The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

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The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 23 Oct 2016, 15:37

The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs
Written and Compiled by: Damarik Laizare

0.1 Changelog
26/10/2016 - Guide Created
29/10/2016 - Massive Guide Update. Added T0-T2 Xenomorph Classes and Abilities to the Guide.
30/10/2016 - Added T3/4 Xenomorph Information to the Guide.
01/11/2016 - Added Changelog and Table of Contents. Added information to the Face-Hugger, Chest-Burster, Runner, Carrier and General Xeno Abilities. Fixed Carrier entry to include description of the Xeno.
3/11/2016 - Added information on Xeno Capabilities, Stats and Upgrade Information
11/25/17 - Removed Hive Building Tactics, Began overhaul of Xenos and Skills to match current stats. Completed Drone.
11/26-11/27/17 - Reworked Runner, Sentinel, Spitter and Queen Skills/Stats to the current set

This guide has been assembled using hours of gameplay and Round Observation Research, as well as forum suggestions from this post, hints, tips and strategies from the following sources on the forum. Please note that the following guides are now out of date - however, they still may provide useful information for you, as some do not go into the intricacies that were changed in the latest Xenomorph Modifications.

Art of the Ravager (AKA Che Guevara Simulator 2016) - Bath Salts Addict viewtopic.php?f=94&t=5270
Advanced Crusher Guide - Toroic viewtopic.php?f=94&t=8085
Let's Crush! A Definitive Crusher Guide - Nubs viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7865
Hivelord Guide - Toroic viewtopic.php?f=94&t=4560
Mobile Alien Artillery (The Boiler) - SgtMuffinMan viewtopic.php?f=94&t=4614

This guide is an on-going work in progress.

Table of Contents: Use CTRL+F to search anything in this menu by the Numbers
T1 Classes and Abilities
1.0 - Egg
1.1 - Face-Hugger
1.2 - Chest Burster/Larva
1.3 - Drone
1.4 - Runner
1.5 - Sentinel

T2 Classes and Abilities

2.0 - Hunter
2.1 - Spitter
2.2 - Hivelord
2.3 - Carrier

T3 Classes and Abilities
3.0 - Ravager
3.1 - Crusher
3.2 - Boiler
3.3 - Praetorian

T4 Classes and Abilities
4.0 - Queen

5.0 - General Xenomorph Abilities

Introduction: The Xenomorphs

Originally the creation of a long-dead race of space-faring aliens, the Xenomorphs are the ultimate killing machines. Coming in a wide flavor of types, sizes and uses, the Xenomorph physiology is widely adaptable to even the most hostile of environments, and is even capable of surviving in a complete vacuum.

The Xenomorphs exist in a Matriarchal society with a strict caste system that is controlled by a Queen. The Queen dominates by complete and abject subjugation of her children through a hive-mind. No Xenomorph is able to break this iron-hold, and can be expected to serve the Queen's needs to the best of their ability, whatever those needs may be.

Xenomorph society is typically contained within a hive-structure, in which drones (the lowest of the working class), and to a lesser extent, Hivelords, create a network of labyrinthine tunnel systems and caves to house the inhabitants of the hive. The hunting castes of Runner and Warrior provide the hive with an ever growing number of hosts for the Queen to impregnate with parasitic larva born from eggs and implanted through what are colloquially known as 'Face Huggers'.

Guards such as the Sentinel, Spitter and Praetorian Caste have a variety of roles to fulfill both inside and outside of the Hive, while the Combat Castes of Ravager, Crusher, Boiler and Carrier provide a means of territory expansion and suppression of natural enemies.

Now that the general structure of the Hive is understood, let's take a closer in-depth look at each of the classes of Xenomorph presently seen on the colony of LV-624, our test planet for today.

Xenomorph Classes and Abilities

At present, our test colony, Lazarus, at the planet LV-624, displays a somewhat limited variety of Xenomorphs, compared to the broader spectrum that is known to exist today. Here, we present for you, the Xenomorph Player, up to date statistics, skills, benefits and drawbacks, ranges and limitations on the Xeno-species present. Pick the desired Line you want to pursue in the Hive, then click the Spoiler Button to reveal all relevant info about that Xeno, if applicable.

Combat Classes will be highlighted in Red. All-Purpose Classes and Primary Abilities will be highlighted in Green. Support Classes and Abilities will be highlighted in Blue. Tactics and Gameplay will be highlighted in Black. Tips will be Highlighted in Purple.

A large, bifurcated ovoid that contains the pre-larval parasite transport stage of the Xenomorph, the Face-Hugger. These are highly susceptible to fire and impact, and the Face-Hugger within can be killed if not carefully guarded.

The Faciem-Amplexitorae, or Face-Hugger, is an 8-digited, head sized scuttling creature. They are the transferal stage of the Xenomorphs. By using their tremendously powerful tails and 'fingers', they can leap enormous distances to engage a prospective host. Once latched on, it takes extreme force to remove a Face-Hugger. This force may often damage a host beyond repair, especially if the Face-Hugger sustains dermal damage deep enough to penetrate into its veins. Every Xenomorph comes equipped with the natural defense of having acid for blood.

Once a host is implanted, the Face-Hugger will die, falling off on its own as it has completed its usefulness. If left alone, the corpse will decay and fall to to silicon dust.
► Show Spoiler
1.2Chest-Burster: AKA Larva
The Pectorae Praemium, or Chest Burster, is the larval parasitic stage of the Xenomorph Cycle. These creatures gestate inside the chest cavities of a host until they are mature enough to rupture through the rib-cage using their powerful tails. Fast and agile, the Chest-Burster's only defensive mechanism after leaving its host is to hide and await its shedding until it can mature into a more powerful Xenomorph.
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Tier One Castes
Tier One Xenos are the weakest of the Hive, and also the most numerous. The Hive can only support upper class Tiers if there are more Lower Tiers to make it possible. For Example: In ecological standards, a herd of three Gazelle cannot support a Lion Pride of seventeen.

Difficulty to Play: Easy

Xenos Opus Fucus, or the common Hive Drone, is the working class of any Hive. They exist to build and expand the hive as the Queen commands. Drones have a few abilities which grant them a niche in the very first hours/days of a Xenomorph Infestation. As Drones are the only Caste capable of evolving into the Queen, there should always be at least two Drones in the Hive. One to succeed the Queen in the event of her death, and one to replace that Drone, should anything happen to it.

Drones also have the ability to evolve into both the Hivelord and Carrier Castes, which will be covered later.
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Difficulty to Play: Medium

The Runner, or Xenos Velox Impetus, is the scout-force of the Hive. With their speed and deft leaping abilities, they make for excellent forward advance units to seek out new territory for the Hive. Runners have the unique ability to scale any obstacle in front of them, short of a wall, glass window or a sentry turret. They can also hide beneath wooden barricades.

Runners evolve into the more mature Warrior Caste.
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Difficulty to Play: Easy

The Sentinels of the Hive, Xenos Iuvenus Praesidio, exist for one sole purpose: to preside over captured hosts in the nest and ensure they do not escape. A Sentinel should also not be outside of the nesting area, unless the Queen explicitly orders so.

Sentinels evolve into the Spitter Caste, a direct upgrade, in everything but speed, of the Sentinel.
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Tier Two Castes
Following here are the Tier Two Caste Xenomorphs. While some debate does go on about the last two in this part of the guide, the jury is still rather out on that one.

Difficulty to Play: Hard

Xenos Invisibilia Mortem, or the Hunter Caste, make up the Grunt Ground Forces of any advancing Hive. They are the warriors and soldiers, throwing themselves at the enemy relentlessly and without rest. They are the intelligent, ever adaptable fighting machines that make the Xenos so formidable and feared. A Queen can produce thousands, even millions of these elite war machines in her lifetime.
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Difficulty to Play: Hard

The Spitter, or Xenos Velox Veru, are a direct upgrade of the Sentinel in everything but speed. They have slightly increased range, armor and health, as well as a larger plasma pool to draw from. Spitters can act both as Hive Sentinels and as frontline machine-gunners, rapidly spitting their neurotoxin or corrosive acid at enemies to whittle down numbers.

Spitters can evolve into both the Boiler and the Praetorian castes.
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Difficulty to Play: Medium

Xenos Nidum Dominus, or the Hivelord, has an incredible plasma regeneration rate at higher levels of maturity, and is the only Xenomorph capable of digging tunnels. It displays many of the same abilities as the Drone, with increased size, health, armor and extra additions to its skill-tree.
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Difficulty to Play: Hard

The Carrier, Xenos Puer Tabellarius, is the mobile nursery of the Hive, supporting up to eight Face-Huggers for transport (Six on their bodies, and one in each hand). This can be for either combat or relocation purposes. Carriers also provide a secondary role in the hive, being able to spread its boundaries and release pheromones for support.
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Tier Three Caste
Following here are the final evolutions of every Xenomorph present on LV-624, except the Drone, who can Evolve to the only Tier Four: The Queen.

Difficulty to Play: Hard

Xenos Infernus Rancor is the second most deadly Xenomorph known to exist on LV-624. They are massive engines of destruction when given the opportunity. These are the shock-troops of the Hive, alongside their Crusher sisters.

"The fire courses through your veins! MAIM, KILL, DESTROY!"

Among the Ravager's most potent talents, they are not only immune to fire, but thrive in it. These hulking monstrosities seem to move faster, become more agile and even more enraged when surrounded by fire.
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Difficulty to Play: Hard

Xenos Arma Caput, or Crusher, is the most defensive of all of the Hive's children. With a thick plate-shield serving for its crest, the Crusher can withstand more head-on punishment than any other Xenomorph. The downside is that its sides and rear end are less armored and very vulnerable to attack.
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Difficulty to Play: Hard

The Boiler (Xenos Ulcis Aliena) is the long-range artillery support of the Hive's forces, lobbing vast gouts of corrosive acid great distances. Because the Boiler emits its own light, it is very difficult to hide from snipers, so it is recommended that either a distraction is provided for these large death-catapults, or that a Crusher is guarding for it at all times.

Boilers move at an average of 1.5-2.5 tiles per second. They are one of the slowest Xenos in the game, and so must be defended when necessary.
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Difficulty to Play: Hard

The Praetorian, also known as Xenos Custodi Regine, is the guardian of the Queen. Being almost as tall and very difficult to tell apart from the Queen, the Praetorian excels at spitting, and is also capable of emitting pheromones to boost the Hive's resilience.
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Tier Four
There is only one type of Xenomorph at Tier Four. Expect to face death, should you find yourself in the presence of an experienced Xenomorph at this level.

4.0The Queen
Difficulty to Play: VERY HARD

Mother of the Hive, layer of eggs, ravager of worlds. The Queen Xenomorph, or Xenos Nidum Reginae, is the penultimate evolution of the Drone and defacto leader of the Hive. None can escape her sway. No xenomorph can willfully disobey her commands. The Queen is a nightmare of a madman's dreams, controlling the Xenomorph Swarm from deep within the Hive's nesting chambers.
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5.0General Xenomorph Abilities
All Xenos have a set group of abilities that they are born with.

Darksight: Friend /AND/ Foe
Darksight is one of the Xeno's greatest tools. It allows them to see in pitch-blackness, where even the most ballsy of baldies dares not tread without a light source. However, Darksight is also one of the Xenos greatest weaknesses, as those who operate with it on all the time forget that light sources emit in a radius, usually blowing their cover if they get too close.

Except for the Boiler, because they are their own bane of existence, all smart Xenos operate from within the darkness. Toggling your darkvision while on the hunt can help you effectively capture or kill lone Marines by noting your surroundings, turning darksight off, taking note of available light sources, then calculating your angle of attack.

Light Source Distances:
Armor Light - 4 Tile Circle
Boiler Light - 2 Tile Circle
Colony Floodlight - 5 Tile circle
Emergency Floodlight (Tablefort) - 5 Tile Circle
Flare - 4 Tile circle
Flashlight - 4 Tile Circle
Landing Light (LZ1)- 4 Tile Circle
Light Bulb - 3 Tile Circle
Light Tube - 6+ Tile Circle
Strange Tree- 1 Tile Square
Light Stick (Ice Colony) - 1 Tile Square

Devour: Available to All Xenomorphs
There is no button for this ability. Simply grab a host (Grab intent or CTRL+Click on them) and then click yourself. Boom! You've just eaten a prospective host! You now have 5 minutes before the host dies in your stomach, so get moving! Devouring is useful for transporting unconscious/hugged hosts back to the nest, as you don't suffer the movement penalty you might if you were simply dragging them.

HOWEVER! BEWARE! An Armed host may wake up inside you. If this happens, you receive no warning, except multiple lacerations or gunshots from within before you die in a fantastic explosion of acid blood, guts and Xenobits, the host having broken free.

Rest: Available to All Xenomorphs
Resting allows you to regain health and plasma faster than normal when you are on Weeds. Recommended for use after a foray into enemy territory when your health has dropped below 50% or more and you still manage to make it back to safe, weeded ground.

One should never rest in open lines of fire, no matter how far down a corridor you've run. If you can get around a corner before resting, do it. All it takes is one lucky shot from a Baldie Marine to turn your rest into a permanent Resin don't take the risk.

Crawl Through Vents: Available to Chest Bursters and T1 Xenos
Crawling through vents is a good way to get in and out of places in a hurry. It's also great for recon, as you can pop in and out of a vent faster than most Marines can react to your sudden arrival. At the least, it can be a good Cole-Protocol backup in the event that you need to GTFO of Lazarus quick.

Live long, implant hosts, propagate, and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your way to victory, which ever path you choose.

((P.S.: Feel free to make any suggestions or notes that I can use to better this guide.))
Last edited by Damarik on 27 Nov 2017, 01:14, edited 32 times in total.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Byond: Plazmoz2000

Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Plazmoz2000 » 23 Oct 2016, 15:41

Thanks for making this guide i find it very useful and informative.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Mook476 » 23 Oct 2016, 15:43

+1 This is a pretty comprehensive guide and I really like it that queens chamber idea especially caught my eye 10/10 nice guide mate, and I also really liked the amount of detail and I can tell you put alot of time into it whenever I go xeno or if I go queen I'll probably refer to this guide.
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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Eenkogneeto » 23 Oct 2016, 17:16

You may consider giving a true summary of the abilities of all the ayys, Im available to give a unbiased account of Boiler, Prae and Spitter but im not as experienced with the rest.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Toroic » 23 Oct 2016, 17:44

This is a very good start, but there are a bunch of little things that could use fixing.

Here are a few offhand:

-You say that no one evolves until the queen does, it should be until a drone does.

-Boilers need at least 2 tile wide halls due to their bombard wandering. Single tile will hit the sides and not land where you want

-Your queen room has stacked doors, which are terrible

-The idea that capturing is super important and slashing should be turned off is very outdated meta.

-Tunnels should not only be short range, they should lead all over the map. There are a number of places you can tuck them away that marines won't check.

Overall a good guide that can become great woth some tweaks and more experience.
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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Damarik » 23 Oct 2016, 18:34

Toroic wrote:Things
Thanks for the advice. I'll tweak it up a bit when I get a moment.

My big thing about no one evolving until a Queen does is that if we go the Drone route, the minute people see a drone, they'll start evolving up at random without any consent. People have roles they love to play. That's cool. But they need to wait until the needs for said roles are determined, so we don't have an overabundance of a certain type (Ex: I started out my last round with about 2 of each beginner. Cool. A bit in, we've got a shitton of runners, 1 drone and 2 sentinels. I ask for two runners to upgrade to hunters... and ALL OF THEM UPGRADE, completely killing out our T2 spots for a good while.)

As for Capturing, I follow the Will of the Hive in this aspect. The Xenos will try to capture first and kill only if they can't. It's been seen before, in all the films, games and books. Very few notable exceptions to this rule apply, including the latest AvP game, in which the Ancient Queen calls her drones to her to free her before doing anything else. The orders are to kill all hosts on the way. That's one of the few times I've ever seen Kill before Capture.

The reason for the stacked doors on the Queen's Chamber is to ensure that even if an armed host does escape its nest, the Sentinel/Queen inside will have time to capture it before it can blast/cut its way out, even if the Sentinel/Queen is preoccupied with something else at the time.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Liran343 » 24 Oct 2016, 10:46

Eh... I just don't understand why do people think bunkering in the main hive with this kind of setup (which is very good don't get me wrong. well expect that you didn't put windows in the eggs room) is a good idea... I mean if you retreated to the caves with only winning (or losing) minor skirmishes you're already fucked. Mainly because you're under the assumption that the marines don't have bayonets to clear resin, grenades for xeno area denial, barely any flares to light up the way and are brain dead so they charge alone or in a small group and not wait for the other squads because "I WANT TO KELL LAST ALIUM"... not to mention engineers dragging those damn turrets with them so if they retreat they have a safe-ish place to run to (behind the turret).

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Damarik » 24 Oct 2016, 11:32

Liran343 wrote:More Things
Nah. The expectation is that you'll at least have a decent and competent bunch of Ayys by the time the setup becomes important. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case the last few rounds due to Ayys not listening to the Queen.

I know very well that Mahreens can tear through shit pretty quick, and that fragging is likely going to be the outcome of a long and winded battle with them if they get into/create a large enough area in the nest. This guide just assumes that the Ayys aren't suicidal and are paying attention to orders.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Liran343 » 25 Oct 2016, 06:52

Damarik wrote: Nah. The expectation is that you'll at least have a decent and competent bunch of Ayys by the time the setup becomes important. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case the last few rounds due to Ayys not listening to the Queen.

I know very well that Mahreens can tear through shit pretty quick, and that fragging is likely going to be the outcome of a long and winded battle with them if they get into/create a large enough area in the nest. This guide just assumes that the Ayys aren't suicidal and are paying attention to orders.
Well.. I was in a round where two crushers held the line while I (was a spitter) shot acid at marines... we held and even pushed them out of the hive entrance. The funniest part in that round was when the marines were smart enough to bring a SADAR. Unfortunately for them the wielder shot it at point blank at a charging crusher... fun times.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Helgraf » 29 Oct 2016, 13:39

This is pretty nice.
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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Damarik » 29 Oct 2016, 18:49

Helgraf wrote:This is pretty nice.
Thanks. Its still very much a WiP, and I'm thinking about asking to have it moved to the Guide subforum.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: Damarik's Xeno Hive Strategy Guide

Post by Helgraf » 29 Oct 2016, 20:54

Damarik wrote:Thanks. Its still very much a WiP, and I'm thinking about asking to have it moved to the Guide subforum.
Good idea.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Jroinc1 » 01 Nov 2016, 20:18

Minor issues with carrier description, but awesome. I'd have this moved to the guide section, definitely worth it.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 01 Nov 2016, 20:34

JPR wrote:Minor issues with carrier description, but awesome. I'd have this moved to the guide section, definitely worth it.
Fixed, and added more relevant info to the Carrier.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Azmodan412 » 02 Nov 2016, 18:15

You forgot the jelly part for the Queen: MAAAAAAAAAAM JELLY! -Larva 573

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 02 Nov 2016, 18:19

Azmodan412 wrote:You forgot the jelly part for the Queen: MAAAAAAAAAAM JELLY! -Larva 573
Queen no longer produces Jelly. No need for it.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Azmodan412 » 02 Nov 2016, 18:20

Really? Times have changed.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 02 Nov 2016, 18:31

Azmodan412 wrote:Really? Times have changed.
That's been gone for a bit now. Longer than I've been around on CM, at the very least.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by ParadoxSpace » 03 Nov 2016, 20:07

You forgot muh psychic whisper

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 03 Nov 2016, 20:34

ParadoxSpace wrote:You forgot muh psychic whisper
Adding it. I gotta watch my character count. I tried adding in all the stats, and found out I was over the limit. Gonna have to move the Hive Guide to a new Topic to cover all Xeno Skills.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Butterrobber202 » 03 Nov 2016, 21:41

Damarik. I gotta be honest I disagree with yout Queen thing. As a Queen when the marines have just taken Hydro/Medical, I find it a very good idea to flank them from the east and swarm Hydro with everything (minus the few Crushers and Sentinels guarding the tablefort)
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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 03 Nov 2016, 21:44

Butterrobber202 wrote:Damarik. I gotta be honest I disagree with yout Queen thing. As a Queen when the marines have just taken Hydro/Medical, I find it a very good idea to flank them from the east and swarm Hydro with everything (minus the few Crushers and Sentinels guarding the tablefort)
PM me and we can talk strategy.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Reuben Owen » 24 Dec 2016, 12:03

2 sad little nitpicks.

You mention throughout your guide that pheromones uses 30 plasma per tick. It's 5, not 30. 30 is only to open the menu for choosing which phermone you want.

Second, I think you should change one of the difficulties for a Xeno to easy. As it is, the lowest is medium which means all the mediums are really easy, all the hards are really mediums, and all the very hards are really just hards. And if you make one of the Xenos actually seem easier then the rest, it can help someone in choosing what Xeno to play if they are playing Xenos for the first time.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Damarik » 25 Dec 2016, 01:22

Reuben Owen wrote:2 sad little nitpicks.

You mention throughout your guide that pheromones uses 30 plasma per tick. It's 5, not 30. 30 is only to open the menu for choosing which phermone you want.

Second, I think you should change one of the difficulties for a Xeno to easy. As it is, the lowest is medium which means all the mediums are really easy, all the hards are really mediums, and all the very hards are really just hards. And if you make one of the Xenos actually seem easier then the rest, it can help someone in choosing what Xeno to play if they are playing Xenos for the first time.

The first is an easy fix.

Blame the creator of the Wiki for the second one. I based it off of their guidelines for difficulty.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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=Creator of the "Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs", found here: viewtopic.php?f=133&t=9559 =

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Re: The Ultimate Guide to Xenomorphs

Post by Dumblike » 09 Jan 2018, 08:58

Will this be updated to the new queen? Like, the alternating modes.
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