Greetings, Hunters. This thread is meant to be a place for anyone, if they wish, to share things about their clan. How it operates differently from others, instances of them going to Earth, or other major points about them. This would be things either expanded on from your backstory, things you didn't include to keep it from going too long, or things you've developed over time.Seeing as there will potentially be comments on the different stories given, I will likely create a spoiler list on this post for each clan, citing the player(s), the Hunter(s) they play, and the clan name before copying the information posted.
Novus Luna (Ikthala N'ritja) - The N'ritja Clan
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Those who know of the N'ritja Clan know of it likely for one of two reasons: the size it has come to take, or their placement as entertainment fighters. The N'ritja clan is composed of several different bloodlines of Yautja, and being born into them means you are born into the clan. Once, the clan overall could boast many Hunters due to its size, but over the years, as the skill of many bloodlines seem to dwindle, only a precious few remain with that skill, primarily of what is now regarded as the 'chief' bloodline of the clan. There are, naturally, a few golden eggs in the other families, but they are far more rare. Those other families that have not made it as Hunters fight as slaves, be it between themselves, against other slaves, and sometimes even against captured Hunters prey, as entertainment, but not in the brutish and honorable combat of their betters - fighting is almost like a dance to them, and even the Hunters often reflect this nature.
Each bloodline of the clan has a slightly varied mask design from the others, though they all have the unifying trait of being half-masks, rather than full, with the main bloodlines masks being closer to a one-third mask. Some more ornate masks used in ceremony have the normally empty space over the face made from precious material or the hide of rare or powerful prey. The main bloodline, to which Ikthala N'ritja is currently a Hunter from, has a black mask that is shaped almost like an upside-down trident, going down between and alongside both eyes, with the central portion covering the face enough to prevent issues from Serpent eggs. The various mask designs have actually been replicated, though not to perfect accuracy by any means, by humans that had seen this clan during a time on Earth in the late 15th century. The mask designs would later go on to be used in the Italian dramatics form known as 'commedia dell'arte' (the Art of Comedy), also known as 'commedia alla maschera' (Comedy of the Mask). For instance, the mask of the main family had inspired the mask of the trope-character 'Il Dittore' (the Doctor) in this art form.
The size of the clan and the few Hunters inside it have made the Hunters have a habit of being notably prideful, which is saying quite a bit considering the already prideful nature of the slave-N'ritja in their work of entertainment. Almost universally, the Hunter's of this clan use an exceptionally long chain whip, often one that divides into several segments similar to an elongated cat-o-nine-tails. It is customary that the handle of the whip be fashioned from the hide of the first thing that the Hunter killed, and every time a Hunter takes a trophy of great significance to them, a claw, tooth, or other sharp part of the kill is added to the end of the whip in some fashion. This has led center older, more seasoned hunters, to have very large whips that they have trained to use as practically a chain-scythe, with the end of it being composed of large mandibles from creatures like 'Serpents of the Sword', as they would call them. Their naming convention for Serpents has much in the way of alliteration, with each Serpent being titled by their function or characteristics, all the way up to the 'Sovereign Serpent'.