by BillyBoBBizWorth » 19 Apr 2018, 20:01
"Why a discord text channel when you could just use the forums where everyone can read it and put in suggestions? The way I see it, if you're making it a "whitelisted COs" only text channel, the only people contributing are the same people who do the generic tactics over and over again."
Couldnt agree anymore with this, its atleast what im seeing myself too.
"It's a role in 2D Spessmen, any 12yo who isn't toxic can get it. There isn't anything to "earn". Hell, it's the most lowRP role on this server, COs literally have LESS rules and standards to follow than most other roles."
This also seems to be the case, atleast from what ive been observing.The CO(Or command in whole actually) can be too slow(or doesnt at all) to broadcast and order a urgent retreat/EVAC therefore practically suiciding squad/s and have no reprecussion, not even from High Command it seems, its just treated as a "eh, whatver" by command, even if they are getting constant reports/good intel about pending flanks from the enemy.Then you have a medic possibly OD/double medic/miss a patient because of the overwhelming amount of wounded and all hell breaks loose.Sometimes being charged with insubordination for not "being close enough to their SL" or something absurd whilst trying to save countless marine lives command clearly doesnt care about.Its so backwards.
Ive heard quite a few times about a SO being battle executed in CIC for suiciding a squad, through bombing them or bad intel/orders, however most of the time its actually the CO thats inept, which creates a chain reaction of incompetence down the command chain and should actually be the one being removed or executed, no one else.
And this is all ingame/IC and you think they need a special channel to discuss how to achieve these kinds of failures? Give me a break, the handful of Commanders that currently play are stale and static and often pull the same tactics, with the same outcomes, win or loss.CO's and the rest of command officers should be more worried about actually being available ingame, listening to their radio's and watching their cameras like hawks, over having another away from game distraction like a commanders only channel...
Solutions :
Maybe make it more punishable ingame for a inept commander, as they currently dont seem to have any at all.Then they may be more focused/intune with whats actually happening on the ground.
Possibly add a slot for a on the ground commander, or obviously could just be the XO.Which reports will be acknowledged by the staff topside about the actual situation on the ground in almost realtime.Possibly even having the power of ordering/overriding a topside order on the ground if the danger level calls for a retreat or EVAC, in which a topside order of the same kind would be too late even if broadcasted.If they arent listening to the marines and SL's on the ground, maybe they will listen to a high ranking officer thats with us groundside!
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.
I will murder you Brittany Breeze
"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."