John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
- I_Solve_Practical_Problems
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John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Byond ID: I_Solve_Practical_Problems
Player name you use the most: John ‘Devil’ Faust
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:None
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes, the Commander is to be held to a higher standard of RP than the average SO or marine. I acknowledge that the CO plays a keystone role in the round, and the ramifications of being a poor player will ruin the round. I vow to uphold the RP Guidelines, and will not break the Server Rules.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions? Yes, I understand that battlefield executions are to be used very sparingly, only when necessary. In my experience, BE’s are most frequently used in CIC/Briefing where there are more than enough MPs to resolve any problem. I think BE’s are sometimes mischaracterized as tools to make examples out of marines in order to enforce discipline. In my opinion, battlefield executions should exclusively be used for something so grievous upon the field of battle that only a Mateba can be the proper response. Cases such as the CO getting attacked while deployed on the colony where there is no hope of MP’s enforcing rule of law.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself? Yes, the Commander should never be enforcing marine law. Not only is it poor RP and against the rules, but attempting to enforce it or circumvent it leads to nepotism, corruption, and a multitude of other negative effects on the round.
What do you think is the job of a Commander? I see the Commander’s primary purpose being twofold: making the round more enjoyable for the marines under his command as well as diversifying the round itself.
A good CO will be able to coordinate the early round and roll with the punches as the battle with the Xenos develop, as well as ensuring the operation goes smoothly. This isn’t to say the commander is always trying to win at all costs, but instead knows what actions to take to hold the round together and maximize enjoyment. As an example, let’s say the marines get upset about attachments and are on the verge of rioting, a good CO knows how to address their concerns while contributing to the round. A bad CO would either be non-responsive or just BE someone in order to make an example out of them.
I also think the job of a CO is to innovate strategically. Nothing is more boring than going through the rote motions of Nexus->hydro->tfort/cargo blob on LV, and I would like to try new strategies as a CO just as I have in my XO position. Sometimes breaking the strategic meta will result in routs, or plays that turn out to be ineffective, but ultimately it gives the round a varied flavor while also being stimulating for SLs and SOs.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it? I think it depends on the severity of the infraction. If an SO seems new and is willing to learn, I would help try to guide them and give more specific directions. If an SO has found a better course of action than my own, I’d be willing to listen to their reasoning and integrate it into my own battle plan as the SO would intimately know their squad as well as having a more direct view of the battlefield. Likewise, if an SO makes a mistake such as OB FF, I'll try to talk to them and figure out what happened before sending them away in cuffs.
If an SO is intentionally and willfully working against my orders, for example demoralizing the men or causing a retreat, I’d ask them to stop it and restore order with their men. If they continue doing it, I would call for MPs and ask for the SO to be brigged for insubordination. I don’t think there should ever be a time when the CO BE’s someone in the CIC unless the CIC is in mortal peril. The CIC is not a battlefield, and a BE in the CIC in these cases is inappropriate and serves only as a gratuitous ego booster for the CO.
Why should you be whitelisted? Firstly, I’d like to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed playing Colonial Marines since I found out about it last August. I think the secret sauce of CM is not the mechanics or sprites (although they are very impressive!), but the community and the people playing. I am glad to count myself among that community, whether as an SO, XO, CL, or marine, and I hope to continue to give back to the community and contribute to rounds as CO if you think I’m ready for the position.
I think I should be whitelisted because of my OOC experience as well as my IC personality roleplay type. OOCly, I’ve been playing XO as often as the RNG lets me when I’m on for the past few weeks, and I think I’ve refined my strategy to a point where I’m comfortable fully taking the helm. I also played SO very frequently before my March hiatus, and I’m extremely comfortable in a command position. I’ve always tried to maximize RP and fun in my squads as well as using strategic planning.
ICly as an XO (and CO if I’m whitelisted), I try to play a fair, responsible, and serious character and avoid being too tough or non-serious. I want the marines to know that I have their back and am willing to go to bat for them. I try to encourage them, use some honest to God, humble humor, and make sure they’re prepared for whatever they may face. Of course, that’s not to say I try to be their best friend, sometimes the CO does need to put on a serious face and instill discipline. I also have high expectations about the performance of marines and will not hesitate to send them into a dangerous situation if it's worth the risk. I try to use novel tactics such as LZ2 FOBs/flanks on LV, double envelopment movements on Prison, or maneuver warfare on Ice. Sometimes these strategies fail miserably and the marines are evacuating at 13:20, but even if they do, I never shirk responsibility or create a scapegoat. Just as the marines should respect and answer to the CO, the CO has to respect and answer to the marines for his own mistakes.
I would like to thank y’all for reading my application, and I hope you’ll find me suitable for the CO role. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to quiz me on a thought experiment, I’d be more than happy to expand on my character, strategies, and ideas. Thank you!
Player name you use the most: John ‘Devil’ Faust
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:None
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes, the Commander is to be held to a higher standard of RP than the average SO or marine. I acknowledge that the CO plays a keystone role in the round, and the ramifications of being a poor player will ruin the round. I vow to uphold the RP Guidelines, and will not break the Server Rules.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions? Yes, I understand that battlefield executions are to be used very sparingly, only when necessary. In my experience, BE’s are most frequently used in CIC/Briefing where there are more than enough MPs to resolve any problem. I think BE’s are sometimes mischaracterized as tools to make examples out of marines in order to enforce discipline. In my opinion, battlefield executions should exclusively be used for something so grievous upon the field of battle that only a Mateba can be the proper response. Cases such as the CO getting attacked while deployed on the colony where there is no hope of MP’s enforcing rule of law.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself? Yes, the Commander should never be enforcing marine law. Not only is it poor RP and against the rules, but attempting to enforce it or circumvent it leads to nepotism, corruption, and a multitude of other negative effects on the round.
What do you think is the job of a Commander? I see the Commander’s primary purpose being twofold: making the round more enjoyable for the marines under his command as well as diversifying the round itself.
A good CO will be able to coordinate the early round and roll with the punches as the battle with the Xenos develop, as well as ensuring the operation goes smoothly. This isn’t to say the commander is always trying to win at all costs, but instead knows what actions to take to hold the round together and maximize enjoyment. As an example, let’s say the marines get upset about attachments and are on the verge of rioting, a good CO knows how to address their concerns while contributing to the round. A bad CO would either be non-responsive or just BE someone in order to make an example out of them.
I also think the job of a CO is to innovate strategically. Nothing is more boring than going through the rote motions of Nexus->hydro->tfort/cargo blob on LV, and I would like to try new strategies as a CO just as I have in my XO position. Sometimes breaking the strategic meta will result in routs, or plays that turn out to be ineffective, but ultimately it gives the round a varied flavor while also being stimulating for SLs and SOs.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it? I think it depends on the severity of the infraction. If an SO seems new and is willing to learn, I would help try to guide them and give more specific directions. If an SO has found a better course of action than my own, I’d be willing to listen to their reasoning and integrate it into my own battle plan as the SO would intimately know their squad as well as having a more direct view of the battlefield. Likewise, if an SO makes a mistake such as OB FF, I'll try to talk to them and figure out what happened before sending them away in cuffs.
If an SO is intentionally and willfully working against my orders, for example demoralizing the men or causing a retreat, I’d ask them to stop it and restore order with their men. If they continue doing it, I would call for MPs and ask for the SO to be brigged for insubordination. I don’t think there should ever be a time when the CO BE’s someone in the CIC unless the CIC is in mortal peril. The CIC is not a battlefield, and a BE in the CIC in these cases is inappropriate and serves only as a gratuitous ego booster for the CO.
Why should you be whitelisted? Firstly, I’d like to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed playing Colonial Marines since I found out about it last August. I think the secret sauce of CM is not the mechanics or sprites (although they are very impressive!), but the community and the people playing. I am glad to count myself among that community, whether as an SO, XO, CL, or marine, and I hope to continue to give back to the community and contribute to rounds as CO if you think I’m ready for the position.
I think I should be whitelisted because of my OOC experience as well as my IC personality roleplay type. OOCly, I’ve been playing XO as often as the RNG lets me when I’m on for the past few weeks, and I think I’ve refined my strategy to a point where I’m comfortable fully taking the helm. I also played SO very frequently before my March hiatus, and I’m extremely comfortable in a command position. I’ve always tried to maximize RP and fun in my squads as well as using strategic planning.
ICly as an XO (and CO if I’m whitelisted), I try to play a fair, responsible, and serious character and avoid being too tough or non-serious. I want the marines to know that I have their back and am willing to go to bat for them. I try to encourage them, use some honest to God, humble humor, and make sure they’re prepared for whatever they may face. Of course, that’s not to say I try to be their best friend, sometimes the CO does need to put on a serious face and instill discipline. I also have high expectations about the performance of marines and will not hesitate to send them into a dangerous situation if it's worth the risk. I try to use novel tactics such as LZ2 FOBs/flanks on LV, double envelopment movements on Prison, or maneuver warfare on Ice. Sometimes these strategies fail miserably and the marines are evacuating at 13:20, but even if they do, I never shirk responsibility or create a scapegoat. Just as the marines should respect and answer to the CO, the CO has to respect and answer to the marines for his own mistakes.
I would like to thank y’all for reading my application, and I hope you’ll find me suitable for the CO role. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to quiz me on a thought experiment, I’d be more than happy to expand on my character, strategies, and ideas. Thank you!
Billy 'Tex' Williams, the God-Fearing Cowboy from Tejas
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Never forget the LV-624 Xenomorph zoo +1, but for real the guy clearly knows how to play the command roles and would make a great CO.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- taketheshot56
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Last edited by taketheshot56 on 21 May 2018, 16:52, edited 1 time in total.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Westhybrid
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Faust is reliable, compared to most of the people waltzing through the role. Versatile in everything I've seen them play, wouldn't blink an eye at them playing CO.
+1 without a doubt.
+1 without a doubt.
Goes better with soup.
- Sulaboy
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Faust is a good lad. I see him on the ship, and sometimes he's getting into shenanigans, but usually he's doing his job and doing it well. I haven't had an eye on him while he's been in command roles before, but I know he has been, and I'm sure he does well. +1
Clancy 'Danger' Long
- DriedMilk
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Faust has been playing Command roles effectively for alot of time, it's surprising how he is not whitelisted yet.

- Bancrose
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Big ole +1
Good RP, Good German Gimmick that isn't cancerous.
Overall quite the guy to make the round funny I'd say.
Good RP, Good German Gimmick that isn't cancerous.
Overall quite the guy to make the round funny I'd say.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- Counter-Terrorist
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
+1. From what I seen so far from him while he is in command (He's in there a lot), he is truly able to command with no problem and simply can lead with zero issues. Any problems that arise would be dealt in a reasonable manner by him so it makes him a good RP'er.
- Retrokinesis
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Faust encouraged me to try SO for the first time when I was super nervous about screwing it up, then went SO himself and gave me advice on how to do it. Plays command roles very frequently and is extremely competent at them. Good RP in all roles, even PFC.
Of particular note to me is that I see a lot of CO whitelist applications where the applicant talks about wanting to do non-meta things and try new strategies. Faust as XO is one of the few I've seen actually back that up, even when it ends up not working out so well, and learn from it. Would be glad to see him as CO regardless of what I was playing at the time.
+1 with no hesitation
Of particular note to me is that I see a lot of CO whitelist applications where the applicant talks about wanting to do non-meta things and try new strategies. Faust as XO is one of the few I've seen actually back that up, even when it ends up not working out so well, and learn from it. Would be glad to see him as CO regardless of what I was playing at the time.
+1 with no hesitation
- Lukey111
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Good answers
Not many posts (Not that big of a deal for CO apps, but still counts)
Put good effort into the app.
Clearly, a lot of other people know you.
I'll slap a light +1 here.
Not many posts (Not that big of a deal for CO apps, but still counts)
Put good effort into the app.
Clearly, a lot of other people know you.
I'll slap a light +1 here.
I play as Monday "Scatter" Williams, he is the guy that takes no one seriously, except his good friend, his work.

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC
- Rohesie
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
I'm surprised it took them so long to start an application.
Seen them plenty in command as either my overwatch, fellow SO or underling with me as XO. I've yet to find fault in his performance. Always a relief to know you'll have a competent man in the position.
Seen them plenty in command as either my overwatch, fellow SO or underling with me as XO. I've yet to find fault in his performance. Always a relief to know you'll have a competent man in the position.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
- I_Solve_Practical_Problems
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Thank y'all for the wonderful comments thus far! I really appreciate them!
Thank you! That certainly wasn't my highest point as XO, but sometimes you need to make hay when the sun shines.taketheshot56 wrote: ↑21 May 2018, 16:51Never forget the LV-624 Xenomorph zoo +1, but for real the guy clearly knows how to play the command roles and would make a great CO.
Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback!Westhybrid wrote: ↑21 May 2018, 16:51Faust is reliable, compared to most of the people waltzing through the role. Versatile in everything I've seen them play, wouldn't blink an eye at them playing CO.
+1 without a doubt.
Heh, yeah I do enjoy my shenanigans but I generally keep it to MT and CL. I try to play a more somber XO and if I were to be whitelisted, I'd tone down my mischief. Thank you for the +1.
Thank you, Christine! I've always enjoyed being your XO, those rounds are always exciting.
Those silly Germans, always getting into trouble! Really though, you'd think we're in Munich in October with all the German gimmicks. What we really need is an Italian or French CO. In any case, thank you for the support!Bancrosexd wrote: ↑21 May 2018, 20:00Big ole +1
Good RP, Good German Gimmick that isn't cancerous.
Overall quite the guy to make the round funny I'd say.
Thanks! Sometimes it's draining to play command, but I really do enjoy the strategy. I'm also glad you enjoy the RP!Counter-Terrorist wrote: ↑22 May 2018, 01:42+1. From what I seen so far from him while he is in command (He's in there a lot), he is truly able to command with no problem and simply can lead with zero issues. Any problems that arise would be dealt in a reasonable manner by him so it makes him a good RP'er.
Thank you, I'm glad my help was useful to you. I always like helping new people to the CIC because it can be imposing. New faces also change the meta and keep the xenos on their scaly toes. Sometimes my strategies don't pay off, but I do try to learn from them and adjust into the future.Retrokinesis wrote: ↑22 May 2018, 03:49Faust encouraged me to try SO for the first time when I was super nervous about screwing it up, then went SO himself and gave me advice on how to do it. Plays command roles very frequently and is extremely competent at them. Good RP in all roles, even PFC.
Of particular note to me is that I see a lot of CO whitelist applications where the applicant talks about wanting to do non-meta things and try new strategies. Faust as XO is one of the few I've seen actually back that up, even when it ends up not working out so well, and learn from it. Would be glad to see him as CO regardless of what I was playing at the time.
+1 with no hesitation
Thank you for the +1. I'm relatively new to the forums, but I've been playing for a while and I like to think I have a decent presence on the server.
Thank you! I wanted to hold off on making the application until I refined my strategies and spent more time in the aCO chair, but I think I'm ready for the big step up.
Billy 'Tex' Williams, the God-Fearing Cowboy from Tejas
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
- Aceluke123
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Had this fellow as an XO when I was CO. Had to leave during the round sadly when I had things come up which pulled me out, but from what I’ve seen of him his attitude and confidence as well as how he leads looks very well done. I wouldn’t mind seeing him being a CO.
+1 from me
P.s. Sorry for leaving you alone in command the other day.
+1 from me
P.s. Sorry for leaving you alone in command the other day.
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
► Show Spoiler
- Lumdor
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Take my +1 you glorious XO.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- I_Solve_Practical_Problems
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
All good, man. I had that op locked down and even though we ended up losing the prison, we actually beat the xenos after some of the marines used the lower hanger ladder cheese. Thank you for the +1!Aceluke123 wrote: ↑23 May 2018, 16:52Had this fellow as an XO when I was CO. Had to leave during the round sadly when I had things come up which pulled me out, but from what I’ve seen of him his attitude and confidence as well as how he leads looks very well done. I wouldn’t mind seeing him being a CO.
+1 from me
P.s. Sorry for leaving you alone in command the other day.
Thanks, Lumdor! I hope I'll make a glorious CO too!
Edit: Sorry, I'll keep my responses to the big chunks in order to cut down on clutter. Best!
Last edited by I_Solve_Practical_Problems on 25 May 2018, 16:36, edited 3 times in total.
Billy 'Tex' Williams, the God-Fearing Cowboy from Tejas
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
John 'Devil' Faust, your friendly Southerner with German heritage
- Lukey111
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- Byond: Lukey111
Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Please don't keep replying to people's comments, it makes it hard to look at the comments when judging.I_Solve_Practical_Problems wrote: ↑25 May 2018, 09:51All good, man. I had that op locked down and even though we ended up losing the prison, we actually beat the xenos after some of the marines used the lower hanger ladder cheese. Thank you for the +1!
Thanks, Lumdor! I hope I'll make a glorious CO too!
I play as Monday "Scatter" Williams, he is the guy that takes no one seriously, except his good friend, his work.

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC
- Nicboone
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
+1, ran an event, this dude RP'd amazingly. he would be a great addition
Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"

- zoboomafoo
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
+1 this guy RP's, he's played long enough to know how to run things.
Lyla Pycroft
I play aliens a lot too
x 20 

I play aliens a lot too

- NGGJamie
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Re: John 'Devil' Faust - CO Application
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]
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I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.