We all know that is support weapon, that is supposed to help squads to fight against heavy armored targets, blow up enemy barricades and anyone who hides behind them, but what application it have in battle against aliens?
Especialy now when aliens get a major buff to stuns, so please share your experience, tactics and interesting situations as rocket spec.
Because i'm pretty shit player and cant kill anything with it, and others specialists are always pointing theirs finger at me and laugh. Please, i need adviсe.

In my experience i have a major problem when i am trying to blow up T2 xenos (If i see T3 i immediately grab my m41a with ap rounds since RPG is useless against them and T1... you know, you dont need a spec help to murder them).
Its smoke cloud! Yes, smoke cloud. Countless amount of situation when i and my minions squadmates stay in the fireline, i shoot a rocket at xeno and they cannot finish it off, because smoke cloud from rpg surround them blocking their view and chance finish off xeno. When i try to stay at some distance from the squad i always get captured by flanking aliens, when behind them, my fire line are blocked, and when staying in frontlines i am facing mostly T3 aliens.
So, how are you fighting with this problem? How do you use this heavy weapon? Some people telling me that i just need to apply bayonet to it, but i cant.