Byond ID: Rob606
Player name you use the most: Rob 'Gristle' McThornbody - - - (Used to be just Gristle McThornbody)
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
N / A
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes, I do.
Why should you be whitelisted?
First off, I'd like to say I feel like I'm a pretty good roleplayer. My Gristle character is a rough and tough sort of guy who is typically in a leadership role, because not only do I enjoy bossing people around but because I feel like I'm pretty good at it. Tie these two aspects together when it comes to being the commander, which is arguably the most stressful role in the game, and it's a challenging but enjoyable experience.
Safe to say, in all my times of being a COMMANDER I have never been subject to a mutiny. Once, as a BO, there was a mutiny and I was elected commander by the mutineers. I didn't condone the mutiny whatsoever but the people willed it and I bravely led them to the end. (I think it was a Xeno Minor that round but I could be wrong).
I feel like I have a good grasp on roleplaying as a commander, providing enough space for the other command/leadership roles to flourish, and keeping the game paced adequately. Honestly, in a realistic game of CM the marines would fuck off the planet and nuke it first chance they get but I understand that in this meta, you have to keep things interesting and action constant to avoid rounds dragging on too long. That's why I will do my damnedest to avoid marines turtling whilst still ensuring I don't send baldies on a suicide mission - a tough balance to strike.
I would hope that most people who have been in some way under my leadership have appreciated not only my roleplay but also my critical thinking when it comes to tactics. Having spent a little time in officer military training in the UK, I have a slight grasp on military tactics (although it doesn't always relate to games like this) and having played a LOT of CM (seriously I have a problem) I also have a good grasp on the meta here. This extends to when I've been Xeno (mainly crusher) and tried to provide leadership guidance when the Queen is absent (mentally or dead). If people haven't enjoyed being under my leadership, please approach me about it. Constructive criticism is always important to improving as a player and as a person.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Gristle's Commander Application
- Rob606
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- Posts: 188
- Joined: 05 May 2016, 12:59
Gristle's Commander Application
Gristle McThornbody
- Helgraf
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application
Well, I have never heard of you at all sorry, but anyway.
What would you do if you are the only command staff and the aliens are attacking the FOB and they start to attack enmasse?.
What would you do if you are the only command staff and the aliens are attacking the FOB and they start to attack enmasse?.
- Rob606
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application
First off, I assume the FOB is near a LZ, as is my standard operating procedure. I'd immediately rally a call for marines stationside to report to the Hangar at once. I'd call for any surviving SLs to throw OBs if they have them, and get on the line to RO and find out if they're able to get a crate of helmets, ammo, metal/plasteel and mines prepped ASAP. Transport the marines down as soon as pod/shuttle is able to. Keep on comms to hear how they're doing. Usually without bombarding marines with messages they are able to turn things around for themselves and hold out. Sometimes, the odds are not in their favour though.Helgraf wrote:What would you do if you are the only command staff and the aliens are attacking the FOB and they start to attack enmasse?.
If the lines do not hold and the marines falter, the new cadre of reinforcements on the ground would have to assist in a fall back to station - this is my absolute last resort though, as I hate it. Giving up ground too easily makes it incredibly difficult to take it back from the xenos. I'd announce to the marines that a general fall back is necessary after asking each and every squad if holding the position is viable. I would either get the PO/SL or myself to call the transport back up as soon as they call for it/if I can see it's necessary/if too much time passes - although I would double check they've got all survivors aboard before calling it. I'd get medical prepped, and start calling for marines to get ready in the hangar, for transporting wounded/dead to medical. After that... well, that's a different question.
Gristle McThornbody
- Youbar
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application
I can appreciate this mentality in a commander. They're not playing to win, but rather, to make the match as interesting as possible. Static games, where both marines and Xenoes engage in war of attrition, tend to be the norm, instead of the exception.Rob606 wrote:I feel like I have a good grasp on roleplaying as a commander, providing enough space for the other command/leadership roles to flourish, and keeping the game paced adequately. Honestly, in a realistic game of CM the marines would fuck off the planet and nuke it first chance they get but I understand that in this meta, you have to keep things interesting and action constant to avoid rounds dragging on too long. That's why I will do my damnedest to avoid marines turtling whilst still ensuring I don't send baldies on a suicide mission - a tough balance to strike.
Giving you a "yes" vote because of this, along with the response to the above question.
"Man with one chopstick go hungry."
- Chinese Proverb
- Chinese Proverb
- monkeysfist101
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application
You're 1.5 hours into a round and all of a sudden you realize that Alpha squad has returned to the Sulaco against your orders to hold at medical. Their squad leader is well known and has the squad's support. He calls you a hardass over the radio. What do you do?
Resident canon stickler.
CM in a nutshell:

"perscription_google" - CM code
CM in a nutshell:

"perscription_google" - CM code
- Rob606
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- Posts: 188
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application
In situations like this, I find it's best not to use the MPs until you've exhausted every other option. I will first call the SL out over comms, telling them that that are abandoning their position which is causing more danger to their fellow marines on the ground. Not only that, but they are actively ignoring my orders.monkeysfist101 wrote:You're 1.5 hours into a round and all of a sudden you realize that Alpha squad has returned to the Sulaco against your orders to hold at medical. Their squad leader is well known and has the squad's support. He calls you a hardass over the radio. What do you do?
Should that fail, I will ask them to see me on the bridge and talk about why they are refusing to listen. I will try to open a non-hostile dialogue and explain to them that this operation is far too important for politics right now.
Given the context of a loyal squad to this squad leader, as soon as I try to arrest the SL should they continue to resist, their squad will undoubtedly lash out - but orders are orders and Alpha is a rebellious squad, there has to be consequences. My best bet here is turn the rest of the marines against the squad after arrestimg alpha SL - informing the other squads of alpha are acting like cowards and are not performing their duty to their fellow marine. I will then ask alpha if they would like to reconsider, offering one of them the chance of a promotion, as there is still a war to fight. Alpha overall can still redeem themselves.
MPs will have to be on high alert here, keeping a watchful eye out for alpha trying to break their SL should they continue to resist. After that, if they still refuse to fight they will all need to be dragged onto a shuttle by MPs and their fellow marines and told to fight. For RP reasons i might even as the XO to act as a commissar in the hangar.
My train of thought in this situation is aimed at balancing both fun RP elements and the meta of the situation. As a CO you cannot allow insubordination to pass, and you have an operation to run. Delegating at any turn might not be the best course of action given how if the squad won't lisen to me and my rank it is doubtful they would listen to anyone else - but I would want other staff to be involved in the fun, careful not to abandon the ground ops though.
Gristle McThornbody
- apophis775
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Re: Gristle's Commander Application

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine