Jane Roche - Commander Application.
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Byond ID: Sephoris
Player name you use the most: Jane Roche, (Previously Jane 'Red' Roche)
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including white list and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
No bans, or notes to my knowledge. I have had things clarified to me via direct message, but never punished.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their white list status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Role play Guidelines?
I understand fully. Since joining I've tried my hardest to play strictly by the rules, ahelping when I've been in doubt. I attempt to be as pleasant as possible IC, and role-play in as much depth as possible, however I am human. My role play depth depends on the game speed, when too many crazy things are going on at once, It's very difficult to form great RP, and communication over tons of channels at the same time.
Why should you be white listed?
I've been apart of the SS13 community since mid 2013, joining in with Colonial Marines shenanigans around March. Although I'm not a veteran of CM, I have played on the server almost non-stop for the past four to five months. During this time I spent most rounds as a medic, probably screaming foul language whilst chasing you down for that treatment you desperately needed. Since the Omega update I have spent rounds as all roles barring Medical Researcher, Maintenance Technician and Cargo Technician.
Before I continue to drivel on too much I'd like to be honest with everyone taking the time to read my application. I'm not applying for white list because I think I'll be the greatest of commanders, nor the worst, I simply don't know until I get the chance to try. I believe that if I'm accepted I can prove myself to be a competent commander (if such a thing exists), from my experience as XO, SO, CMP, CE and CMO.
With the role of Commander I'd attempt to steer marines to do 'less of the same old stuff'. What I mean by this, is that I would attempt to change up the standard; Land, Scout / build FOB in usual spot, Find Xenos, Shoot Xenos, Attempt to rush Xenos, Die from Xeno rush, Retreat to Almayer. It really eats away at my soul, seeing marines repeat the same game strategy like ground hog day. Although killing all the Xeno's is the primary goal at the end of the game, the beginning and middle of the story shouldn't always be the same. It might not have been Einstein that said; "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.", but that's how I feel sometimes playing marine.
My times as X.O have been mixed. Sometimes stressful, other times I've found the role rewarding or extremely hilarious. As acting CO I've led the marines to victory several times, others haven't been so fruitful. The main reason for my application being now, is that I've been told by several white listed CO's that I'd make a good commander. I did write up a draft application two months ago, but was scared to submit it as I was still fairly new to the game.
Anyhow, the final decision is down to the community and the admins. If you have any questions at all, want me to clarify Jane's traits, or have a scenario to throw at me, please reply and I'll get back to you sincerely as soon as possible.
Player name you use the most: Jane Roche, (Previously Jane 'Red' Roche)
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including white list and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
No bans, or notes to my knowledge. I have had things clarified to me via direct message, but never punished.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their white list status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Role play Guidelines?
I understand fully. Since joining I've tried my hardest to play strictly by the rules, ahelping when I've been in doubt. I attempt to be as pleasant as possible IC, and role-play in as much depth as possible, however I am human. My role play depth depends on the game speed, when too many crazy things are going on at once, It's very difficult to form great RP, and communication over tons of channels at the same time.
Why should you be white listed?
I've been apart of the SS13 community since mid 2013, joining in with Colonial Marines shenanigans around March. Although I'm not a veteran of CM, I have played on the server almost non-stop for the past four to five months. During this time I spent most rounds as a medic, probably screaming foul language whilst chasing you down for that treatment you desperately needed. Since the Omega update I have spent rounds as all roles barring Medical Researcher, Maintenance Technician and Cargo Technician.
Before I continue to drivel on too much I'd like to be honest with everyone taking the time to read my application. I'm not applying for white list because I think I'll be the greatest of commanders, nor the worst, I simply don't know until I get the chance to try. I believe that if I'm accepted I can prove myself to be a competent commander (if such a thing exists), from my experience as XO, SO, CMP, CE and CMO.
With the role of Commander I'd attempt to steer marines to do 'less of the same old stuff'. What I mean by this, is that I would attempt to change up the standard; Land, Scout / build FOB in usual spot, Find Xenos, Shoot Xenos, Attempt to rush Xenos, Die from Xeno rush, Retreat to Almayer. It really eats away at my soul, seeing marines repeat the same game strategy like ground hog day. Although killing all the Xeno's is the primary goal at the end of the game, the beginning and middle of the story shouldn't always be the same. It might not have been Einstein that said; "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.", but that's how I feel sometimes playing marine.
My times as X.O have been mixed. Sometimes stressful, other times I've found the role rewarding or extremely hilarious. As acting CO I've led the marines to victory several times, others haven't been so fruitful. The main reason for my application being now, is that I've been told by several white listed CO's that I'd make a good commander. I did write up a draft application two months ago, but was scared to submit it as I was still fairly new to the game.
Anyhow, the final decision is down to the community and the admins. If you have any questions at all, want me to clarify Jane's traits, or have a scenario to throw at me, please reply and I'll get back to you sincerely as soon as possible.
Last edited by Sephoris on 09 Jun 2017, 20:49, edited 1 time in total.
- Challenger
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Pretty thoughtful and good self-reflection is always a desirable trait in a Commander. I'm gonna vote +1 but just to scratch my itch, please write a briefing or some IC interaction or something so I can see how you'd use your voice as a Commander.
- RedOktober12
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I'm a fan of the intention to do things differently, but you've not really outlined how you'd change that, beyond the critique you've given. What makes Jane Roche a less conventional Commander than others, and why will I remember rounds where she'#s the CO rather than somebody else? How exactly are you going to translate that intention into a playstyle, and can you give any examples?
Valentina McTavish 

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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Does my vote matter? I don't know. But, from what I've seen, Jane has always, if nothing else been thoughtful and willing to listen. I'm willing to give her a chance +1
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Briefing speech example, I'd write my briefing in a similar style, whilst awaiting the end of the previous round.
"Good morning marines. I hope you've had a wonderful nap, are well fed, equipped and ready to deploy. I'll be keeping this briefing short and to the point, as the Intel I have available for the mission is limited.
Yesterday morning at XX hours our sensors picked up a distress beacon. Since that time we have navigated to, and are currently holding in a stable orbit around Weyland Yutani Colony, Lima Victor six two four. You will land within an area known locally as Lazarus landing, your objectives are simple marines.
At XX hundred hours we will dispatch all four squads to ascertain the reasons behind this distress call. We have received no radio traffic from the colony since arriving in orbit. You will locate any colonists, and the cause of this distress as quickly as possible. The corporate liaison has requested that damages to the site be kept to a minimum. Squad assignments are as follows.
Alpha you are to hold the LZ until further notice, please ensure the safety of your medic's and engineers at all times, they are paramount to the success of this mission. Treat the wounded, medevac if appropriate, and ensure the surroundings of the LZ are secure.
Bravo, once unloaded you are to proceed south of the LZ and begin a counter clockwise sweep of the area. Any civilians you encounter are to be assisted to the LZ for Evac under strict direction from the corporation. You are to be pleasant to anyone you encounter within the colony. Rules of engagement for this mission are return fire only, that means no shooting, unless you are attacked by hostiles, is that understood?
Charlie, you are to proceed north of the LZ, and begin a clockwise sweep of the area of operation, the same rules that apply to bravo also apply to yourselves. Follow the rules of engagement to the letter please, and stick together.
Delta's role in this operation will be one of support. They will be a rapid deployment force, and their orders may frequently change. All squads please use drop ship two for the duration of this mission, as drop ship one shall not be used for the start of this operation.
Any questions?... No?... Okay then marines, Dismissed!"
"Good morning marines. I hope you've had a wonderful nap, are well fed, equipped and ready to deploy. I'll be keeping this briefing short and to the point, as the Intel I have available for the mission is limited.
Yesterday morning at XX hours our sensors picked up a distress beacon. Since that time we have navigated to, and are currently holding in a stable orbit around Weyland Yutani Colony, Lima Victor six two four. You will land within an area known locally as Lazarus landing, your objectives are simple marines.
At XX hundred hours we will dispatch all four squads to ascertain the reasons behind this distress call. We have received no radio traffic from the colony since arriving in orbit. You will locate any colonists, and the cause of this distress as quickly as possible. The corporate liaison has requested that damages to the site be kept to a minimum. Squad assignments are as follows.
Alpha you are to hold the LZ until further notice, please ensure the safety of your medic's and engineers at all times, they are paramount to the success of this mission. Treat the wounded, medevac if appropriate, and ensure the surroundings of the LZ are secure.
Bravo, once unloaded you are to proceed south of the LZ and begin a counter clockwise sweep of the area. Any civilians you encounter are to be assisted to the LZ for Evac under strict direction from the corporation. You are to be pleasant to anyone you encounter within the colony. Rules of engagement for this mission are return fire only, that means no shooting, unless you are attacked by hostiles, is that understood?
Charlie, you are to proceed north of the LZ, and begin a clockwise sweep of the area of operation, the same rules that apply to bravo also apply to yourselves. Follow the rules of engagement to the letter please, and stick together.
Delta's role in this operation will be one of support. They will be a rapid deployment force, and their orders may frequently change. All squads please use drop ship two for the duration of this mission, as drop ship one shall not be used for the start of this operation.
Any questions?... No?... Okay then marines, Dismissed!"
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
During a previous round as X.O I attempted to change the play by forbidding the construction of the FOB initially. I ordered that LZ two be secured and used as the primary medevac route. I role played that "There probably won't even be a need for a FOB". The story I expressed was somewhere along the lines of "What are we even doing here?". I moved marines to one squad (biggest mistake ever, even on low pop) and ordered the marines to work together in finding out what was happening on the colony. Although this didn't work as planned (most of the marines just built in Nexus anyway) I was hoping to have the engineers available to build pop up FOB's if the marines took heavy contact.RedOktober12 wrote:I'm a fan of the intention to do things differently, but you've not really outlined how you'd change that, beyond the critique you've given. What makes Jane Roche a less conventional Commander than others, and why will I remember rounds where she'#s the CO rather than somebody else? How exactly are you going to translate that intention into a playstyle, and can you give any examples?
Jane would not be the Iron fist CO unless dire circumstances made her. Instead she would take advice and opinions of her fellow officers, and act upon it frequently. She would greet her marines with a smile as well as returning their salutes. Her style would be strict, but with less micromanagement, allowing the X.O and S.O's more freedom to command individual squads, giving me more time for in depth Role play as Commander. It's honestly really difficult to say what would make Jane stand out, she's not a superwoman, she's not nice or evil. I would at least hope to offer a slightly different experience than other commanders, through my RP interactions alone.
I really like the idea of trying new strategies that aren't the default discussed in my application. Even if they aren't the best idea or could be doomed to failure, I'd attempt to formulate different strategies whenever I played in the role.
- RedOktober12
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- Byond: Redoktober12
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
That's good enough for me. I've seen you serverside frequently, and you're definitely a solid player. In fact, I think you were my first SL way earlier in the year. You fab enough then to keep me coming back. Your RP is solid, and you seem to be a really pleasant and agreeable person. More than enough for my +1.
I look forward to seeing what oblique stuff you can come up with. Even if they're not effective, at least the rounds will be interesting. The last thing I'm really interested in is how you'd respond when one of those strategies goes awry, as a lot of what makes a commander is how they respond in an emergency. When all the SLs are KIA, the comms are choked with equal parts stuttering calls for evac and demands to hold, what do you do?
You've got my plus one regardless. Look forward to seeing you in the role.
I look forward to seeing what oblique stuff you can come up with. Even if they're not effective, at least the rounds will be interesting. The last thing I'm really interested in is how you'd respond when one of those strategies goes awry, as a lot of what makes a commander is how they respond in an emergency. When all the SLs are KIA, the comms are choked with equal parts stuttering calls for evac and demands to hold, what do you do?
You've got my plus one regardless. Look forward to seeing you in the role.
Valentina McTavish 

- NoahKirchner
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
You're not bald and won't log out at roundstart, so +1.
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- Swagile
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
One of the few decent MP's around and their MP playstyle shows in how they would act as a XO.
Very considerate and tends to be patient, but harsh when they need to be.
+ 1
Very considerate and tends to be patient, but harsh when they need to be.
+ 1
- Szunti
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I was an SO in that round and it was a really pleasant experience. I thought Jane was much better than most of the already whitelisted commanders so joined the players who encouraged you to apply.Sephoris wrote:During a previous round as X.O I attempted to change the play by forbidding the construction of the FOB initially. I ordered that LZ two be secured and used as the primary medevac route. I role played that "There probably won't even be a need for a FOB". The story I expressed was somewhere along the lines of "What are we even doing here?". I moved marines to one squad (biggest mistake ever, even on low pop) and ordered the marines to work together in finding out what was happening on the colony. Although this didn't work as planned (most of the marines just built in Nexus anyway) I was hoping to have the engineers available to build pop up FOB's if the marines took heavy contact.
Jane would not be the Iron fist CO unless dire circumstances made her. Instead she would take advice and opinions of her fellow officers, and act upon it frequently. She would greet her marines with a smile as well as returning their salutes. Her style would be strict, but with less micromanagement, allowing the X.O and S.O's more freedom to command individual squads, giving me more time for in depth Role play as Commander. It's honestly really difficult to say what would make Jane stand out, she's not a superwoman, she's not nice or evil. I would at least hope to offer a slightly different experience than other commanders, through my RP interactions alone.
I really like the idea of trying new strategies that aren't the default discussed in my application. Even if they aren't the best idea or could be doomed to failure, I'd attempt to formulate different strategies whenever I played in the role.
In a later round you played an SL though. I joined after start, when I heard you on the channel as SL I was excited but by the time I reached the planet Jane fell apart, criticizing disobeying marines and went back to the Almayer to be demoted. That confuses me. You said you'd like to try new strategies, but the sad truth is that many tried and failed. Marines often ignore the commander or even start a mutiny if they don't get the familiar orders. As an XO you could handle the marines building the FOB when you told them not to, what is the difference? Asking for demotion when the marines fail you is not an option as commander in my opinion.
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
That round as SL I started getting fed up with half the squad leaving and being insubordinate. My patience wore thin, I was tired and lost confidence in the squad. I felt it best just to leave before I became too nasty, I had been awake for quite some time. As a commander, I wouldn't do such a thing because it would be irresponsible in the role, and would most likely get me a job ban. I just found that round I was babysitting and being ignored, more than squad leading.In a later round you played an SL though. I joined after start, when I heard you on the channel as SL I was excited but by the time I reached the planet Jane fell apart, criticizing disobeying marines and went back to the Almayer to be demoted. That confuses me. You said you'd like to try new strategies, but the sad truth is that many tried and failed. Marines often ignore the commander or even start a mutiny if they don't get the familiar orders. As an XO you could handle the marines building the FOB when you told them not to, what is the difference? Asking for demotion when the marines fail you is not an option as commander in my opinion.
- DrPng
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I've only seen you in game a few times but the few times I've seen you, you haven't been completely incompetent. This app is pretty ok in my standards, but my standards are probably flawed. I'll give this a +1, I hope you'll be a great CO.
I play Daniel Sullivan.
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
That's strange, I play every day during high and low pop. Thank's for your +1 and confidence in me, I hope I will make a decent CO too.DrPng wrote:I've only seen you in game a few times but the few times I've seen you, you haven't been completely incompetent. This app is pretty ok in my standards, but my standards are probably flawed. I'll give this a +1, I hope you'll be a great CO.

- Sneakyr
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I rarely see you as actual *command* staff. Typically, you're a marine, often a squad leader. I don't think I have to tell you that leading as command staff and as a squad leader are wildly, wildly different. I'm not going to vote yet, but unless I see more command playtime it's going to be a no from me since I have no idea how you'd function in the role.

I'm Frankie Day, resident SL along with various other roles.
- Sneakyr
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I saw you. You're good enough. Yes.

I'm Frankie Day, resident SL along with various other roles.
- WinterClould
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
If you do CO half as well as you MP, well, you'd do a damn fine job for sure.
Sadly I don't think its my place in the community to vote on these things yet since I only just joined the forums.
Best of luck to you tho, I mean it!
Sadly I don't think its my place in the community to vote on these things yet since I only just joined the forums.
Best of luck to you tho, I mean it!
Chen "DiscoKing" Westinton Proud recipient of the "Realest Nigga on the Bloc" Award. My Dossier, it's good. Trust me. Read it.
Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.

Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.

- Szunti
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Fine for me, even fed up, you announced multiple times that you will leave and gave command and the spec enough time to accept it. I still think you will be one of the best commanders.Sephoris wrote:That round as SL I started getting fed up with half the squad leaving and being insubordinate. My patience wore thin, I was tired and lost confidence in the squad. I felt it best just to leave before I became too nasty, I had been awake for quite some time. As a commander, I wouldn't do such a thing because it would be irresponsible in the role, and would most likely get me a job ban. I just found that round I was babysitting and being ignored, more than squad leading.
- caleeb101
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Good and experienced player, that's all I have to say +1.
Frank Jensen/Al 'Varez' Suarez
- Dolth
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Been playing CM for a long time and Roche does know how to lead properly between fun, RP, and results. Highly deserves that.
New signature 03/10/2018
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- ty55101
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I have seen you in game a few times as SO and I have some comments to make to add to this discussion.
When you play you seem to stay quiet mostly and only responding when you are addressed or when it is necessary. While this is fine for SO and XO, I think a commander should do more than just this. You're job is to have the entire marine side of the game enjoy themselves as much as possible. This means that you should be constantly trying to interact with all departments without just asking how they are doing. If the MPs seem to not be doing much have one come planetside to arrest someone or guard the doctor that is operating in the FOB. If engineering isn't doing much, have them make all the furniture in the CIC nice, or send a couple of them down to help out with the FOB. If there aren't that many patients for medical then have the researcher come up with some crazy concoction that will win the war. All of these are things I have seen commanders do and I support how much it makes the rounds for these departments more interesting. I cannot see you doing these things as a commander. You may be a competent commander and you may respond well to RP, but I do not think you have it in you to create these situations yourself.
This is a -1 from me because of this.
When you play you seem to stay quiet mostly and only responding when you are addressed or when it is necessary. While this is fine for SO and XO, I think a commander should do more than just this. You're job is to have the entire marine side of the game enjoy themselves as much as possible. This means that you should be constantly trying to interact with all departments without just asking how they are doing. If the MPs seem to not be doing much have one come planetside to arrest someone or guard the doctor that is operating in the FOB. If engineering isn't doing much, have them make all the furniture in the CIC nice, or send a couple of them down to help out with the FOB. If there aren't that many patients for medical then have the researcher come up with some crazy concoction that will win the war. All of these are things I have seen commanders do and I support how much it makes the rounds for these departments more interesting. I cannot see you doing these things as a commander. You may be a competent commander and you may respond well to RP, but I do not think you have it in you to create these situations yourself.
This is a -1 from me because of this.
This is how well the CM community understands the actual military.

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
Stats in signature: 3

Times had a fun round in CM: 100
Times cared about winning a round: 20
Stats in signature: 3
- Sephoris
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- Byond: Sephoris
Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
Thanks for your reply Ty#, I genuinely appreciate it, as it will help me improve my play style. I hope my response can clarify my position on certain aspects of my current play style.
As Commander I would certainly allow fun things for departments to do if they were quiet, or In the case something desperately needed doing that was mission critical. My character is quite laid back, and would approve most requests that weren't insane, or stupid. In the recent games I've played, you're lucky to get one or two MT's, Medical are stretched to breaking point, and the MP's are dealing with grey tide or griefers. Everything that happens in the game, depends on everyone else, and I would be fluid in my command approach. I know that even as a commander, you are just a character in the story of the round, with slightly more authority to change the direction of the story.
My communication style as Commander would be similar to my style as XO. I believe in the chain of command, and that information be passed up for the acting commander to analyse, and decide based on that. It should only be when things are going bad, or that something needs doing at once that the commander execute direct authority. If I remain radio silent, when people see that the acting commander is speaking, I hope to bring a sense of "Oh shit, it's the commander". In recent games as XO, I have passed on more management over squads to Staff Officers and it's worked surprisingly well. In a military operation, the Squad leaders do not speak directly to the five star general, they get their orders through the chain of command.
As Commander I would certainly allow fun things for departments to do if they were quiet, or In the case something desperately needed doing that was mission critical. My character is quite laid back, and would approve most requests that weren't insane, or stupid. In the recent games I've played, you're lucky to get one or two MT's, Medical are stretched to breaking point, and the MP's are dealing with grey tide or griefers. Everything that happens in the game, depends on everyone else, and I would be fluid in my command approach. I know that even as a commander, you are just a character in the story of the round, with slightly more authority to change the direction of the story.
My communication style as Commander would be similar to my style as XO. I believe in the chain of command, and that information be passed up for the acting commander to analyse, and decide based on that. It should only be when things are going bad, or that something needs doing at once that the commander execute direct authority. If I remain radio silent, when people see that the acting commander is speaking, I hope to bring a sense of "Oh shit, it's the commander". In recent games as XO, I have passed on more management over squads to Staff Officers and it's worked surprisingly well. In a military operation, the Squad leaders do not speak directly to the five star general, they get their orders through the chain of command.
- Youbar
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I've played a lot of rounds in Colonial Marines as the commander. When you're new to the role, it's very easy to make the assumption that you should attempt to replicate command structures used in real life. Unfortunately, this assumption falls on the reasoning that the people who you expect to pass on orders, and provide information to you, are actually competent at their roles. The reality is that you're going to have Bridge Officers fall asleep in their chairs just after briefing has finished, Bridge Officers who don't keep you updated on a given squad's situation, Squad Leaders who refuse to pass that information on to their assigned Bridge Officer, and Executive Officers who came on just for the all-access ID, and none of the responsibility. As a result, you have to take a very direct approach to commanding. After all, you're barely managing anything larger than a platoon, or a small company, which are often commanded by a single Lieutenant, and a (1) Sergeant. You need to constantly be asking what's happening, shifting around squads to attack, assist, and defend different locations, organise supply drops, coordinate requests for requisitions, assist with judicial action, and so on. I'll be perfectly honest. I've never had any respect for a commander who only intermittently chips it, and spends most of their time twiddling their thumbs, alongside bossing around their glorified secretary, the XO. Hearing your voice only once in the entire round suggests two things; you're disconnected from what's happening, and you're barely participating in the operation. There is no "oh, shit" moment. It's more of a, "this guy hardly cares about us, to the point that the only thing we hear from him is the order to retreat and attack".Sephoris wrote:My communication style as Commander would be similar to my style as XO. I believe in the chain of command, and that information be passed up for the acting commander to analyse, and decide based on that. It should only be when things are going bad, or that something needs doing at once that the commander execute direct authority. If I remain radio silent, when people see that the acting commander is speaking, I hope to bring a sense of "Oh shit, it's the commander". In recent games as XO, I have passed on more management over squads to Staff Officers and it's worked surprisingly well. In a military operation, the Squad leaders do not speak directly to the five star general, they get their orders through the chain of command.
Take this advice as you like. I'm a far more centralised commander, after all, and I'd sooner demote every Bridge Officer and Executive Officer that walked into the bridge than let them 'attempt' to assist me.
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
You know me.
Please take Youbar's advice seriously it is from far the smartest comment regarding how to comment I saw on CM since pre alpha.
You know me.
Please take Youbar's advice seriously it is from far the smartest comment regarding how to comment I saw on CM since pre alpha.
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- Sleepy Retard
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I disagree entirely with "The Chain of Command"
You have the most important voice, turn on all channels and give orders directly. You shouldn't be relying on others to give orders, it doesn't work like that.
You have the most important voice, turn on all channels and give orders directly. You shouldn't be relying on others to give orders, it doesn't work like that.

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- Sephoris
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Re: Jane Roche - Commander Application.
I agree Youbar, there will be times like you've suggested, playing X.O I've learned that the hard way. Commanding can turn into a perfect storm rather easily, it just takes one issue to completely throw a spanner in the works. If things do go wrong, or I'm left with incompetent people, I would have to take direct control. I would personally get reports if I felt there wasn't any information being disclosed, and act upon that. What I was trying to explain with what you quoted is my preferred style of command. Some rounds it would be possible, others completely impossible. On the communications thing, I would speak to give praise and such, I wouldn't be completely silent. I will have to constantly adapt my game style as commander if I am approved, in order to get better. Having not played as commander, I have to make assumptions as to how I'll play, based on my times in various section head roles and as X.O.