What Xenos Need

Our lives for the Queen!
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Madventurer » 07 Oct 2018, 09:10

If you've ever tried bossing around the xenos as a Queen, you'll notice that there is always at least one who doesn't even recognize that you've given an order.

Otherwise, I agree that queen is a bit too central for maintaining xeno presence in standoffs.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Jarek » 07 Oct 2018, 15:38

Madventurer wrote:
07 Oct 2018, 09:10
If you've ever tried bossing around the xenos as a Queen, you'll notice that there is always at least one who doesn't even recognize that you've given an order.

Otherwise, I agree that queen is a bit too central for maintaining xeno presence in standoffs.
Whenever I play xeno, and specifically queen, I never feel like a proper leader. Nobody really listens to you because they're either players who play xeno 24/7 and know what to do without your help or hopelessly bald and lost, and typically mute. Any rogue xenomorphs that disobey you can't really be dealt with, and demoting them down to T1 doesn't work when they continue to be a problem at T1, or are T1 in the first place.

You could "contact queen mother" and threaten to do so but most queens just don't, and imho resorting to having to ask the admins to help instead of having an IC solution seems a bit iffy, but that might just be my gripe.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by CABAL » 07 Oct 2018, 16:09

Battlefield Execution for Queen when?
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by DefinitelyAlone0309 » 07 Oct 2018, 20:21

The reason why queen's order doesn't get listened, is because unlike marine's SL and Commander, the queen is unknown. You can be some really good queen like Symb or Murta or Aestel, or you can be some rando brazillian queen that will yolo the hive on first skirmish. Also, a micromanaging queen is also a great way to get xeno to fuck off if you step out of your limits.

That's why I've been arguing for ckey in Hive Status, to let xeno know that they can at least trust this queen not to fuck up the most basic of stuff.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Jarek » 07 Oct 2018, 20:34

That's true. I don't want some ability to kill a xeno off if they're too disobedient, because unlike commander, which queen is the most similar to IMHO, Xenos have far less numbers active at any given time unless they're on the verge of victory. We're looking at 100+ marines to about 20-25 xenos. The commander can sacrifice a bad egg to spare the rest, and mutinies are a thing for when the commander steps out of line too much in return, but it's not like that with the queen. All she can do is basically use the IC version of threatening to call the admins and make you a T1.

A way for the queen to punish even T1 xenos would be a good thing. I don't know how you'd go about doing it, Maybe halt their evolution progress/upgrade progress entirely for a period. Something that hinders them enough that if they're doing a bad, they stop.On the flipside,I think a way for the xenos to "overthrow" or "reject" the queen in some way and either kill her with a weakened penalty to losing the queen normally, or replace her mind with someone elses in the hive would be nice, so in case the queen is pissing the entire hive off, they have a way to deal with it, instead of suffering and giving the marines an easier time because the queen is acting up. That being said, it could back-fire on bald queens, so maybe restricting it's usage to just straight up shit queens who are more trouble than they're worth over just new queens trying to do a good job and listening to the hive would be nice.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by carlarc » 08 Oct 2018, 09:28

queens need tools to deal with retard xenos, like locking castes down so noone evos into them, andor blacklisting a xeno from evolving. also devolving to larva pleasr
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by DefinitelyAlone0309 » 08 Oct 2018, 09:51

carlarc wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 09:28
queens need tools to deal with retard xenos, like locking castes down so noone evos into them, andor blacklisting a xeno from evolving. also devolving to larva pleasr
With great power comes great responsibility. A shitler queen can valid her xeno and ruin their rounds doing this with just a simple reason like "they sat in the hive and didn't go grab the monkey the moment I asked them to"
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Madventurer » 08 Oct 2018, 09:53

DefinitelyAlone0309 wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 09:51
With great power comes great responsibility. A shitler queen can valid her xeno and ruin their rounds doing this with just a simple reason like "they sat in the hive and didn't go grab the monkey the moment I asked them to"
I'm a lazy bastard who doesn't read threads completely, shoo.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by CABAL » 08 Oct 2018, 10:48

That's what you get for omniscent no meta hivemind. It must have some drawbacks. How xenos that are "faceless drones" and only about 60 IQ without Queen, can rebel against her? There should be no "retard xenos". Do every Queen order, even dumb order. She tells you to jump, you jump, she tells you to roar, you roar, she tells you to die, then you most certainly have to die.

CO can't deevolve Spec/SL/Medic/Engineer/etc. You have to wait for somebody to take their position, any xeno can evolve into T3. Give CO screech, fire and explosive resistance, can't be stunned untill crit and natural armor then you can give Queen what he has.

Mutiny is not a "buff" for marines. Everytime it happens, it's from bad to worse for marines. It's fun, of course, but how many mutines were ended by dropship crashing into Almayer? I bet most of them.

You can always "bend" and change CM lore a little bit more. Let it be "special", new strain of xenomorphs. Something like experiment of Queen Mother. She wants to know how efficient are xenos that are more independent from the Queen in the terms of "mind".

It's already told (but not directly) that "Falling Falcons" are bunch of "special forces" in tin can with thrusters that is repaired with tin foil and duct tape. This explains briefing bombs, Marine's "attachment to attachments" like BC, dual wielding shotguns and Pulse rifles. Let's hint that this particular hive of xenos is also somehow "retarded". Then give them ability to Mutiny against Queen (it actually sounds cool for an event, but with xenos from the same hive against Queen, not some green shits), give Queen "Mateba" for BE, Xeno Hive Police (Praetorian would be even closer to the original role in this bullshit scenario, than he is now!), attachements for claws... And so on!
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 08 Oct 2018, 12:25

CABAL wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 10:48
That's what you get for omniscent no meta hivemind. It must have some drawbacks. How xenos that are "faceless drones" and only about 60 IQ without Queen, can rebel against her? There should be no "retard xenos". Do every Queen order, even dumb order. She tells you to jump, you jump, she tells you to roar, you roar, she tells you to die, then you most certainly have to die.

CO can't deevolve Spec/SL/Medic/Engineer/etc. You have to wait for somebody to take their position, any xeno can evolve into T3. Give CO screech, fire and explosive resistance, can't be stunned untill crit and natural armor then you can give Queen what he has.

Mutiny is not a "buff" for marines. Everytime it happens, it's from bad to worse for marines. It's fun, of course, but how many mutines were ended by dropship crashing into Almayer? I bet most of them.

You can always "bend" and change CM lore a little bit more. Let it be "special", new strain of xenomorphs. Something like experiment of Queen Mother. She wants to know how efficient are xenos that are more independent from the Queen in the terms of "mind".

It's already told (but not directly) that "Falling Falcons" are bunch of "special forces" in tin can with thrusters that is repaired with tin foil and duct tape. This explains briefing bombs, Marine's "attachment to attachments" like BC, dual wielding shotguns and Pulse rifles. Let's hint that this particular hive of xenos is also somehow "retarded". Then give them ability to Mutiny against Queen (it actually sounds cool for an event, but with xenos from the same hive against Queen, not some green shits), give Queen "Mateba" for BE, Xeno Hive Police (Praetorian would be even closer to the original role in this bullshit scenario, than he is now!), attachements for claws... And so on!
I dont want mutiny against the queen I just want the queen to have less combat power (remove screech) so shit players will quit picking queen. It feels like most players pick queen cause its op and they think they are robust when they arent. They deovi at young and go die like morons and never learn from their mistakes. I want queen to have more battlefield tactical skills and be more like command in a passive role not be the "end boss" like the staff wants. When the entire round comes down to if your t3 and queen are capable then it makes the game pointless for everyone else. T1 are almost pointless. They are so bad. It takes a robust player or alot of team work to make t1 even slightly useful. That needs to change imo. I hate being stuck as t1 because I know that I will not beable to save the game if the other xenos suck and I know that I will be stuck on bullshit jobs like scouting or watching nests which is 0 fun if you have to do it for 2 or 3 hours.

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Swagile » 15 Oct 2018, 09:06

i come back to play occasionally and holy shit did the pendelum swing hard

i remember when xenos got ridiculous buffs like the crusher trains, prae snipers, and queen crusher

feels like devs are going the complete opposite way now by nerfing xenos to the ground

played a few rounds as marine and ive only perma died once, and it was completely my own fault, whereas when im xeno i just AFK watching youtube for half an hour or more till I get Elite T1 or mature T2, but thats always been a thing

xenos have always been trash till you AFK'd for most of the game, then you got to play. the marine side has the same issue; half the game is spent in re-arming, getting healed up, briefing, or just getting to/from and/or retreating.

so little of the game is fighting; the only difference between the sides is that as a xeno you can reliably AFK and power up without going anywhere, whereas marines slowly powerup via map control and pushing up against the xenos, which is boring as fuck since most xenos suck ass right now. if you apply a little common sense, game sense, and some decent tracking skills you can reliably survive the entire round as a marine 90% of the time, whereas before even with all those skills in place you could still easily be wrecked

a accumulative nerf to xenos alongside a lot of good xeno mains quiting because of those nerfs leaves the rest of the xenos as a ok enemy at best, a paper tiger at worst

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by CABAL » 15 Oct 2018, 13:35

Swagile wrote:
15 Oct 2018, 09:06
i come back to play occasionally and holy shit did the pendelum swing hard

i remember when xenos got ridiculous buffs like the crusher trains, prae snipers, and queen crusher

feels like devs are going the complete opposite way now by nerfing xenos to the ground

played a few rounds as marine and ive only perma died once, and it was completely my own fault, whereas when im xeno i just AFK watching youtube for half an hour or more till I get Elite T1 or mature T2, but thats always been a thing

xenos have always been trash till you AFK'd for most of the game, then you got to play. the marine side has the same issue; half the game is spent in re-arming, getting healed up, briefing, or just getting to/from and/or retreating.

so little of the game is fighting; the only difference between the sides is that as a xeno you can reliably AFK and power up without going anywhere, whereas marines slowly powerup via map control and pushing up against the xenos, which is boring as fuck since most xenos suck ass right now. if you apply a little common sense, game sense, and some decent tracking skills you can reliably survive the entire round as a marine 90% of the time, whereas before even with all those skills in place you could still easily be wrecked

a accumulative nerf to xenos alongside a lot of good xeno mains quiting because of those nerfs leaves the rest of the xenos as a ok enemy at best, a paper tiger at worst
Marines don't get "power up". They are the strongest at the beginning and time reduces their forces. And I'm sure it's now less than 30 minutes to reach elder T1 and you don't have to AFK. Collect monkeys, weed shit, slash things and this will kill the time a little bit. Xenos don't have to do anything to get more strenght, time passes, they reach ancient.

Single beno is weak, but even with less numbers they have to work together. Only T3's besides Boiler are strong enough to handle few marines at the time without help. T1 and T2 are designed to work together if they are performing frontal attack.
The only thing a T1 can reliably do alone is to harass backlines.

You have to be lucky, or play FOB to survive "90%" of the time. One screech and its over, no matter how robust you are (the more robust you are, the less chances you have to survive, even as random name xenos learn to recognise and share knowledge about robustos).
Single PFC suck ass as well, but nobody notices that since he is supposed to shoot and die and it's hard to not. Surviving and killing as PFC is something that is uncommon. With xenos is opposite. They survive and kill so much that people only take notice when they die without killing much.

Now the days of mindless xeno carnage are over.
End of the saying: "Marines are designed to lose more, becouse I like my victories hard-earned... *mains xeno*"
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by JJG » 17 Oct 2018, 08:18

Honestly, lately the xeno players are just terrible. With all T3's dying in the first 5 minutes of battle, people not going boiler or going boiler and running into a group of 10 marines to use spray.

I think the bigger problem lately with xenos isnt one about balance but more about that fact that most of the players suck ass.

You can still meme people as a runner, just tackle until you get a knockdown then slash drag their ass away from the group at mach3. I would argue that in group fights runners are still better than pretty much any other xeno cast as harassers. Run in, tackle/slash someone, get some FF, run away again.

Also a lot of queens are doing stupid shit, SSD on game start for 5 minutes, Viro hive and waiting for marines to box em in. Overextend after screech and die alone to 10 marines.

All aliens need to win is a good boiler, if you have two good boilers it's GG for marines. (Case in point, the recent Big Red round where the 80% of the Lambda hive died within 10 minutes and I as the boiler, the queen, two drones a sentinel and a warrior proceeded to absolutely destroy marines for an hour in research.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 17 Oct 2018, 08:31

JJG wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 08:18
Honestly, lately the xeno players are just terrible. With all T3's dying in the first 5 minutes of battle, people not going boiler or going boiler and running into a group of 10 marines to use spray.

I think the bigger problem lately with xenos isnt one about balance but more about that fact that most of the players suck ass.

You can still meme people as a runner, just tackle until you get a knockdown then slash drag their ass away from the group at mach3. I would argue that in group fights runners are still better than pretty much any other xeno cast as harassers. Run in, tackle/slash someone, get some FF, run away again.

Also a lot of queens are doing stupid shit, SSD on game start for 5 minutes, Viro hive and waiting for marines to box em in. Overextend after screech and die alone to 10 marines.

All aliens need to win is a good boiler, if you have two good boilers it's GG for marines. (Case in point, the recent Big Red round where the 80% of the Lambda hive died within 10 minutes and I as the boiler, the queen, two drones a sentinel and a warrior proceeded to absolutely destroy marines for an hour in research.
I agree xenos need to git gud. But part of the reason why there are no good players left is because xenos are less fun and have been nerfed constantly for months. Its driving the good players away. The burrower was a huge mistake, instead of adding something fun and fresh for xenos its just has one gimic of being able to burrower under walls and cades. It then stole a bunch of features from other castes and is worthless.

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 17 Oct 2018, 10:17

IMO the thing that's made good players leave were the shotgun buffs and the tackle nerfs.

The xenos, a race of predominately melee-based alien creautres, with entities as large as 14 ft tall... can't push over a 90lb marine, and die to 2 shells of buckshot.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 17 Oct 2018, 13:06

GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 10:17
IMO the thing that's made good players leave were the shotgun buffs and the tackle nerfs.

The xenos, a race of predominately melee-based alien creautres, with entities as large as 14 ft tall... can't push over a 90lb marine, and die to 2 shells of buckshot.
it blows my mind that every xeno stun except queen screech has been gutted, but then they turn around and buff every marine stun they can. It is so contradictory it makes no sense to me. Explosion buff was cool but it has made stuns completely ridiculous as far as explosions. Buckshot does the most damage and has a stun, wtf?

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 17 Oct 2018, 13:43

You can spend an hour getting to Elite Lurker and die to a single naked Marine with buckshot drugged up to infinity.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Sleepy Retard » 17 Oct 2018, 14:04

TheMaskedMan2 wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 13:43
You can spend an hour getting to Elite Lurker and die to a single naked Marine with buckshot drugged up to infinity.
Increasing your maturity does not increase your skill level. Just don't run in a straight line at a shotgun. Use your pounce. That'll help. A single slash from an elder lurker will put a naked marine out of commission, no questions asked.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 17 Oct 2018, 14:22

El Defaultio wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 14:04
Increasing your maturity does not increase your skill level. Just don't run in a straight line at a shotgun. Use your pounce. That'll help. A single slash from an elder lurker will put a naked marine out of commission, no questions asked.
ive been shot out of the air in the middle of a pounce. you knock them down in crit. its not as simple as dont run in a straight line when there is no way to move diagonally everything is a straight line. Sometimes you miss a pounce, sometimes you pounce and didnt see the marine behind him who runs up and pbs you because pounce has a lag of like 1.5 seconds before you can move. theres so many scenarios besides "git gud at lurker" that can lead to you getting rekt by a shotgun.

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Sleepy Retard » 17 Oct 2018, 14:40

kastion wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 14:22
ive been shot out of the air in the middle of a pounce. you knock them down in crit. its not as simple as dont run in a straight line when there is no way to move diagonally everything is a straight line. Sometimes you miss a pounce, sometimes you pounce and didnt see the marine behind him who runs up and pbs you because pounce has a lag of like 1.5 seconds before you can move. theres so many scenarios besides "git gud at lurker" that can lead to you getting rekt by a shotgun.
If you're dying to a single naked marine then you're really going to need to get good at lurker. That was the hypothetical.
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by xXen0zS1ay3rXx » 17 Oct 2018, 21:33

Swagile wrote:
15 Oct 2018, 09:06
i come back to play occasionally and holy shit did the pendelum swing hard

i remember when xenos got ridiculous buffs like the crusher trains, prae snipers, and queen crusher

feels like devs are going the complete opposite way now by nerfing xenos to the ground

played a few rounds as marine and ive only perma died once, and it was completely my own fault, whereas when im xeno i just AFK watching youtube for half an hour or more till I get Elite T1 or mature T2, but thats always been a thing

xenos have always been trash till you AFK'd for most of the game, then you got to play. the marine side has the same issue; half the game is spent in re-arming, getting healed up, briefing, or just getting to/from and/or retreating.

so little of the game is fighting; the only difference between the sides is that as a xeno you can reliably AFK and power up without going anywhere, whereas marines slowly powerup via map control and pushing up against the xenos, which is boring as fuck since most xenos suck ass right now. if you apply a little common sense, game sense, and some decent tracking skills you can reliably survive the entire round as a marine 90% of the time, whereas before even with all those skills in place you could still easily be wrecked

a accumulative nerf to xenos alongside a lot of good xeno mains quiting because of those nerfs leaves the rest of the xenos as a ok enemy at best, a paper tiger at worst
Well worded and I agree, shame it'll just be ignored by the devs. But hey we get the burrower!

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 17 Oct 2018, 21:59

El Defaultio wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 14:40
If you're dying to a single naked marine then you're really going to need to get good at lurker. That was the hypothetical.
i gave you an example of dying to a single naked marine that doesnt mean you suck but you conviently ignored it. You can get point blanked out of the air on a pounce. You still stun them but you are crit, so they just get up and finish you off. There are ways to lose that are not your fault at all. PB buckshot is completely op only idiots argue otherwise.

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Sleepy Retard » 17 Oct 2018, 22:37

kastion wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 21:59
i gave you an example of dying to a single naked marine that doesnt mean you suck but you conviently ignored it. You can get point blanked out of the air on a pounce. You still stun them but you are crit, so they just get up and finish you off. There are ways to lose that are not your fault at all. PB buckshot is completely op only idiots argue otherwise.
And only retards manage to get PB'd out of the air.

Did you know, pounce isn't a melee ability?
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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by kastion » 17 Oct 2018, 23:39

El Defaultio wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 22:37
And only retards manage to get PB'd out of the air.

Did you know, pounce isn't a melee ability?
How is pounce not a melee ability? Just cause you start from far away, you still end up in melee range. Getting PBd by shotgun midpounce is pure luck you cant even do it on purpose because it happens so fast. The point is it CAN happen and its retarded when it does. Its cool that you love your op shotgun, but its still op. Its ok though keep running around telling other people to "git gud" while you need an iwin button as a crutch.

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Re: What Xenos Need

Post by Swagile » 18 Oct 2018, 09:41

point blank shotgun has ALWAYS been balanced by the fact that you had to weld your shotgun

and xenos reliably knew which PB shotgunners to target; those with the gyro attachment, as they were the real danger, since they ran at full speed and didn't have a delay in shooting


you can argue it all you want, but PB shotgun is completely dumb in its current design, as its main balancing factor was removed

its like when crusher was buffed to be able to retain full speed crusher charge despite slamming 15 marines in a row; its retarded and got nerfed for a good reason

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