Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

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Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Heckenshutze » 17 Jul 2018, 11:33

Alright, first of all I made this thread not to discuss like Delta, how the squad has gone from X status to Y status but to discuss about it's progress in a general sense, since players come and go and the way Charlie behaves most of the rounds change depending on certain variables like the players on, the SL and the objectives in general.

Let me start why I, personally, started to main charlie. It is very simple actually:

1 - Charlie was one of the two squads that were given Scout duty and next to it, sent to the frontlines (along with Delta)

2 - Didn't had the meme-state of Delta, were people liked to LOOC a lot, meme a lot, talk a lot and develop what we know in the present as "Grunt Banter", instead they just used chat to spot enemies, call of medic, OB, tell objetives, SL commanding etc.

3 - People that went there, had the same goal as me: To fight on the frontlines without having to hear the level of memery you'd see in Delta.

For some time, it stayed like that, the squad was a temporary place for veterans that wanted to play in a different squad to vary or experienced players that were tired of doing Power/FOB duty (Such is the case of many alphas and bravos). The squad gained some fame to pair itself with Delta at carrying rounds, stepping head-on the frontlines and stomping xeno scum here and there, it was the insurance policy of Delta, if Delta somehow failed, Charlie was there to keep the machine running.

Then it mutated to a RP-like squad, with the born of "Charlie Breakfast" made originally by William Jester Crimson and made famous by Wanda Fisher people that went charlie were actually looking for the Marine-like RP and not that much for the fighting, causing a small reduction on it's combat effectiveness, to the point it slowly started to adquire a Snowflakey type of marine, that one who'd try to survive the most time he could even if the cost was to act as a coward, running away from battle, ignoring orders, leaving behind other grunts for the sake of it's own neck, then Delta just absorbed Charlie went it came to carrying the rounds.

(By that time I switched to Delta, I got tired of dealing with that type of shit, also feeling that the charlie regulars shifted as well to delta due to the incompetence of it's combatants, really, they couldn't kill an AFK xeno without FFing someone)

When the cancer shifted to Delta due to the fame it farmed and more and more unrobust wannabes and stupid retards came to the Squad I witnessed how most of their good ol' veterans scattered to other squads, some even moved to Charlie, some even started some crazy Crusade on turning Alpha squad 'great again', after many rounds experiencing the decay of Delta I returned Charlie to encounter some of the regulars playing there again, along with some veterans that moved to Charlie as a "Fresh restart" and the new generation of charlies that, to our luck, have showed to be very competent to the point Charlie fame and reliability is coming back, however, there's still a group of charlie marines (Groups are divided by Timezomes and play times) that are AMAZINGLY bald, coward and incompetent (experienced that shit myself last night) where literally all of Charlie acted like they never seen a xeno offensive, they willingly escaped from combat, ignored orders and left the SL to die, happened twice (on Big Red and Prison Station), luckily, I haven't encountered but one time this marine group that isn't even closer of being as good as the usual charlie you see around.

Saying this introduction to the subject, what's your opinion on this matter? as a Charlie or as any other squad member.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 17 Jul 2018, 11:40

I've noticed that Charlie is getting FOB duty a lot more than Bravo, and that might be the nail in the coffin that signals my departure from Bravo to Charlie. I'm in a weird spot where I like a lot of the people that are regularly in Charlie, so I play it often, but I also like Bravo because it was the squad I was always saddled with back when we didn't have squad preferences, and my loyalty to the banana runs deep.

I've also begun noticing that Charlie lately has been having a lot of beef with Delta, to the point where they might even side against each other in a mutiny. I always thought of the Charlie-Delta relationship as something like a sibling rivalry.

I also still wish Charlie was mint-colored.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by LittleBlast » 17 Jul 2018, 11:40

My main experience with Charlie is as XO when they inevitably start shit with delta that ends with multiple dead marines.

Every. Fucking. Round.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 17 Jul 2018, 11:42

LittleBlast wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 11:40
My main experience with Charlie is as XO when they inevitably start shit with delta that ends with multiple dead marines.

Every. Fucking. Round.
It's always Delta that starts it, but Charlie makes sure they're the ones that finish it.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Sulaboy » 17 Jul 2018, 11:54

Delta vets head into Charlie to beat up the new Deltas. Sounds weird, and it is.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 11:57

Not always. I remember a round on Prison station a few days ago where Delta and Charlie were cut off at the crashed ship with me as Delta's SO and while there were a few FF incidents, more than one Delta actually said, as they were carted off with the rest of the wounded through the gap in the xeno line the two squads and a routed Bravo FT formed, that "the Charlies are just like us" since Deltas and Charlies were risking their lives to save each other. I actually asked him, word for word, if Charlies were their fire-forged brothers now and they readily agreed.

If we have more rounds like that, it's possible that the Charlie/Delta nonsense could shift from their current "ready to go to war on each other at a moment's notice" state to a friendly rivalry or something else. Who knows, it might one day get to the point that Delta and Charlie just temporarily meld together as a single unit when the need arises on the ground without input from the CIC if respect between them builds up enough.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Asmodius » 17 Jul 2018, 12:13

Bath Salts Addict wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 11:42
It's always Delta that starts it, but Charlie makes sure they're the ones that finish it.
charlie's lives get finished if you know what i mean
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Clutch » 17 Jul 2018, 12:21

charlies asses always get woopedy swooped because theyre lil soyboys yuh!
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Azfrief » 17 Jul 2018, 12:31

They're alright. Actually tolerable unlike the other squads. Delta being a close second.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Bancrose » 17 Jul 2018, 12:48

I'll beat the shit out of any Charlie, Delta, Bravo, Alpha. Really the color doesn't matter for me.

Now on that note, We can say that Charlie is a more different RP than Delta. Charlies are like Marines who are not the jarheads beating eachother and they believe in working together like normal people with promising futures. As opposed to the very manly, gruff and tough atmosphere that the Deltas are constantly in. The difference between the two is the mentality. Delta will beat each other and create friendships and bonds while Charlies will just have breakfast together to talk and what not.

Now for the constant pre-briefing brawls....Its more of a lesson really. Did that marine learn something from that ass beating? Because in the end I'm BEATING these grunts asses into shape.

If their rifles run out of bullets or their shotguns are out of shells. At least they know they can take a knife out and fight that xeno to the death. I've seen it with my own eyes. Hell I even became friends with them, whether it was me or them that got my ass beat I don't really care anymore. Besides we are marines, this is pretty light compared to the stories I hear from my friends who are actually in the marine Corp.

Just one thing of note tho, please stop pulling guns on me after I whoop yo ass is all I'm asking.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by CCRWasHere » 17 Jul 2018, 12:56

Smartgunner camaraderie knows no squad color. That's the real brotherhood.
When have you ever seen two smartgunners at each-other's throats?
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 17 Jul 2018, 13:05

Bath Salts Addict wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 11:40
I've noticed that Charlie is getting FOB duty a lot more than Bravo, and that might be the nail in the coffin that signals my departure from Bravo to Charlie.
The problem from a Command stand point is when you guys have three engineers, two medics, and your specialist takes the sniper loadout, you are getting FOB duty because it makes the most strategic sense. It doesn't help when Bravo has a flamer and only one or two engineers.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by JennerH » 17 Jul 2018, 13:19

I mained Charlie when I first joined because i like purple, and once I'd played with them I was hooked. Then one day I join and my beloved Charlie is green. Ever since then I've been a Delta main, even after they switched the color back, because you and I both know that the purple it is now is not the same purple it was around October.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Build_R_ » 17 Jul 2018, 13:36

There's threads about people not wanting unrobust marines or baldies in Charlie/Delta squad now. I would think that that's how every squad main feels about their squad, not just the grapes and blueberries but apparently a lot of people are leaving their old squads for 'better' ones. Honestly though, if someone is completely bald wouldn't they just have their squad preference set to random?

I do understand the annoying Charlie and Delta rivalry though, I would like to stay away from that myself.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Nantei » 17 Jul 2018, 14:37

Sulaboy wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 11:54
Delta vets head into Charlie to beat up the new Deltas. Sounds weird, and it is.
Reeee Delta get outta my grape. /s

If it wasn't for Charlie I probably would have never gotten into CM as much as I did. Lydia recruited me into Charlie about my third round of playing CM, and I will never leave. The culture we foster is so wildly different from Delta and the rest of the server. Charlie is, to me, the roleplay squad. Alpha and Bravo sometimes have good roleplay, but Charlie is known for consistently having people with deep bonds. Grapes care for one-another, and we mourn our fallen. That is what Charlie is to me.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Slduggy » 17 Jul 2018, 15:08

LittleBlast wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 11:40
My main experience with Charlie is as XO when they inevitably start shit with delta that ends with multiple dead marines.

Every. Fucking. Round.
Because you rile up marines by trying to lead via fear, rather than respect.

And the delta face punching comes as a result of them being the squad we share the canteen with. If a bravo ran down to the canteen to yell "Grapes suck!", than they would get the same face punching.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Simo94 » 17 Jul 2018, 15:18

The reason I main Charlie is how well rounded it is, they dont get FOB duty often, they also dont get scouting all the time, the squad isnt that bald, but not that robust either, they have their fair share of shenanigans but unlike delta there is some RP to be had too.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by LittleBlast » 17 Jul 2018, 15:39

Slduggy wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 15:08
Because you rile up marines by trying to lead via fear, rather than respect.

And the delta face punching comes as a result of them being the squad we share the canteen with. If a bravo ran down to the canteen to yell "Grapes suck!", than they would get the same face punching.
To be fair I normally don't do that it's just that 9/10 rounds you end up pissing me off enough to turn to leading by fear :P
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Drownie » 17 Jul 2018, 18:31

Charlie is OK, that's everything you need to know.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 18:37

I enjoy playing with Charlie most of the time. They are definitely more robust than the average bravo or alpha marine and some of delta, and they aren't as retarded as Deltards.
Charlie could use more good SL mains though, I don't see too many of them.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by DefinitelyAlone0309 » 18 Jul 2018, 06:30

I have to say that I'm at a bit of an impasse.

I have a lot of fun with both Charlie and Delta, and lots of friends in both squads too. I try to make it to Charlie's breakfast every time there's one, and I follow up with a lot of Delta memey stuff willingly.

But, in my opinion, I have more fun with Charlie, whenever there's a few Delta mains in there. My main problem with Charlie is, while I would risk my life to get my friends out without a doubt, I don't always get saved back. But on Delta, or at least with Dee, I feel like I can go ham as much as possible and he'll at the very least drag my dead bloody tattered corpse to a medic.

While I wouldn't say that I agree with the whole fighting and shit, and I always try to be one of the nicest marine ICly, I simply just have more fun while being in Delta, on average.

But that's just for when I'm a PFC though. When I'm an SG, I really don't give a fuck. You can put me in Alpha and I'll find a way to enjoy my SG round. Like Julian said, SG camaraderie knows no color. I'm gonna chill with you, regardless of your color. But touch my labeled power pack and I won't mind turning IFF off to light your ass with pure concentrated lead. If it's not labeled, meh, I'll try to ask Req for the extra, but I'll be miffed still.

What I'm trying to say is, Charlie is fine and all, but I don't trust Charlie usuals as much as I trust Delta usuals to grab me out of danger. But what do I know, I've been playing normal marine less and less nowadays, with my time devoted to be runner or the "difficult as hell to roll for" SG slot.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Torrentia » 18 Jul 2018, 16:26

Once the Charlie mains get wiped (usually early in the round) the squad tends to quickly dissolve due to lack of effective communication.

Also last night on ice Charlie panicked and sent the elevator up too early, trapping me the MT and the tank down in the Xeno hive, eliminating the Marines last shot at a comeback. The tank had slept a bunch of t2 and t3s under its treads and Charlie effing RAN instead of shooting them. I'm gonna avoid the grapes for a while.

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Park » 18 Jul 2018, 17:03

Maybe its because I've been playing 'unrobust' squads but I feel that Charlie like Delta obviously still do just fine. Perhaps this is an issue where we view our past experiences with rose tinted glasses but the reality is that the 'problems' you see in Charlie and Delta are just in every squad and always have been. So what, there are 'baldies' in your squad; work around them or teach how not to be bald. I think we have drifted into hyperbole where we think the squad we once loved has been ruined by the mere touch of inexperienced players but I feel it's just not the case; however if you feel like something is wrong with your squad try being a leader and change it yourself.
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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Sleepy Retard » 18 Jul 2018, 17:08

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Re: Current status of Charlie Squad: From grape to mint, from mint to grape, from breakfast to punch Delta in the face.

Post by Drevenshekel » 19 Jul 2018, 10:52

I'm probably one of the "new generation" Charlies that you described, been a grape main for about a year now (though only a few months or so on my current char Barry Packer) and it's the RP and camaraderie that keeps me coming back. Charlie breakfast is probably one of the best things about the squad imo, all the mains attend it so you know how robust the squad is gonna be for that op and its a good oppurtunity to have some pre-op banter and mateship form.

I feel like a decent portion of my deaths nowdays can be attributed to me trying to over zealously rescue a downed charlie, but its worth it because if I fail their will be some other purple fool run who leaps the cades to drag me back, and if I succeed its a new IC friend I've made that directly improves my ingame experience for that round and future rounds.

Also I've been involved (some could say I instigated, but I would disagree) with the recent delta-charlie squad brawls in canteen/south dorms, I generally view them as our autistic sibling squad. I'll punch on with a delta because I know they won't snitch to the MP's afterwards, but I also woulden't trust em not to try and stab me to death in the bathroom (which they did do once). It probably does get a little too far when someone dies, but hey it gives the doctors something to do at the start and it gets everyones ungas out before the op so theirs nothing but trust and cohesion in the field with our fellow deltas.
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