Behold: how the average baldy perceives his surroundings; observe how their naturally superior vision affords them greater tactics and mastery. They are the envy of the Colonial Marines.
It's quite accurate. Note here how there are no xenomorphs in his sight, for they are trivial. Every true baldy knows that the biggest enemy is his fellow man, and they are to be fired upon before they can fire at you.
Steam - /id/PandaCG/ | Discord - PandaCG#0701
| Chris 'Jr.' Johnson, black former security officer. (main character) | Javier S. Weeter, your bravado white-boy/mexican leader. (main character on other servers, mostly SL/SO/XO and CL on CM) | Alana Parkinson, freshie to the Corps. |
Oh yeah, this happened yesterday I think the weirdest part was how all the images of the marines turned into furry characters on the preference screen. I still have no clue why it would change to that.
USCM: Lukas Schaffer, CO and most other roles
Yasmin Kuar:PO and Doctor
The recent update just implemented baldy vision to Xenoes.
Now I am truly Free from this Endless loop of killing eachother.
I had my fun for a half of year. I am satisfied.
Jobbaned from alien since 16.11.2017. My last tallhost Pet:"Charlotte 'Fortune' View".
This has gone down in history viewtopic.php?f=133&t=14927