Heinz Kommandant App
- Bancrose
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- Byond: Bancrose
Heinz Kommandant App
Byond ID:
Player name you use the most:
Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
viewtopic.php?t=15969 - Went SSD as an SO(Lifted)
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I am fully aware and expect it to be removed if I do something that breaks a rule or is bad RP
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
I have read it quite a few times now and have witnessed it on multiple occasions and have come to the conclusion that it is a tool used by the Commander when it is completely necessary and have exhausted all other options. It is also noted that just because you can doesn't mean you should, You are removing another players ability to play the game and that it may ruin peoples rounds, But if someone is to be battlefield executed they have to deserved it. Aside from the negatives of doing it, it may also open a new situation for roleplay, and serves as an example to everyone that if you try to ruin the round or cause issues for people that it is the consequences of their actions that lead to the execution.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
I have read marine law numerous times and understand it well. Been present enough to see it applied to most of the cimes. It should also be noted that Marine law is a guideline for everyone to not be shit and cause problems for everyone else, and as the once great Beepsky said "I am the law". None of us are Beepsky so we should keep it that way.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
You are the leader of the marines, The brains of the operation. Making sure the marines get a briefing, working together with your XO and SO's to make a solid plan and coordinate with the marines to make sure that it goes according to plan. You should also make sure that the ship is running as efficiently as it can. Ensuring that each department head is doing their jobs. You should also keep in mind that you have a heavy impact on other players in the round so you should at least try and make it enjoyable for everyone, You're not above the law so please do not do whatever you want because you're not a Captain on other space station servers.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
I would often give people a warning, making sure that people remember the chain of command, Depending on the situation
Everyone is prone to making mistakes or bad calls but disobeying a direct order from the Commander must have a good RP reason for it or it will end in a hefty brig time or even execution. If your insubordination has killed anyone or has crippled the operation.
- Command Staff who would be insubordinate are subject to a demotion, a large brig time or flat out execution depending on the severity their actions, because if an SO decides to drop an OB when I said don't fire and it happens to kill a squads worth of marines, He is going to be demoted and brigged as accidents might happen, or even executed if he did it without even acknowledging his actions.
- Marines who are insubordinate will be subjected to brig times regarding the severity of their actions. A marine who is not deploying when you ordered him to can be brigged and dragged back onto the Dropship. Marines who are intentionally firing on other marines and injuring them without a very good reason will be permabrigged or BE'd.
- Civillians who think that they are not military personnel and therefore are exempt from Marine law will be treated as anyone else on the Almayer. A doctor who is giving unauthorized drugs out will be brigged. Maint Techs who think they can just change whatever they like will be brigged IMMEDIATELY.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I have been playing this game for quite longer than my forum account says. I have been in nearly every role, and have been playing a heavy amount of command roles. Primarily the SO and XO. I have put the time in necessary to have a good grasp on leadership. Taking control and leading marines when there is often an absent CO as XO/SO. As a Commander I think that I could bring some more fun and enjoyment for marines and perhaps even be the crutch everyone needs when things have gone south for the marines.
Player name you use the most:
Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
viewtopic.php?t=15969 - Went SSD as an SO(Lifted)
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I am fully aware and expect it to be removed if I do something that breaks a rule or is bad RP
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
I have read it quite a few times now and have witnessed it on multiple occasions and have come to the conclusion that it is a tool used by the Commander when it is completely necessary and have exhausted all other options. It is also noted that just because you can doesn't mean you should, You are removing another players ability to play the game and that it may ruin peoples rounds, But if someone is to be battlefield executed they have to deserved it. Aside from the negatives of doing it, it may also open a new situation for roleplay, and serves as an example to everyone that if you try to ruin the round or cause issues for people that it is the consequences of their actions that lead to the execution.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
I have read marine law numerous times and understand it well. Been present enough to see it applied to most of the cimes. It should also be noted that Marine law is a guideline for everyone to not be shit and cause problems for everyone else, and as the once great Beepsky said "I am the law". None of us are Beepsky so we should keep it that way.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
You are the leader of the marines, The brains of the operation. Making sure the marines get a briefing, working together with your XO and SO's to make a solid plan and coordinate with the marines to make sure that it goes according to plan. You should also make sure that the ship is running as efficiently as it can. Ensuring that each department head is doing their jobs. You should also keep in mind that you have a heavy impact on other players in the round so you should at least try and make it enjoyable for everyone, You're not above the law so please do not do whatever you want because you're not a Captain on other space station servers.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
I would often give people a warning, making sure that people remember the chain of command, Depending on the situation
Everyone is prone to making mistakes or bad calls but disobeying a direct order from the Commander must have a good RP reason for it or it will end in a hefty brig time or even execution. If your insubordination has killed anyone or has crippled the operation.
- Command Staff who would be insubordinate are subject to a demotion, a large brig time or flat out execution depending on the severity their actions, because if an SO decides to drop an OB when I said don't fire and it happens to kill a squads worth of marines, He is going to be demoted and brigged as accidents might happen, or even executed if he did it without even acknowledging his actions.
- Marines who are insubordinate will be subjected to brig times regarding the severity of their actions. A marine who is not deploying when you ordered him to can be brigged and dragged back onto the Dropship. Marines who are intentionally firing on other marines and injuring them without a very good reason will be permabrigged or BE'd.
- Civillians who think that they are not military personnel and therefore are exempt from Marine law will be treated as anyone else on the Almayer. A doctor who is giving unauthorized drugs out will be brigged. Maint Techs who think they can just change whatever they like will be brigged IMMEDIATELY.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I have been playing this game for quite longer than my forum account says. I have been in nearly every role, and have been playing a heavy amount of command roles. Primarily the SO and XO. I have put the time in necessary to have a good grasp on leadership. Taking control and leading marines when there is often an absent CO as XO/SO. As a Commander I think that I could bring some more fun and enjoyment for marines and perhaps even be the crutch everyone needs when things have gone south for the marines.
Last edited by Bancrose on 30 Jan 2018, 19:45, edited 1 time in total.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- Stripetail
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- Byond: Stripetail
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
I've had a lot of experience with you in the XO or SO seat. You're competent, and tend to make the rounds you play on very entertaining. That being said, you smell of KFC and disembodied heads, so I can only +1 this app if you share your sekret stash of KFC with Kincaid.
+1 Cool guy, always saves a Cigar for the peeps he likes, very competent leader most times.
+1 Cool guy, always saves a Cigar for the peeps he likes, very competent leader most times.
- WinterClould
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- Steam: 『WinterClould』
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Heinz is a damn find XO. His RP has a Swedish speaking gay Hindu with a lust for jewish women has always been extremely well done and weather it be as an LT or XO Heiny boy has never let anyone down. His app is well done, he's shown us all he knows his stuff, and he plays a damn fine man in a chicken suit.
Many marine majors and Grape Souto will come to the server if this man gets CO.
+1 For my boy.
Many marine majors and Grape Souto will come to the server if this man gets CO.
+1 For my boy.
Chen "DiscoKing" Westinton Proud recipient of the "Realest Nigga on the Bloc" Award. My Dossier, it's good. Trust me. Read it.
Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.

Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.

- biscuitsakimbo
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- Byond: BiscuitsAkimbo
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
+1, everyone knows you're competent and fun to play with. I'll unleash the +10 once you start packing them dips IC.

- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Good Roleplayer.
Is also black +1
Is also black +1
- BluntForce420
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- Byond: BLUNTFORCE420
- Jakkkk
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- Byond: Jakkkk
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
+1 this guy is the real deal, i'll be glad to see you as commander
Olaf's dossier: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16128
Mortimer: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=16195
Xarvis Ut'ur-era: viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17817
Synthetic Council Term One, along with Sleepy Retard and MattAtlas.
"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."
Mortimer: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=16195
Xarvis Ut'ur-era: viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17817
Synthetic Council Term One, along with Sleepy Retard and MattAtlas.
"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."
- thfoxpz
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- Byond: Thfoxpz
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
+1, solid app, knows how to RP and makes every round more interesting and fun to play.
He who strikes terror in others is himself continually in fear.
- Sir Lordington
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- Byond: Sirlordington
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Very, very, very good player. I'm going to miss having you as my XO. +1
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
- Bancrose
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- Location: The Summer Camp
- Byond: Bancrose
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
You boys think that XO Wulfe is going to die when If I get whitelisted? I'm still going to help out wherever I can boys. AND biscuitsakimbo are you biceps bro?
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- LocalizedDownpour
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Re: Heinz Kommandant App
If anyone deserves CO is Wulfe. He is a superb XO, so I'm sure he'll make a great CO as well. +1
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Every CO gets that first few minutes of uncertainty when the round begins, I wait to hear over comms as staff report in, and I get to see what I will be working with as CO, for better or for worse. EVERY SINGLE TIME I see Heinz on my command team either as SO and XO, I breathe a sigh of relief, which I am sure all other COs here do as well, because we know well enough Heinz can lead marine planetside, rally marines to an objective, raise morale, manage a squad effectively and even direct full scale offenses while us COs are off dealing with shipside issues. For me this ticks of every quality a CO can attain and I believe feweh sums it up quite well...

Except you are the MVP every round......

Except you are the MVP every round......
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Thatnewguy1
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- Byond: Thatnewguy1
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
I really don't like how you do announcements, the wulfe thing specifically. From what I've seen you are a great XO/ACO but going by your nickname as a commanding officer really gets on my nerves, its low RP in my own opinion. Stop that and ill give you a plus 1
Till then, gonna have to say no. -1
Till then, gonna have to say no. -1
Delta boys for life


- DriedMilk
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- Byond: Gabopwn
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
The best XO you can have as Command Staff, leads well and RPs well!

- Lukey111
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- Byond: Lukey111
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
He does have a point. An amazing XO and can plan extremely well, but being serious as a high command staff is a very important asset. It may make you funny and get some laughs in, but not for VERY high roles that require even more RP than an XO. neutral leaning towards 1-. When I see better RP, then will gladly give you a 1+.Thatnewguy1 wrote: ↑31 Jan 2018, 08:45I really don't like how you do announcements, the wulfe thing specifically. From what I've seen you are a great XO/ACO but going by your nickname as a commanding officer really gets on my nerves, its low RP in my own opinion. Stop that and ill give you a plus 1
Till then, gonna have to say no. -1
I play as Monday "Scatter" Williams, he is the guy that takes no one seriously, except his good friend, his work.

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Absolute nonsense, Heinz is quite literally one of the best RPers Ive worked with, my nickname is the name of a fucking cookie for gods sake, giving a minus one based on a nickname that if it had been low rp im sure staff would've mentioned it, is flat out rubbish, offer some constructive criticism instead of bashing on the dudes nickname.Thatnewguy1 wrote: ↑31 Jan 2018, 08:45I really don't like how you do announcements, the wulfe thing specifically. From what I've seen you are a great XO/ACO but going by your nickname as a commanding officer really gets on my nerves, its low RP in my own opinion. Stop that and ill give you a plus 1
Till then, gonna have to say no. -1
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Oaks
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Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Seems like just yesterday I was leading Alpha Heinz around LV. Had no idea he would turn out to be one of the best technical and RPing command staff players I've seen.
sally shears

- TehSpoderman
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- Byond: TehSpoderman
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
So you are not judging him because of his RP ability or his ability to command people, but rather judge him based on the way he does announcements? In my opinion, thats a really nitpicky thing to -1 someone. He is a good XO who can command and, from what people are saying, RP well. If you have a problem with how he does announcements, fine, but -1ing someone because of a really minor thing is really petty, in my opinion.Thatnewguy1 wrote: ↑31 Jan 2018, 08:45I really don't like how you do announcements, the wulfe thing specifically. From what I've seen you are a great XO/ACO but going by your nickname as a commanding officer really gets on my nerves, its low RP in my own opinion. Stop that and ill give you a plus 1
Till then, gonna have to say no. -1
Duke 'Oddshot' Stroh - The Bamboozler
Mentor: June 5th - September 1st
Check out my mapping dumping grounds: http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtop ... 14&t=14204 . It's where people share their mapping projects and ask for feedback. Check it out pls <3
Mentor: June 5th - September 1st
Check out my mapping dumping grounds: http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtop ... 14&t=14204 . It's where people share their mapping projects and ask for feedback. Check it out pls <3
- Thatnewguy1
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- Byond: Thatnewguy1
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
My point is, A high ranking military official that wants to keep the respect of his men doesn't get chummy and go by a nickname. hell, most nicknames that are given to commanding officers by their subordinates are meant to be rude and make fun of them, not something that sounds cool.taketheshot56 wrote: ↑31 Jan 2018, 15:13Absolute nonsense, Heinz is quite literally one of the best RPers Ive worked with, my nickname is the name of a fucking cookie for gods sake, giving a minus one based on a nickname that if it had been low rp im sure staff would've mentioned it, is flat out rubbish, offer some constructive criticism instead of bashing on the dudes nickname.
A prime example is Carson and the mean, rude nicknames surrounding his persona.
Or for one that is from real life. General Patton, who won most battles by throwing men at the problem till it was defeated. Earning him the nickname by his men "Old blood and guts". He wouldn't sign a letter Sincerly Old blood and guts" which is basically what a command announcement is.
A commander who tries to "Bond" with his grunts by going by his nickname instead of his actual name doesn't really fit. Imagine him getting promoted to the rank of commander and they address him "Wulfe" in the ceremony instead of Meuller.
Now, there are commanders in history with good reputations and earned a legendary title which he would be known by, they never went by it though.
Alexander the great didn't go around telling others to call him "the great" to shorten it.
in short. No high ranking commander that wanted to keep the respect and loyalty of his men went by his nickname and lasted long.
Delta boys for life


- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Your point makes no sense, this is fucking spessman not the actual marines...
The fact is, people enjoy serving with him and have no issue with it, you are going after him based on a nickname, really is petty to be quite honest, its not very fitting at all.
Comparing it to real life equates to nothing, this isnt real life, its a video game and people have fun when he is in command.
The fact is, people enjoy serving with him and have no issue with it, you are going after him based on a nickname, really is petty to be quite honest, its not very fitting at all.
Comparing it to real life equates to nothing, this isnt real life, its a video game and people have fun when he is in command.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Alky
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Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Eugh. It hurts me to see how far you've grown, but that's how misfit will always see you with these things, forever ignored~ but in any case, you're a well off XO and SO, 'cept for that one time when you were SL and you were cut pay, but hey it's in the past. You deserve it for being the CO, just... no more sneezing on me.
He's just a great pal to have on the command staff.
| +1 |
He's just a great pal to have on the command staff.
| +1 |
Ritona Sterling
Cynthia the Synthetic
- Thatnewguy1
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- Byond: Thatnewguy1
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
It's an ic issue, yeah, but you need to take into account this game is based around military structure and formalities. The CO is supposed to be a respected officer that does, in fact, has warrant to his own name. "Wulfe" isn't a Commander, Meuller is, Commander "Wulfe" isn't giving orders, Commander Meuller is.taketheshot56 wrote: ↑31 Jan 2018, 15:50Your point makes no sense, this is fucking spessman not the actual marines...
The fact is, people enjoy serving with him and have no issue with it, you are going after him based on a nickname, really is petty to be quite honest, its not very fitting at all.
Comparing it to real life equates to nothing, this isnt real life, its a video game and people have fun when he is in command.
Now, this is nothing as bad as ending every sentence with TA or something. It's just that being at least a semi-formal commander involves acting like a real one, to an upper limit anyway.
To be fair though, its a pretty petty thing that cant be used by itself to discredit his great ability at being a xo. I just expect a bit more formalness from a role that is whitelisted. changing to neutral but I'm still gonna complain and ask "Who is wulfe?" when he does his announcements as I always have when he has done it before.
Delta boys for life


- MacBlaze
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Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Great roleplayer, really nice guy, active in the community and is on every day since I can remember. He is the most fun to hear and play with. Makes rounds interesting, like that one time he got all of Alpha to loot prison station or when he was the chicken kommandant of the holy cargonian empire and detonated a nuke in Lambda Lab on a tribe round. +1
Johan 'Albrecht' Scherer, Greedy CT, kind MP and average grunt.
"Not all MP's are power-hungry authoritarians with a need to show their dominance over the average marine"
"Okay, too many people are talking here, were going to have race based voice talking, Heinz, your last because your black" -The Fuhrer Jan 2018
"A marine must always be alert, or else some baldie son of a bitch will sneak up on him and shoot him point blank in the head with buckshot!"
"Not all MP's are power-hungry authoritarians with a need to show their dominance over the average marine"
"Okay, too many people are talking here, were going to have race based voice talking, Heinz, your last because your black" -The Fuhrer Jan 2018
"A marine must always be alert, or else some baldie son of a bitch will sneak up on him and shoot him point blank in the head with buckshot!"
- Kesserline
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- Byond: JeanManche
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
Eh Heinz.
When rolling SL, I love to have a responsive competent, reactive and RP Command Staff, when you are in charge, I tend to get all of it.
I can't see a single reason, based on all the interactions I could have with you, that would discourage me to support your app.
Really, hoping you get through.
Big +1 from RO/Delta Lead.
For the nickname thing, this not a thing I use as an officer in official communications (RP context may vary this).
A nickname has an emotional connotation, to your character and other players' characters around.
I do not mind you using this, it is your signature, your way to roleplay.
Some will dislike it, and the majority will like it or not mind it.
Keep up the good work bro!
When rolling SL, I love to have a responsive competent, reactive and RP Command Staff, when you are in charge, I tend to get all of it.
I can't see a single reason, based on all the interactions I could have with you, that would discourage me to support your app.
Really, hoping you get through.
Big +1 from RO/Delta Lead.
For the nickname thing, this not a thing I use as an officer in official communications (RP context may vary this).
A nickname has an emotional connotation, to your character and other players' characters around.
I do not mind you using this, it is your signature, your way to roleplay.
Some will dislike it, and the majority will like it or not mind it.
Keep up the good work bro!
- WinterClould
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- Steam: 『WinterClould』
Re: Heinz Kommandant App
I literally have the nickname DiscoKing and I'm CO whitelisted. It feels like something very immature and nitpicky to minus one someone over. Especially when they do everything else well. I don't think Heinz needs anymore defending really, but I just needed to give my piece on that.
Chen "DiscoKing" Westinton Proud recipient of the "Realest Nigga on the Bloc" Award. My Dossier, it's good. Trust me. Read it.
Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.

Secondary Objective: Stay Safe, Stick Together, Kick the ass of anything that might need an ass kicking. If you find any booze bring it up to CIC for me please.
Not everyone who lost their life on Space Nam' died there. Not everyone who came home from Space Nam' ever left there.