and repeat. That's the beauty of sticky resin. While your marines are busy weeding out and exposing themselves, the xenos are bleeding them, and the marines can't push because of the resin.

The main way you kill a T3 is by letting it spend their cooldown ability and then charging forward with constant focused fire. Works with queens and screeches, ravagers and charges, boilers and gas, warriors and grabs, you name it. Unless, of course, the terrain doesn't let you.

You break the resin, but it takes time. You can use flamers, which are very effective, but still you have to wait for the flames to die. You can use OBs, which are a major tool for pushes, but they are expensive and don't work in deep caves. You can use CAS if the place lets you (in this case it does, but it's not always available). But in all cases? The marine advance has been put to a halt. And the xenos have the breather they need, soon to full health.

In any case, I repeat the question: What changes would you make? For a xeno-made static defense this is top-tier.
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Reuben Owen » 07 Jun 2018, 12:01

IMVader wrote:
07 Jun 2018, 09:36
Xeno's main tactic is hit-and-run. They have abilities with cooldown and can take damage without worrying about bones, bleeding or pain. So they charge, do damage, retreat, heal and repeat. That's the beauty of sticky resin. While your marines are busy weeding out and exposing themselves, the xenos are bleeding them, and the marines can't push because of the resin.
Okay, hit and run. So when they run, what are they hiding behind? 1 door and 1 wall. That will go down fast to a full squad (unless Queen screech whoop). Marines can push if it's JUST resin and nothing else. If everything else is cleared, a few flares will let Marines pop anything in sight as they slowly push through the sticky.

The main way you kill a T3 is by letting it spend their cooldown ability and then charging forward with constant focused fire. Works with queens and screeches, ravagers and charges, boilers and gas, warriors and grabs, you name it. Unless, of course, the terrain doesn't let you.
Speaking of main ways to kill a T3, a good one is to shoot at them while they're going to heal up, standing at the door while it opens. Doors in the front of defenses are a good way for injured xenos to die.
You break the resin, but it takes time. You can use flamers, which are very effective, but still you have to wait for the flames to die. You can use OBs, which are a major tool for pushes, but they are expensive and don't work in deep caves. You can use CAS if the place lets you (in this case it does, but it's not always available). But in all cases? The marine advance has been put to a halt. And the xenos have the breather they need, soon to full health.
Waiting for the flames to die takes less than a minute. You say put to a halt, but what does that mean? A minute? Two, three? A single door will halt an advance until it breaks. How long do you think these defenses would last under concentrated attack? All those doors and fewer walls will go down like hotcakes. 2 wide flame spec shots will break most of the sticky on the right side. This is assuming Marines push, but knowing them theres a good chance they'll just set up barricades right outside because it *looks* intimidating, I'll give it that much.

Let's just for sake of example say there were no xenos around and the marines started busting into this (which actually happens sometimes). How long before it's gone?
In any case, I repeat the question: What changes would you make? For a xeno-made static defense this is top-tier.
We can't practically tell how effective this is since it seems marines never reached or damaged it at all. I don't like claiming something is 'amazing' when it's never seen any battle.

Second, xenos shouldn't be using "static" defense. They use defense where they trade giving space for stressing enemy formations. (read the first paragraph, sounds just like xenos lol)
Marines are the ones who uses static defence (ex: any landingzone/SD/CIC).
If this is top tier it's only because xenos are still lacking at big defensive building in the first place and you have seen little or no better stuff to compare it to, because believe me there are better defenses then this out there.

I'll post a version of mine when I can get on during a prison round and (hopefully) what happens when Marines reach it.
Last edited by Reuben Owen on 07 Jun 2018, 13:25, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Vampmare » 07 Jun 2018, 12:42

I can tell you from my experience of playing xeno and marine. That defense can go down in no-time with competent CAS or it can completely kill any marine momentum with no CAS.
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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Bekons » 01 Jul 2018, 15:16

This looks more annoying then anything. For aliens and marines both.

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Re: How to Completely Halt the Marine Advance

Post by Simo94 » 01 Jul 2018, 15:26

Maddog_1977 wrote:
05 Jun 2018, 09:14
Flamer specs dream in a nutshell with that green flame.
it still halts marine advance because marines dont step on fire

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