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- Byond: Arbs
by Arbs » 09 Jun 2018, 21:29
Byond ID: Arbs
Player name you use the most: Alan Jones
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes. Rules are there for everyone to follow, despite of their status or position. When rules are broken punishments are also delivered accordingly.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes. The privilege of battlefield executions allows a Commander to enforce his authority on any crew member that he feels is a threat to the integrity of the operation, order on the ship and so on. While a battlefield execution is under the discretion of the commander, a reason must be given nonetheless, and if proven to be insufficient the whitelist privilege may be revoked by staff.
Certain parties cannot be executed, such as MPs/CMP and any prisoner detained or under the protection of Marine law.
It also differs from Marine Law executions in which the CO is not allowed to partake.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes. Marine law may only be enforced by the MPs/CMP.After all I am simply part of the ship’s command. While I may report people to the MPs I may not enforce the law myself. My job is to lead the operation along with my command staff.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The proper job of a commander is to make use of their authority and leadership skills to ensure that orders are properly assigned and followed, maintain cohesion in organization, maintain order within the command structure and ensure information flows properly within the command structure. Secondarily they may also ensure that ship-side services (requisitions, engineering, medical, etc.) properly function to contribute as much as they can for operation.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
There are different approaches for different cases in such scenario.
Sometimes this may happen due to an unexperienced or unaware officer. In such case the proper course of action is to repeat the order again and have them properly follow it this time.
In cases of intended insubordination, where the explaination given by said person is not good enough, such as an officer or marine simply refusing to execute or follow his order, marine law applies up to a demotion.
Depending on the severity of the action (as a result of their insubordination marine lives are lost or the operation is severely impeded or causes a failure) a battefield execution may be considered as an option.
Basically the course of action in this case will range from a warning to marine law or execution, depending on the severity and reason/explanation for it.
In cases where a member of your command staff not only openly refuses your orders but also attempts to overpower them, a mutiny charge may apply in accordance with marine law or a battlefield execution will be done to spare the time and headache.
Then in cases of intended malicious LRP or plain shittery/assholes that do nothing but cause a headache or problems to everyone a BE will be happening right away unless marine law applies and the MPs respond properly.
Generally Battlefield executions are a last resort in dealing with problems that alternatives such as marine law or reaching understandings cannot solve or react to. As such I would rather make use of those alternatives and reasoning as much as possible before going for the BE.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I have been playing command roles for quite a long time now. Mainly playing as an SO, I have always wanted to step it up to the Commander position eventually.
I do believe I have the skills needed to provide leadership as a commander as well as maintain coordination between marines and different departments.
I can also contribute by adding in to the roleplay in interactions with other players and events.
For the most part I have been an active player and have often had the chance to serve under many prominent Commanders, CMPs and to generally gather plenty of experience in many aspects of the game, which I can utilise in bringing more action, fun or insight to a round.
All in all I do believe that I am capable and can be trusted with the commander position and that I will try my best to add as much as I can to the round.

Commander Alan Jones
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- Byond: Omicega
by Omicega » 09 Jun 2018, 21:41
My man, this has been far too long in the pipeline.
I can't +1 this any harder.
I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
Sleepy Retard
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by Sleepy Retard » 09 Jun 2018, 22:17
Literally no clue why this wasn't made seven months ago
+1 for a consistently good SO who keeps you informed on anything, and an XO who talks on every channel and tries to coordinate to the best of his abilities. Also a good rper lad
I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.
Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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- Byond: Sulaboy
- Steam: Danger
by Sulaboy » 09 Jun 2018, 22:23
When I first day Alan Jones I didn't think much of him, but when I started to see more of him (mostly SO) I've gotten nothing but good experiences from him. He role plays well, and I think he knows how command functions well. +1
Clancy 'Danger' Long
Sir Lordington
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- Byond: Sirlordington
by Sir Lordington » 09 Jun 2018, 22:30
Took you long enough, scrub.
He's very good. Please when you get CO don't stop playing SO/XO. I need my coffee.
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
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- Byond: LeBaguette
by Park » 09 Jun 2018, 22:57
Why wasn't this submitted sooner, Alan. Literally the rock of the CIC. +1
한번 해병은 영원한 해병
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- Byond: Karmac
- Steam: Karmac
by Karmac » 09 Jun 2018, 22:57
It's literally Alan fucking Jones
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Karmac on 09 Jun 2018, 23:00, edited 1 time in total.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
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- Byond: Bancrose
by Bancrose » 09 Jun 2018, 22:57
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel


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- Byond: Rohesie
by Rohesie » 10 Jun 2018, 00:31
Very high activity, very competent and a good player in general. Well-known by almost anyone active enough in 2018, I believe you should be pretty much consensus by now.
I won't stop sharing my concerns though: you are full of fire, and a few times you burn too hot in situations where you could profit from a little colder blood. But that's to be expected with someone as involved as you are.
Your overall effect in the game, however, is a very net positive, and if you don't deserve the Commander role I'm not sure who else does.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
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- Byond: Pedroca2lucas
by Pedroca2lucas » 10 Jun 2018, 03:25
Let's go! +1
Marine: Tony 'Blank' Anders
Synth: Yuki
Mentor: 11/13/2018
Usually playing as:
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- Byond: CSolaris
by CSolaris » 10 Jun 2018, 03:44
I could get behind CO Jones, along with his faithful orange tabby Jones. +1
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- Byond: MattAtlas
by MattAtlas » 10 Jun 2018, 05:18
I'm wondering why you didn't make this earlier, honestly.
I'm part of the Synthetic Council with ThesoldierLLJK and Jakkkk. Feel free to DM me on the forums or Discord (Matt#5881) if you have any questions about synths.
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- Byond: Ghost120
by ghost120 » 10 Jun 2018, 06:20
Hell yeah, boi
Leon "Ghost" Daemon 
Chibi Leon by Okand37. Huge thanks to her!
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- Byond: Arbs
by Arbs » 10 Jun 2018, 18:44
Heyhey. Thanks for the support friends! Ill do my best to make it back to everyone if this gets through.
I had this planned for a long time. I couldnt make an application sooner due to a medical job ban that i had been carrying from my rookie days that took me a while to lift.
But nonetheless better late than never, so here it is. I just hope to make something good out of it while I’m still around.
Thanks again and see you around spacemen! Feel free to give me some advice or ask about any concerns. Feedback is always appreciated.
Last edited by
Arbs on 14 Jun 2018, 11:00, edited 1 time in total.

Commander Alan Jones
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- Byond: MauroVega
- Steam: maurovega176
by MauroVega » 10 Jun 2018, 18:48
Finally, now to get memed by the CO
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- Byond: VitorThauma
by VitorThauma » 10 Jun 2018, 19:47
Yes please +1
Sarah Powers | Susan Kingston
Mentor from 20 Jul 2017 - 08 Oct 2017
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- Byond: Gnorse
- Steam: Gnorse2
by Gnorse » 10 Jun 2018, 20:27
I don't think anyone has an actual reason for this to be denied.
-local suicidal delta PFC. No, not murry, the other one- :
Oussama 'DOA' Neghiz
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.

(Huge thanks to Okand37 for making this cute boi !)
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- Byond: Gabopwn
by DriedMilk » 11 Jun 2018, 02:01
Why the fuck aren't you whitelisted yet you lil' shit jesus christ.
Literally one of the best command playera in the entire fucking game and he isn't whitelisted because reasons.
Captain of the USS Almayer
CPT Christine 'Rabies' Kennel
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- Byond: x31stOverlord
by x31stOverlord » 11 Jun 2018, 02:46
It's Alan Jones.
Alan Jones is good.
Alan Jones is Commander capable.
Alan Jones gets my +1.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz
Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO,
Synthetic Unit Joshua
Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP
Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)
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- Byond: Steelpoint
by Steelpoint » 11 Jun 2018, 02:50
Maybe experience as a Commander will encourage Mr Alan to follow orders more often as a PFC.
Good guy nonetheless. +1
This is war, survival is your responsibility.
Alan Bentway: Marine
Kwei Ikthya-de: Predator
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- Byond: Caleboz45
by caleeb101 » 11 Jun 2018, 08:06
i wanna say no because alan is a dick
but i can't
Frank Jensen/Al 'Varez' Suarez
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- Byond: Devildabeast
by FearTheBlackout » 11 Jun 2018, 20:53
I've heard positive things about Jones and seen him enough in-game to know that he's plenty deserving of a Commander whitelist. +1!
Meztli 'Penumbra' Tlachi - reasonable, outgoing CMP WARRANT REVOKED; INVESTIGATION PENDING
Tonati 'Lumen' Tlachi - focused, sarcastic Doctor/Researcher
Bailey 'Androgyne' James - exactly what you'd expect
Dominick 'Umpire' Feldspar - creepy, slow-paced Officer
Dana 'Croc' Swartwout - dawdling, unsympathetic Squad Marine/Specialist
Damon 'Hellboy' Banner - satanic, pyromaniacal Squad Marine/Specialist
Amelia 'Green' Goodwin - senile, polite Corporate Liaison/Medical Researcher
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- Byond: Adralimas
by Adralimas » 14 Jun 2018, 00:06
A good muhreen and good muhreen leader, Competent SO and XO and devious in terms of getting himself arrested for the sake of stealing shit from engineering. +1, Good resourceful player.
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- Byond: Vampmare
by Vampmare » 14 Jun 2018, 04:00
An excellent lad both in the CIC tower and as a private in delta.
I agree with most of the praise already given, so I can only +1
I have a few whitelists and a few characters...
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- Byond: ThesoldierLLJK
- Steam: thesoldier20
by ThesoldierLLJK » 16 Jun 2018, 15:27
+1 One of the better XO to work for as an SO, and awesome SO to have under you as an XO.
He RP's, communicates, and listens and analyzes.