A more efficient method is to ask for 7 pills of 2u water and 7 pills of 2u potassium You'll get 6 OD cures with the hypo but 7 this way, and at half the space.Tigroon wrote: ↑13 Apr 2018, 04:27Got a overdose on your hands, and the person just keeled over? Well, if you thought ahead, you'd have a magical SUPER CURE FOR ODs should a patient die of one! Listen up, and listen well, because I'm about to teach you the best god damn MEDICAL MAGIC TRICK OF HISTORY.
Get two hyposprays. Dump the shit out that is already inside them via needle into a jar. Take that shit to CHEMISTRY. TIME TO COOK. Load one Hypo with five units each of Potassium and Sugar. Load the other with five units Phosphorus. If you load them all into one, it will create smoke. You know what smoke does? It's smokey, yeah. But it ALSO, if the ingredients are injected SEPARATELY into a body, purges ALL CHEMICALS.
When you see someone dead, and that scanner says ' Yeah, he got loaded down with so many chems. He ded. ', say ' I got this. ', pull out your hypos, and hit him with BOTH. Smoke hits, purges ALL CHEMICALS. Fix up the damage done, Defib, done. Patient saved.
Feed both pills then feed additional stabilizing medicines via pill as required. The flash purge will happen and then the pills you feed afterwards will go into the blood.