Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
- Vampmare
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- Byond: Vampmare
Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Byond ID:
Player name you use the most:
Charles ‘Grey’ Malone or Tyrone ‘Legs’ Keeper.
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
viewtopic.php?t=16403 | Synth App - Denied
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes, of course.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes, I understand that the BE is only be used in the most dire of situations with an announcement afterwards explaining the reason. MPs and POW being exempt from this form of execution.
I personally see it as an intimidation factor. The fact that the Commander could kill you at any moment for any reason is enough to keep most in line, so I don’t see the need of actually fulfilling the threats of BE. I don’t see myself using, unless I could argue that it would improve the RP situation (Likely only the case in events).
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes, I do. I’m not sure I could even find the time to go around playing cop when you’re in a busy role as being acting Commander. Better to leave it for the MPs and CMP.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
IC’ly the job of the Commander is to be a beacon of light. He/she is there to save the day and make sure that the operation ends in a success. A noteworthy person that excels beyond what is required and a person that even the baldest marines could follow and gather behind.
OOC’ly, I would consider the role of Commander as a way of providing additional RP. The fact that it is a whitelist role sets the bar for a Commander operation high, but it also allows them to pull of some rather unorthodox plans. Most RP situations onboard of the ship will include the Commander and since you have both the XO and Commander, one of them will have the time to RP in those situations. It adds flavor to ship crew.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
It’s a very open question, as there is a lot of ways you can disobey orders, some minor and some major. I'm going to respond to the situation as Charles would, if I were to create a new character I might respond differently.
I would ask for reason, as it might be me that issued an order that was impossible to follow. If I were to conclude that the Lt was still in the wrong, I would remind them of their position. Charles is mostly a kind man, so this would be done in the form of a little banter. If the Lt continues to show hostility towards the plan, I would order him to deploy. That would leave him/her out of my way without causing any fuzz.
I would consider it major, when there is marine deaths or failure of a plan involved. I would first talk to the Lt. Try to convince him/her, that disagreeing in Command is of no use and we’re killing marines for no good. Depending on the response of the Lt, it would either be a small slap on wrist with me taking the blame of this failure or a Brig sentence for the Lt.
Disobeying orders is rarely done in ill intent and I haven’t really had any major issues happen to myself.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I’m not going to promise consistent new strategies that revolutionize things, as I’m not quite at that level yet and there are already other Commanders delivering it.
I’m going to promise a high standard of RP among the Command, I’ll do my best to provide not necessarily an exciting strategy plan, but a fun RP experience. This includes more personal interactions with the squads down to the lowest private. There’s a bit of a disconnect with the general marine outside of meta groups currently and that is something I would like to improve on. There is also a lack of Commanders around low-pop time, where I primarily hang out. I would love to be able to provide the experience of a Commander in those times.
Thank you for reading my application, any feedback is welcome.
Player name you use the most:
Charles ‘Grey’ Malone or Tyrone ‘Legs’ Keeper.
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
viewtopic.php?t=16403 | Synth App - Denied
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes, of course.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes, I understand that the BE is only be used in the most dire of situations with an announcement afterwards explaining the reason. MPs and POW being exempt from this form of execution.
I personally see it as an intimidation factor. The fact that the Commander could kill you at any moment for any reason is enough to keep most in line, so I don’t see the need of actually fulfilling the threats of BE. I don’t see myself using, unless I could argue that it would improve the RP situation (Likely only the case in events).
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes, I do. I’m not sure I could even find the time to go around playing cop when you’re in a busy role as being acting Commander. Better to leave it for the MPs and CMP.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
IC’ly the job of the Commander is to be a beacon of light. He/she is there to save the day and make sure that the operation ends in a success. A noteworthy person that excels beyond what is required and a person that even the baldest marines could follow and gather behind.
OOC’ly, I would consider the role of Commander as a way of providing additional RP. The fact that it is a whitelist role sets the bar for a Commander operation high, but it also allows them to pull of some rather unorthodox plans. Most RP situations onboard of the ship will include the Commander and since you have both the XO and Commander, one of them will have the time to RP in those situations. It adds flavor to ship crew.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
It’s a very open question, as there is a lot of ways you can disobey orders, some minor and some major. I'm going to respond to the situation as Charles would, if I were to create a new character I might respond differently.
I would ask for reason, as it might be me that issued an order that was impossible to follow. If I were to conclude that the Lt was still in the wrong, I would remind them of their position. Charles is mostly a kind man, so this would be done in the form of a little banter. If the Lt continues to show hostility towards the plan, I would order him to deploy. That would leave him/her out of my way without causing any fuzz.
I would consider it major, when there is marine deaths or failure of a plan involved. I would first talk to the Lt. Try to convince him/her, that disagreeing in Command is of no use and we’re killing marines for no good. Depending on the response of the Lt, it would either be a small slap on wrist with me taking the blame of this failure or a Brig sentence for the Lt.
Disobeying orders is rarely done in ill intent and I haven’t really had any major issues happen to myself.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I’m not going to promise consistent new strategies that revolutionize things, as I’m not quite at that level yet and there are already other Commanders delivering it.
I’m going to promise a high standard of RP among the Command, I’ll do my best to provide not necessarily an exciting strategy plan, but a fun RP experience. This includes more personal interactions with the squads down to the lowest private. There’s a bit of a disconnect with the general marine outside of meta groups currently and that is something I would like to improve on. There is also a lack of Commanders around low-pop time, where I primarily hang out. I would love to be able to provide the experience of a Commander in those times.
Thank you for reading my application, any feedback is welcome.
I have a few whitelists and a few characters...
- ghost120
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Grey is one of the best XO's around, im really happy to take a look at crew manifest and see Executive Officer Grey awake.
He communicates a lot, doesn't go silent and knows how to handle situation.
He would be a great CO, im looking forward to see him in on the field.
He communicates a lot, doesn't go silent and knows how to handle situation.
He would be a great CO, im looking forward to see him in on the field.
Leon "Ghost" Daemon
Chibi Leon by Okand37. Huge thanks to her!

- Vampmare
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- Byond: Vampmare
Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Thank you for the kinds words.
Always a pleasure to have great marines under me.
I have a few whitelists and a few characters...
- SaltyMouthful
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
As someone who has had the pleasure to be the CO of XO Malone, I cannot +1 this man enough. During some rounds when we're paired, I will give him a majority of the authority over the operation, and let them make the big decisions.
Not only are they competent but they are also a pretty good RPer
Not only are they competent but they are also a pretty good RPer
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
- DriedMilk
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
I've seen him as XO multiple times and he has done fine, for sure he is fit for the CO role.
I've seen him as XO multiple times and he has done fine, for sure he is fit for the CO role.

- FearTheBlackout
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Grey can totally be trusted as Commander. I always know a round is going to go better if he's XO! +1
Meztli 'Penumbra' Tlachi - reasonable, outgoing CMP WARRANT REVOKED; INVESTIGATION PENDING
Tonati 'Lumen' Tlachi - focused, sarcastic Doctor/Researcher
Bailey 'Androgyne' James - exactly what you'd expect
Dominick 'Umpire' Feldspar - creepy, slow-paced Officer
Dana 'Croc' Swartwout - dawdling, unsympathetic Squad Marine/Specialist
Damon 'Hellboy' Banner - satanic, pyromaniacal Squad Marine/Specialist
Amelia 'Green' Goodwin - senile, polite Corporate Liaison/Medical Researcher
Tonati 'Lumen' Tlachi - focused, sarcastic Doctor/Researcher
Bailey 'Androgyne' James - exactly what you'd expect
Dominick 'Umpire' Feldspar - creepy, slow-paced Officer
Dana 'Croc' Swartwout - dawdling, unsympathetic Squad Marine/Specialist
Damon 'Hellboy' Banner - satanic, pyromaniacal Squad Marine/Specialist
Amelia 'Green' Goodwin - senile, polite Corporate Liaison/Medical Researcher
- Arbs
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
I have served as an SO under this character and I have to say they have the attitude of a gentleman. Sets things in order in style and fits well to the role.
Even his other character is a good enigeer thats fun to have around.
Deserves a +1 from me.
Even his other character is a good enigeer thats fun to have around.
Deserves a +1 from me.

Commander Alan Jones
- Bancrose
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
I was your commander a few times. I left the op in your hands and you handled the stress of it quite well.
I also think the Character Tyrone you play is HRP and funny as fuck.
I also think the Character Tyrone you play is HRP and funny as fuck.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- Gnorse
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
He's been my XO a couple of times. Fantastic officer.
Took the lead quite well after I died.
Took the lead quite well after I died.
-local suicidal delta PFC. No, not murry, the other one- : Oussama 'DOA' Neghiz
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.

(Huge thanks to Okand37 for making this cute boi !)
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.

- Vampmare
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- Byond: Vampmare
Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
I can only thank you all for these kind words and return them in kind. It always adds a little extra fun to see any of you join CIC with me.
Thank you once again.
Thank you once again.
I have a few whitelists and a few characters...
- Retrokinesis
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
I've seen Grey as XO a lot recently and he's been very good in my experience, though I haven't been in the CIC much lately. And Tyrone has had consistently good RP when I've seen him as a marine so I know you can handle the RP side of being a CO.
I can feel very comfortable giving you a +1 here.
I can feel very comfortable giving you a +1 here.
- Rohesie
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Alright, after seeing you a bit from far away positions I had the pleasure of seeing you command with me as SL. It was a horrible round for me, my squad was very much not on point, and things went awfully. And you were great all through it.
+1 from me, you'll do a great Commander.
+1 from me, you'll do a great Commander.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
- MattAtlas
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
You're a good XO and a good roleplayer, you also made a new character to play XO.
It's a +1 from me, I really want to see you as a CO, you're very good at it.
It's a +1 from me, I really want to see you as a CO, you're very good at it.
I'm part of the Synthetic Council with ThesoldierLLJK and Jakkkk. Feel free to DM me on the forums or Discord (Matt#5881) if you have any questions about synths.
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
As others have said, somebody I love to work with. As CO, it would be awesome. +1.
I am Conner Scott.
- Kavlo
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Though I personally haven't seen you play command staff I've seen you a good bit ingame and you definitely know what you're doing. On top of that there is clear effort put into this application.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

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Mentor : 28th November 2016
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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Tyrone i'm going to stay neutral, my experience with you as PFC's / Deployment Front-line have been more memey and chargy to death then tactical and precise.
- Imperator_Titan
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
The app itself is good. Now I don't know you ICly or OOCly so I can't comment on you as a player. Once again, that may be due to myself being on vacation or time zones. I'll give you the benefit of doubt however. You also have vouches from staff and other players, so I'll keep that in mind.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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- Sargeantmuffinman
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
The general consensus of those who posted are quite positive.
I've also seen both characters in-game so that's good.
I've also seen both characters in-game so that's good.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
I don't like cute things.
Good hunting.
I don't like cute things.
Good hunting.
- NethIafins
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Application style: 9/10 - Readable. Good enough color choice
BE Answer: 7/10 - Sure, fine enough answer
"Disobey" Answer: 9/10 - Great answer
Reasonings: 5/10 - "adding additional RP" is not the reason, it's the result. It's unclear how you will provide said "additional RP" and who will partake in RP you described except Almayer HQ
Visibility: 9/10 - good XO/SO. No terrible notes.
Verdict: Pretty good application. I expect you to think more about why and how CO is different from XO
BE Answer: 7/10 - Sure, fine enough answer
"Disobey" Answer: 9/10 - Great answer
Reasonings: 5/10 - "adding additional RP" is not the reason, it's the result. It's unclear how you will provide said "additional RP" and who will partake in RP you described except Almayer HQ
Visibility: 9/10 - good XO/SO. No terrible notes.
Verdict: Pretty good application. I expect you to think more about why and how CO is different from XO

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
- Cold Rain, Swirekster 2017, Twisted Insurrection OST
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Charles 'Grey' Malone - Ready for his promotion
Resolved - Accepted; Whitelist should be in next round.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.