Iden's idea spam
- IdenTenpoints
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Iden's idea spam
Despite being fairly new to CM iv'e managed to come up with a considerable amount of Awful Amazing ideas. But due to a few of them being a bit unbaked, by my understanding the coders being really busy with project nightmare and the CO rework, and like the model idea guy i am, i know absolutely nothing about coding. i'm hesitant to just throw this barrel of discount fireworks straight into Github.
Which is why i'm instead forcing everyone who stumbles into this topic to provide feedback,give alternative suggestions, shoot down things that just plain wont work and point and laugh at whatever you feel like.
Now starting off with the smaller ideas.
: The Medic and engineer should get a holdout pistol in their vendors, as they both fill roles that empathise combat as a last resort. It's thematically appropriate for them to get this useless peashooter thrust at them.
: The HF2 Health analyser should let out an audible beep when it scans someone who has no recommended treatments, this will allow marines to know the medic has done everything they can for them. It should also have an option to dispense crayon flavoured lollipops to marines who actually stay still long enough for me to check whether that bit of damage is just a little cut, or the dipshits been running around with fractures and just chugging painkillers and tricord
: Grenade range should be halved if there's a marine resting/knocked down on top of it, You can now heroically sacrifice yourself when some dunga accidentally nades your squad.
: Place a lost and found bin in medbay for doctors to dump gear taken from dead marines in, while corpses that make it up to the ship are usually already looted it'd be nice if their was a place to check for lost treasure.
: Last words.
Like how you can set up a small description of your character that appears when you're examined. you can set up some dying words, this can either be a small sentence (Excluding radio prefix's) Or a "Me" action. If you have this set it it will automatically be said when you die (For the first time in a round to stop it procing 7 times while a medic keeps defibing you)
And a couple of bigger ideas.
: The Experimental Orbital Delivery Pod System
Four one use colour coded orbital drop pods are placed in Requisitions, one for each squad these pods have three compartments; Two "Bulky" sized slots and one that works like a satchel and can fit the same amount in it. Due to the hazardous delivery nature of these pods explosive items cannot be placed inside them.
How they work is that each SL is given a can sized beacon which when activated a small message can be written to request supplies, the beacon is then placed down and the message is sent to requisitions and the corresponding pod lights up. Once loaded any CT can fire the Pod towards it's destination.
The SL can place the beacon anywhere with a clear or glass ceiling and the beacon displays a holographic caution tape around the tile it's on, Yellow to start with and then red when the Pod has been launched. As the pods flight system is automated it will simply land right on top of the beacon, well hopefully anyway, as it is still experimental a number of things can go wrong.
- The Pod's landing thrusters miscalculate and causes it to hit the ground much faster then intended, the pod doors are broken and an engineer has to fix it before the supplies inside can be taken.
- The Pod's interior is subjected to far more force then it can handle, knocking everything inside loose. some of the items have a chance of being destroyed.
- A small maths error causes the pod to land off target by one or two tiles, Hopefully no one was standing too close.
- The Pod becomes misaligned mid-flight, hitting the ground at an angle it's contents are sent flying.
This is not intended to replace the current supply drop system but to cover for times when a full drop is too much of a bother.
Iv'e seen it time and time again where supply drops aren't called because only a few things are needed and organising a co-ordinate check, requisitions and a launch by the CiC is way too much work for a handle full of items. and sometimes attempts are just ignored or missed by one party, causing no supplies being dropped.
: Pyro spec armour rework.
When ever iv'e played as the pyro iv'e found i'm as lethal to myself as i am to xeno's, as most of them will drag or push you into your own fire as a way of taking you with them, and they rarely give you a chance to fumble with a fire extinguisher during a push. While the armours natural fire resistance helps, it wont save you in most situations were you're dealing with both being on fire and getting attacked by other xeno's.
So i propose either;
A - The armour has a built in extinguisher that has a set amount of uses that goes off if you're on fire, putting out both you and the tile you're on ( Or it could go off only if you're on fire and not currently on a tile with fire on it)
B - The armour gives you immunity to being set on fire, but you'll still get damaged standing on fire tiles. similar to how the Queen works.
Spec ideas, These are intended more to be fun what if?'s than something i'm trying to get added. So they're pretty loaded with unique gear and features that'd require a lot of work to actually make and implement. Besides if a quarter of spec ideas got added the vendor would need a scroll bar
: The Hazard spec
If you've read 420MYK's "I wish for a melee spec" Topic you'll recognise this from there, Iv'e made a few minor changes and come up with two flavours of it after reading peoples comments about it.
Not every planet is suitable for human life, that doesn't mean they aren't of use the the USCM and humanity in it's whole.
Barron wastelands and over polluted complexes of mines and factory's have as many problems as any other colony, but what is the USCM to do when some CLF or UPP scum hole themselves up a atmospheric processor or in mine systems, full of lung burning ash and pockets of volatile gas. Where shooting a traditional weapon will result in your target, you, your squad and that rather important mine, being blown to kingdom come?
They send in the Hazard Spec.
Equipped with
: The HC16 Helmet.
An air tight Helmet that completely encapsulates the wearers head, giving the effects of a gas mask. (immunity to the boilers orange gas and half damage from green) This advance piece of gear doesn't reduce vision and allows you to see through smoke and gas clouds. As it is integrated in to the rest of the armour, it is toggled like standard hard-suits and can't be separated. (but is withdrawn back into the suit when knocked out, like how the Suit-light turns itself off)
It will resist a single facehugger attempt, but this will cause it to retract back into the suit and enter a "jammed" state. Trying to toggle the helmet back on will cause you to have to stay still for a while as you fix it
: The HC16 Hazardous environment combat suit.
A sleek and easy to move in set of armour designed for mobility (increasing movement speed). As it's typically deployed into areas where using a firearm would be suicide, it offers minimal protection from bullets. And is instead built to resist the types of weapons encountered in these places such as slashing and piercing weapons, And is quite resistant to environmental hazards such as acid and poisonous gases.
The suit is also painted to camouflage the wearer in areas of low visibility, making it impossible to see them while they're in clouds of gas/smoke
: The EH-7 Raincoat.
A highly resilient and hydrophobic Poncho worn over the armour (placed in the back slot) intended to prevent prolonged exposure to caustic substances found in the Hazard specs usual deployment fields. (Gives immunity from acid blood caused by standard attacks, a xeno gibbing right next to you should probably still do some damage, good luck managing to code that though)
While the inside is lined with small pockets, it has minimal storage space only intended for the essentials.
: The CR "Breadcrumb" Marker flare.
A golf ball sized light source encased in treated glass to protect it against environmental hazards, While it gives half the light of a regular flare it takes longer to melt under the effects of acid. It's built to light narrow passages and doorways rather than wide open areas (I thought it'd be a nice idea to have a spec that had a small utility item, to give them a little more to do then "Kill the thing")
These would probably be built into the suit and accessed with a Create-breadcrumb verb like the B-18's auto injectors
And now is the split,
Style one. AKA I dream a meme of melee marines
:Armour changes, In this version the armour would focus on protecting against melee damage rather than acid.
Adaptive survival algorithms, the suits AI is constantly analysing and subtly altering it's filtration systems and providing recommended tactical manoeuvres, What this results in is when you're hit by a stun (being pounced or nuro-spitted for example), for the next 3 minutes after the initial hit, every stun of the same type has a weaker and weaker effect on you. This is reset after the 3 minutes are up (xeno's can adapt too ya know)
: The Perun pattern Combat Axe
This Versatile axe features a telescopic handle for use in both narrow shafts and wide open caves. (can be used a a single handed hatchet dealing reduced damage, or two handed to deal full) Due to the confusion and terrain problems that are present in this specs area of operation it is attached to the suit via a retractable winch cable that detects when it's been dropped and automatically reels it in. (An axe flying right to your waist is perfectly safe shut up) It can also act as a crowbar for opening powered down doors.
: The FSST Pressurised Handgun (This is for allowing the spec to get into melee range, it is NOT the main source of damage)
A handheld projectile delivery system that uses compressed air to fire. (resulting in an accuracy drop off at range) . Built to be sturdy and reliable This Revolver-esque weapon features three chambers that have to be manually rotated. (With unique-weapon like the shotgun) It can be loaded with a few different ammo types;
Shatter shot - Built to break into painful shards upon impact Has very little armour piercing and damage, but will temporarily slow down whatever it hits.
Bull Slugs - Akin to bean bag rounds used by MP forces, these slugs will stagger whatever they hit.
Rupture rounds - jagged darts that will embed in targets (excluding xenos) dealing moderate damage.
They'd also need to be locked out from using the M41A and shotgun to prevent them just picking this load-out for the armour.
Style two. AKA Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
: Armour changes
This version would prioritise acid resistance over melee and would give you a free tick against acid spray, standing it for any longer will still knock you down
: The HAB Sanitation sprayer
For cleaning out the most inhospitable of places
The incredibly potent cleaning agent this sprayer is loaded with will kill 99.99% of germs, pests, plant life and pretty much any organic material it comes into contact with. Keep out of the reach of PFC's, wash hands thoroughly after handling, if substance gets on bare skin/eyes seek immediate medical attention.
While not as damaging as most spec weapons, it more than makes up for it in utility.
It has a similar firing style to the flamethrower but doesn't create damaging tiles, instead all weeds and sticky resin is removed and are unable to be placed on those same tiles for a small amount of time afterwards.
Any living being hit by this spray takes burn damage and have the same mobility impairing effects as being drunk for a couple seconds, Humans being hit by this also suffer a lot of pain. (Getting a face full of what is essentially super-space-bleach is not a fun time)
While there's no special ammo the gun itself has a few adaptable features,
Unique-action changes the nozzles placement changing it from being either a long line or a shorter cone
Toggle-fire-rate changes the pressure setting, High will deal more damage and chew through more ammo and Normal deals less damage but conserves ammo.
Well i still have a few ideas left including one for a pretty fun Siege breaker spec. Did someone say pile bunker that injects breaching charges into walls?
But that was A LOT of bad ideas i vomited out in one sitting and i'm now dying of dehydration.
Congratulations for reading through this light novels worth of idea guy ramblings, go out in the sun and stretch or something you'll need it after that.
And stay tuned for updates to this one and my train wreck of the xeno version of this (So what if i barely play xeno? i have so many ideas on how to improve things that i don't even know how to work in the first place!)
Which is why i'm instead forcing everyone who stumbles into this topic to provide feedback,give alternative suggestions, shoot down things that just plain wont work and point and laugh at whatever you feel like.
Now starting off with the smaller ideas.
: The Medic and engineer should get a holdout pistol in their vendors, as they both fill roles that empathise combat as a last resort. It's thematically appropriate for them to get this useless peashooter thrust at them.
: The HF2 Health analyser should let out an audible beep when it scans someone who has no recommended treatments, this will allow marines to know the medic has done everything they can for them. It should also have an option to dispense crayon flavoured lollipops to marines who actually stay still long enough for me to check whether that bit of damage is just a little cut, or the dipshits been running around with fractures and just chugging painkillers and tricord
: Grenade range should be halved if there's a marine resting/knocked down on top of it, You can now heroically sacrifice yourself when some dunga accidentally nades your squad.
: Place a lost and found bin in medbay for doctors to dump gear taken from dead marines in, while corpses that make it up to the ship are usually already looted it'd be nice if their was a place to check for lost treasure.
: Last words.
Like how you can set up a small description of your character that appears when you're examined. you can set up some dying words, this can either be a small sentence (Excluding radio prefix's) Or a "Me" action. If you have this set it it will automatically be said when you die (For the first time in a round to stop it procing 7 times while a medic keeps defibing you)
And a couple of bigger ideas.
: The Experimental Orbital Delivery Pod System
Four one use colour coded orbital drop pods are placed in Requisitions, one for each squad these pods have three compartments; Two "Bulky" sized slots and one that works like a satchel and can fit the same amount in it. Due to the hazardous delivery nature of these pods explosive items cannot be placed inside them.
How they work is that each SL is given a can sized beacon which when activated a small message can be written to request supplies, the beacon is then placed down and the message is sent to requisitions and the corresponding pod lights up. Once loaded any CT can fire the Pod towards it's destination.
The SL can place the beacon anywhere with a clear or glass ceiling and the beacon displays a holographic caution tape around the tile it's on, Yellow to start with and then red when the Pod has been launched. As the pods flight system is automated it will simply land right on top of the beacon, well hopefully anyway, as it is still experimental a number of things can go wrong.
- The Pod's landing thrusters miscalculate and causes it to hit the ground much faster then intended, the pod doors are broken and an engineer has to fix it before the supplies inside can be taken.
- The Pod's interior is subjected to far more force then it can handle, knocking everything inside loose. some of the items have a chance of being destroyed.
- A small maths error causes the pod to land off target by one or two tiles, Hopefully no one was standing too close.
- The Pod becomes misaligned mid-flight, hitting the ground at an angle it's contents are sent flying.
This is not intended to replace the current supply drop system but to cover for times when a full drop is too much of a bother.
Iv'e seen it time and time again where supply drops aren't called because only a few things are needed and organising a co-ordinate check, requisitions and a launch by the CiC is way too much work for a handle full of items. and sometimes attempts are just ignored or missed by one party, causing no supplies being dropped.
: Pyro spec armour rework.
When ever iv'e played as the pyro iv'e found i'm as lethal to myself as i am to xeno's, as most of them will drag or push you into your own fire as a way of taking you with them, and they rarely give you a chance to fumble with a fire extinguisher during a push. While the armours natural fire resistance helps, it wont save you in most situations were you're dealing with both being on fire and getting attacked by other xeno's.
So i propose either;
A - The armour has a built in extinguisher that has a set amount of uses that goes off if you're on fire, putting out both you and the tile you're on ( Or it could go off only if you're on fire and not currently on a tile with fire on it)
B - The armour gives you immunity to being set on fire, but you'll still get damaged standing on fire tiles. similar to how the Queen works.
Spec ideas, These are intended more to be fun what if?'s than something i'm trying to get added. So they're pretty loaded with unique gear and features that'd require a lot of work to actually make and implement. Besides if a quarter of spec ideas got added the vendor would need a scroll bar
: The Hazard spec
If you've read 420MYK's "I wish for a melee spec" Topic you'll recognise this from there, Iv'e made a few minor changes and come up with two flavours of it after reading peoples comments about it.
Not every planet is suitable for human life, that doesn't mean they aren't of use the the USCM and humanity in it's whole.
Barron wastelands and over polluted complexes of mines and factory's have as many problems as any other colony, but what is the USCM to do when some CLF or UPP scum hole themselves up a atmospheric processor or in mine systems, full of lung burning ash and pockets of volatile gas. Where shooting a traditional weapon will result in your target, you, your squad and that rather important mine, being blown to kingdom come?
They send in the Hazard Spec.
Equipped with
: The HC16 Helmet.
An air tight Helmet that completely encapsulates the wearers head, giving the effects of a gas mask. (immunity to the boilers orange gas and half damage from green) This advance piece of gear doesn't reduce vision and allows you to see through smoke and gas clouds. As it is integrated in to the rest of the armour, it is toggled like standard hard-suits and can't be separated. (but is withdrawn back into the suit when knocked out, like how the Suit-light turns itself off)
It will resist a single facehugger attempt, but this will cause it to retract back into the suit and enter a "jammed" state. Trying to toggle the helmet back on will cause you to have to stay still for a while as you fix it
: The HC16 Hazardous environment combat suit.
A sleek and easy to move in set of armour designed for mobility (increasing movement speed). As it's typically deployed into areas where using a firearm would be suicide, it offers minimal protection from bullets. And is instead built to resist the types of weapons encountered in these places such as slashing and piercing weapons, And is quite resistant to environmental hazards such as acid and poisonous gases.
The suit is also painted to camouflage the wearer in areas of low visibility, making it impossible to see them while they're in clouds of gas/smoke
: The EH-7 Raincoat.
A highly resilient and hydrophobic Poncho worn over the armour (placed in the back slot) intended to prevent prolonged exposure to caustic substances found in the Hazard specs usual deployment fields. (Gives immunity from acid blood caused by standard attacks, a xeno gibbing right next to you should probably still do some damage, good luck managing to code that though)
While the inside is lined with small pockets, it has minimal storage space only intended for the essentials.
: The CR "Breadcrumb" Marker flare.
A golf ball sized light source encased in treated glass to protect it against environmental hazards, While it gives half the light of a regular flare it takes longer to melt under the effects of acid. It's built to light narrow passages and doorways rather than wide open areas (I thought it'd be a nice idea to have a spec that had a small utility item, to give them a little more to do then "Kill the thing")
These would probably be built into the suit and accessed with a Create-breadcrumb verb like the B-18's auto injectors
And now is the split,
Style one. AKA I dream a meme of melee marines
:Armour changes, In this version the armour would focus on protecting against melee damage rather than acid.
Adaptive survival algorithms, the suits AI is constantly analysing and subtly altering it's filtration systems and providing recommended tactical manoeuvres, What this results in is when you're hit by a stun (being pounced or nuro-spitted for example), for the next 3 minutes after the initial hit, every stun of the same type has a weaker and weaker effect on you. This is reset after the 3 minutes are up (xeno's can adapt too ya know)
: The Perun pattern Combat Axe
This Versatile axe features a telescopic handle for use in both narrow shafts and wide open caves. (can be used a a single handed hatchet dealing reduced damage, or two handed to deal full) Due to the confusion and terrain problems that are present in this specs area of operation it is attached to the suit via a retractable winch cable that detects when it's been dropped and automatically reels it in. (An axe flying right to your waist is perfectly safe shut up) It can also act as a crowbar for opening powered down doors.
: The FSST Pressurised Handgun (This is for allowing the spec to get into melee range, it is NOT the main source of damage)
A handheld projectile delivery system that uses compressed air to fire. (resulting in an accuracy drop off at range) . Built to be sturdy and reliable This Revolver-esque weapon features three chambers that have to be manually rotated. (With unique-weapon like the shotgun) It can be loaded with a few different ammo types;
Shatter shot - Built to break into painful shards upon impact Has very little armour piercing and damage, but will temporarily slow down whatever it hits.
Bull Slugs - Akin to bean bag rounds used by MP forces, these slugs will stagger whatever they hit.
Rupture rounds - jagged darts that will embed in targets (excluding xenos) dealing moderate damage.
They'd also need to be locked out from using the M41A and shotgun to prevent them just picking this load-out for the armour.
Style two. AKA Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
: Armour changes
This version would prioritise acid resistance over melee and would give you a free tick against acid spray, standing it for any longer will still knock you down
: The HAB Sanitation sprayer
For cleaning out the most inhospitable of places
The incredibly potent cleaning agent this sprayer is loaded with will kill 99.99% of germs, pests, plant life and pretty much any organic material it comes into contact with. Keep out of the reach of PFC's, wash hands thoroughly after handling, if substance gets on bare skin/eyes seek immediate medical attention.
While not as damaging as most spec weapons, it more than makes up for it in utility.
It has a similar firing style to the flamethrower but doesn't create damaging tiles, instead all weeds and sticky resin is removed and are unable to be placed on those same tiles for a small amount of time afterwards.
Any living being hit by this spray takes burn damage and have the same mobility impairing effects as being drunk for a couple seconds, Humans being hit by this also suffer a lot of pain. (Getting a face full of what is essentially super-space-bleach is not a fun time)
While there's no special ammo the gun itself has a few adaptable features,
Unique-action changes the nozzles placement changing it from being either a long line or a shorter cone
Toggle-fire-rate changes the pressure setting, High will deal more damage and chew through more ammo and Normal deals less damage but conserves ammo.
Well i still have a few ideas left including one for a pretty fun Siege breaker spec. Did someone say pile bunker that injects breaching charges into walls?
But that was A LOT of bad ideas i vomited out in one sitting and i'm now dying of dehydration.
Congratulations for reading through this light novels worth of idea guy ramblings, go out in the sun and stretch or something you'll need it after that.
And stay tuned for updates to this one and my train wreck of the xeno version of this (So what if i barely play xeno? i have so many ideas on how to improve things that i don't even know how to work in the first place!)
- Build_R_
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Re: Iden's idea spam
Medic and engineer having only holdout pistols: They'll just pick up a rifle anyways, they also seem to be too much of a priority to be left with a peashooter to defend themselves with.
Last words: This is a nice idea that'll provide some meaning to death but you should be able to quickly change the last words as there are usually different situations regarding your death each round.
Melee 'Hazard' spec: The hazard spec seems a bit out of place considering the marines are in an area with a safe environment. The spec is a unique and interesting one, I just wonder if it's enjoyable to play as since it's main attributes are improved armour, an axe and an invincible flare. I'd suggest giving it more melee options considering that's its main approach.
Last words: This is a nice idea that'll provide some meaning to death but you should be able to quickly change the last words as there are usually different situations regarding your death each round.
Melee 'Hazard' spec: The hazard spec seems a bit out of place considering the marines are in an area with a safe environment. The spec is a unique and interesting one, I just wonder if it's enjoyable to play as since it's main attributes are improved armour, an axe and an invincible flare. I'd suggest giving it more melee options considering that's its main approach.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep.![]()
Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse.
- Sulaboy
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Re: Iden's idea spam
Hold out pistol fits in your boot like a boot knife.
Clancy 'Danger' Long
- Build_R_
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Re: Iden's idea spam
Oh shoot that's news to me, in that case medics and engineers could still get regular pistols from the standard vendors instead unless you want a slightly more powerful gun for engineers/medics.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep.![]()
Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse.
- Simo94
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- Madventurer
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Re: Iden's idea spam
Last words:
There's a system on some codebases that allows you to whisper something while critted to succumb to your injuries, while whispering that line. That could be tuned to set the message on-spot.
There's a system on some codebases that allows you to whisper something while critted to succumb to your injuries, while whispering that line. That could be tuned to set the message on-spot.
Tyson 'Burny' Sphere the bearded support soldier / Queen and drone main
- Maxim Inc
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- David Stormwell
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Re: Iden's idea spam
What I really want is a Person to scream while being chestbursted for a touch of realism
They Which Play with the Devils Rattles, Will Be Brought by Degrees to Wield His Sword
-Buckmister Fuller
-Buckmister Fuller
- IdenTenpoints
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Re: Iden's idea spam
Okay thanks for all the comments so far and now for the second spec idea.
The Siege breaker spec.
The USCM's ultimate tie breaker, No matter how well the enemy is dug in the siege breaker will drag them out.
Featuring the following equipment.
:M90 ATLAS Armour
Built to withstand a war zone's worth of fire this armour provides unparalleled protection. Though it's bulky nature hampers the wearers movement speed, and changing in and out of the suit takes longer then the standard M3 armour.
- Magnetic locking system. The armour is covered in a series of loosely interlocking plates, with a press of a button they can be magnetically locked into a much more secure position. Creating a near perfect defence, However this mode greatly impedes movement causing massive slowdown.
The magnetic battery can only maintain the seal for a short amount of time before it cancels, and requires time to recharge.
(In game terms, this will give you damage resistance and anything that would typically stun you will only cause you to stagger for a second instead.(Heavy hits such as the crushers charge and warriors punch will still send you flying though. The cost of this would be a crippled movement speed and a greater chance of attacks hitting you)
:M89 ATLAS Helmet
Featuring the same defensive capabilities of the main armour set this head guard will keep you safe from everything but the hardest hits.
:M30DO Pile bunker
This Gauntlet mounted pile bunker is built to create doors into even the most fortified of structures.
Once primed the metal stake can be driven into a wall (It is also extremely effective against living things), a secondary shaft then places whichever charge has been loaded into it, inside the wall which quickly detonates. The shaped nature of this charges results in no damage occurring to anyone standing on the side it was placed.
Their are a few options to choose from when picking a payload;
- Doorknocker charge, The standard charge, this will destroy the wall it's in, and anything standing in a 3 by 2 tile radius of the opposite side it's placed will be briefly stunned
-Gateway charge, Built to pierce panic rooms and similarly built structures, this charge will destroy the wall it's in and then fire three tiles forward destroying any wall it encounters, this will also deal damage to anything standing in its path
-Peep cam, While not explosive, this invaluable charge when placed in a wall gives complete night vision of the other side. this footage is fed to the connected M89 ATLAS Helmet, this charge isn't used up upon placement and retracts back into the gauntlet when the wearer moves away.
This drum fed LMG brings a ludicrous amount of firepower to the table, while bulky and difficult to fire while moving, this weapon is perfect for suppressing enemy encampments and shredding them to pieces once in inside them.
The ammo.
-M42B standard drum, filled with the same 10x24mm caseless rounds used in the M41A. Holds 100 bullets
-M42B Tracer drum, while dealing the same damage as the standard drum this rounds illuminate the area they're fired in. Holds 80 bullets
-M42B Wasp drum, Designed to fire through weak barriers these rounds will punch though a wall and keep going a short distance after. Holds 60 Bullets
(These bullets will go through non reinforced walls at the cost of half damage and reduced accuracy, for example they wont pass reinforced resin walls)
Well hope you enjoy this one, a few people mentioned a breaching spec and this is my take on it. As always i appreciate any feedback you're willing to give
The Siege breaker spec.
The USCM's ultimate tie breaker, No matter how well the enemy is dug in the siege breaker will drag them out.
Featuring the following equipment.
:M90 ATLAS Armour
Built to withstand a war zone's worth of fire this armour provides unparalleled protection. Though it's bulky nature hampers the wearers movement speed, and changing in and out of the suit takes longer then the standard M3 armour.
- Magnetic locking system. The armour is covered in a series of loosely interlocking plates, with a press of a button they can be magnetically locked into a much more secure position. Creating a near perfect defence, However this mode greatly impedes movement causing massive slowdown.
The magnetic battery can only maintain the seal for a short amount of time before it cancels, and requires time to recharge.
(In game terms, this will give you damage resistance and anything that would typically stun you will only cause you to stagger for a second instead.(Heavy hits such as the crushers charge and warriors punch will still send you flying though. The cost of this would be a crippled movement speed and a greater chance of attacks hitting you)
:M89 ATLAS Helmet
Featuring the same defensive capabilities of the main armour set this head guard will keep you safe from everything but the hardest hits.
:M30DO Pile bunker
This Gauntlet mounted pile bunker is built to create doors into even the most fortified of structures.
Once primed the metal stake can be driven into a wall (It is also extremely effective against living things), a secondary shaft then places whichever charge has been loaded into it, inside the wall which quickly detonates. The shaped nature of this charges results in no damage occurring to anyone standing on the side it was placed.
Their are a few options to choose from when picking a payload;
- Doorknocker charge, The standard charge, this will destroy the wall it's in, and anything standing in a 3 by 2 tile radius of the opposite side it's placed will be briefly stunned
-Gateway charge, Built to pierce panic rooms and similarly built structures, this charge will destroy the wall it's in and then fire three tiles forward destroying any wall it encounters, this will also deal damage to anything standing in its path
-Peep cam, While not explosive, this invaluable charge when placed in a wall gives complete night vision of the other side. this footage is fed to the connected M89 ATLAS Helmet, this charge isn't used up upon placement and retracts back into the gauntlet when the wearer moves away.
This drum fed LMG brings a ludicrous amount of firepower to the table, while bulky and difficult to fire while moving, this weapon is perfect for suppressing enemy encampments and shredding them to pieces once in inside them.
The ammo.
-M42B standard drum, filled with the same 10x24mm caseless rounds used in the M41A. Holds 100 bullets
-M42B Tracer drum, while dealing the same damage as the standard drum this rounds illuminate the area they're fired in. Holds 80 bullets
-M42B Wasp drum, Designed to fire through weak barriers these rounds will punch though a wall and keep going a short distance after. Holds 60 Bullets
(These bullets will go through non reinforced walls at the cost of half damage and reduced accuracy, for example they wont pass reinforced resin walls)
Well hope you enjoy this one, a few people mentioned a breaching spec and this is my take on it. As always i appreciate any feedback you're willing to give
- Linukas
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Re: Iden's idea spam
A breacher spec would be honestly amazing, though i imagine them as more of a guy in (recycled b18 *shrug) heavy armour and with a big ass sledgehammer
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Re: Iden's idea spam
A breacher spec sounds like amazing fun. Just run around with a pneumatic hammer and create flanks were there were none before. (Also hit xenos with it)
- Henry Hard - - Jackson Hard - - Billy 'Bob' Tucker -
- Gnorse
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Re: Iden's idea spam
literally just taking sledge from rainbow six would be good enough for me.
-local suicidal delta PFC. No, not murry, the other one- : Oussama 'DOA' Neghiz
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.

(Huge thanks to Okand37 for making this cute boi !)
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.


- Maxim Inc
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Re: Iden's idea spam
I like the Atlas spec, though the xeno's might get a hard t2 or t3 to counter it.
The one idiot that uses 9mm's converted to smg's for fun.