- Your squad, believe it or not, CAN be listened to. You'll appreciate now sitting around chewing your hand to paincrit when you just stick with those nice chaps who have the same color armor as you.
- Personal preference, hoykey mode. "But I need to press T to talk! The box is annoying!" If you're using the arrowkeys to walk and typing a sentence with the other hand, you're already wrong. The benefits of being able to quickly navigate your gear are absolutely unbeatable.
- Correlating to the above. Switching intents thoughtfully. When in hotkey mode, 1, 2, 3, and 4 will switch intents. Learn them. Love them. They're the difference between shaking your friend up from spitter bombard, or punching them and accidentally getting a crit hit.
- Again, correlating to the above. Spitter situational awareness. When your friend goes down, hotkey mode to your rifle/weapon, unweild that shit, run up to him, use that 1-2-3-4 to quickly help intent it, free hand, SHAKE HIS SOLDIER ASS UP, then sprint back, and ready for the fight with hotkeys again. Honestly, not hard, means a lot.
- A necessary mindset: Your greatest weapon, is your fellow marine. If they're down, instead of laying it into the 8 xenos charging you, hotkey mode quick-shake his SOLDIER ASS UP, then get back to the fight. If anything, to be a dick about it, he'll get got before you do if he's an active threat.
- Get the fuck out of the way of the snipers, love of god.
- No, really. If you see a sniper, give him a clear firing line. Move in AFTER he takes his shot. Maybe even discuss this with him beforehand. Everyone will appreciate the cooperation in the end, except that dead crusher.
- Have I mentioned AP ammo? Let me remind you, stay the fuck away from it.
- If you're an aggressive player, and you know it, get the mag harness. Seriously. When you're the dumbass that's getting shaken up from the spitter by some good lad who read the previous tips, you'll adore that attachment.
- If you're one of those people who wear berets and headbands, just know, by wearing those, you forefeit any and all right to complain in deadchat later. I hope your fashion statement was worth it.
- The RO line. My fucking god, the RO line.
Don't be a Xur asshole about it.
- You don't need to charge out of the FoB after that hurt ravager, just to get chargedecapped. Move together, or not at all.
- Battle buddy system. At the start of the round, find someone in your squad. Someone you trust. Someone who /isnt/ pants-on-head retarded. Someone who WILL remove that hugger. Someone who WILL shake you up. When you deploy, hang with your battle buddy. You'll find you die a lot less.
I'll be adding more as they come to mind/are suggestions below. Assuming they're good.